import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Poll } from '../../core/models/poll.model'; import { ModalService } from '../../core/services/modal.service'; import { PollService } from '../../core/services/poll.service'; import { DateService } from '../../core/services/date.service'; import { PollUtilities } from '../old-stuff/config/PollUtilities'; import { Comment } from '../../core/models/comment.model'; @Component({ selector: 'app-consultation', templateUrl: './consultation.component.html', styleUrls: ['./consultation.component.scss'], }) export class ConsultationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public isCompactMode = false; public poll: Poll; public pollSlug: string; public passHash: string; public fetching = true; public isArchived: boolean; public myVoteStack: any = { id: '', }; public myTempVoteStack: any = { id: '', }; private routeSubscription: Subscription; constructor( private router: Router, private utils: PollUtilities, private _Activatedroute: ActivatedRoute, public pollService: PollService, public dateService: DateService, private modalService: ModalService ) {} ngOnInit(): void { console.log('constultation de poll'); this.pollService.poll.subscribe((newpoll: Poll) => { this.poll = newpoll; if (newpoll) { this.isArchived = new Date(newpoll.expiracy_date) < new Date(); this.poll.is_archived = this.isArchived; } }); this._Activatedroute.paramMap.subscribe((params) => { console.log('params', params); this.pollSlug = params.get('slug'); this.passHash = params.get('hash'); console.log('hash, slug', this.passHash, this.pollSlug); if (this.passHash) { this.pollService.loadPollBySlugWithPasswordHash(this.pollSlug, this.passHash); } else { this.pollService.loadPollBySlug(this.pollSlug).then((resp) => { console.log('resp', resp); this.fetching = false; }); } }); } ngOnDestroy(): void { if (this.routeSubscription) { this.routeSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } updateVote(myVoteStack: boolean) { alert('TODO'); } addVoteStack() { alert('TODO'); } /** * export all the poll data available to the public as a CSV single file */ exportCSV() { let rows = []; const now = new Date(); const headers = [ ['export de sondage Framadate ', this.poll.custom_url], ['le', now.toISOString()], [, this.poll.title, this.poll.custom_url, this.poll.creation_date], ['pseudo'], ]; const listOfChoices = ['choices : ']; => { listOfChoices.push(; }); listOfChoices.push('pseudo'); => { const voteStackInArray = [voteStack.pseudo]; const keysVotes = Object.keys(voteStack.votes); => { voteStackInArray.push(voteStack.votes[id].value ? voteStack.votes[id].value : ''); }); rows.push(voteStackInArray); }); const headersComments = [['comments'], ['pseudo', 'text', 'creation_date']]; const comments = []; Comment) => { comments.push([item.pseudo, item.text, new Date(item.created_at), '\n']); }); headers.push(listOfChoices); rows = [headers, listOfChoices, rows, headersComments, comments]; const convertedCsv = rows .map((elem) => { console.log('elem', elem); return elem .map((item) => { console.log('item', item); if (typeof item === typeof Array) { return item.join('\n'); } return item; }) .join('\n'); }) .join('\n'); console.log('rows', rows); console.log('convertedCsv', convertedCsv); const csvContent = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + convertedCsv; console.log('csvContent', csvContent); const encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', encodedUri); const exportFileName = (this.poll.urlPublic ? this.poll.urlPublic : this.utils.makeSlug(this.poll)) + '_export_' + new Date() + '.csv'; link.setAttribute('download', exportFileName); document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF; // This will download the data file named "my_data.csv". } exportJson() {'export_poll_' + this.pollSlug + '.json', JSON.stringify(this.poll)); } download(filename, text) { const element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text)); element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element);; document.body.removeChild(element); } duplicate() { alert('TODO'); } print() { alert('TODO'); } }