import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Inject, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { PollService } from '../../../../../core/services/poll.service'; import { environment } from '../../../../../../environments/environment'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { DateUtilitiesService } from '../../../../../core/services/date.utilities.service'; import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common'; import { StorageService } from '../../../../../core/services/storage.service'; import { DateChoice, TimeSlices, timeSlicesProposals } from '../../../../../core/models/dateChoice.model'; import { ToastService } from '../../../../../core/services/toast.service'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-step-four', templateUrl: './step-four.component.html', styleUrls: ['./step-four.component.scss'], }) export class StepFourComponent implements OnInit { public urlPrefix: any; public environment = environment; @Input() step_max: any; @Input() form: any; showSameTimeSlices: boolean = false; timeSlicesProposals: TimeSlices[] = timeSlicesProposals; display_same_hours_dialog: boolean = false; constructor( private dateUtilitiesService: DateUtilitiesService, private router: Router, private toastService: ToastService, private translate: TranslateService, private cd: ChangeDetectorRef, @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any, private storageService: StorageService, public pollService: PollService ) { this.pollService.step_current = 4; } ngOnInit(): void {} /** * toggle hasSeveralHours to show an other form section * so that the user can choose between time slices applying equally to all days in her form, * or have the ability to define different times lices for each day */ toggleHasSeveralHours() { this.pollService.form.patchValue({ hasSeveralHours: !this.pollService.form.value.hasSeveralHours, }); } addChoiceForDay(day_id, dayChoice: DateChoice): void { let lastDateChoice = this.pollService.dateChoiceList[this.pollService.dateChoiceList.length]; let lastDateChoiceObject = this.dateUtilitiesService.addDaysToDate( this.pollService.dateChoiceList.length, new Date() ); if (lastDateChoice && lastDateChoice.date_object) { lastDateChoiceObject = lastDateChoice.date_object; } else { lastDateChoiceObject = new Date(); } dayChoice.timeSlices.push({ literal: '', }); dayChoice.timeSlices.sort((a: any, b: any) => { return a.date_object - b.date_object; }); this.focusOnChoice(day_id, this.storageService.dateChoices.length - 1); } focusOnChoice(day_id, index): void {; const selector = '#day_' + day_id + '_dateChoices_' + index; const elem = this.document.querySelector(selector); if (elem) { elem.focus(); } } addPreselect(literal: string) { if ( !this.pollService.timeList.find((elem) => { return elem.literal === literal; }) ) { this.pollService.timeList.push({ literal }); } } applyTimeSlicesToDateChoices() { let timeSlicesToApply = this.pollService.timeList; this.pollService.dateChoiceList.forEach((elem) => { return (elem.timeSlices = Object.create(timeSlicesToApply)); }); this.closeModalAndFocusOnOpenModalButton(); } /** * on modal close, focus on the close button for accessibility */ closeModalAndFocusOnOpenModalButton() { this.display_same_hours_dialog = false; let buttonClose = this.document.querySelector('#apply_same_hour'); if (buttonClose) { buttonClose.focus(); } } /** * open the modal to set the same timeslices to all days */ openModal() { this.display_same_hours_dialog = true;; let buttonClose = this.document.querySelector('#close_dialog'); console.log('openModal', buttonClose); if (buttonClose) { buttonClose.focus(); } } removeHour(day_id, dayChoice, id: number) { dayChoice.splice(id, 1);; this.focusOnChoice(day_id, id - 1 < 0 ? 0 : id - 1); this.translate.get('success.deleted_option').subscribe((resp) => { this.toastService.display(`${resp}`); }); } }