import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Resolve, Router, RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router'; import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Answer } from '../enums/answer.enum'; import { Choice } from '../models/choice.model'; import { Poll } from '../models/poll.model'; import { User } from '../models/user.model'; import { ApiService } from './api.service'; import { ToastService } from './toast.service'; import { UserService } from './user.service'; import { UuidService } from './uuid.service'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class PollService implements Resolve { private _poll: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(undefined); public readonly poll: Observable = this._poll.asObservable(); constructor( private router: Router, private apiService: ApiService, private userService: UserService, private uuidService: UuidService, private toastService: ToastService ) {} public async resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Promise { const segments: string[] = state.url.split('/'); const wantedSlug: string = segments.includes('poll') ? segments[segments.indexOf('poll') + 1] : ''; if (!wantedSlug && state.url.includes('administration')) { // creation of new poll const poll = new Poll(this.userService.getCurrentUser(), this.uuidService.getUUID(), '');; this.router.navigate(['poll/' + poll.slug + '/administration']); } if (!this._poll.getValue() || !this._poll.getValue().slug || this._poll.getValue().slug !== wantedSlug) { await this.loadPollBySlug(wantedSlug); } if (this._poll.getValue()) { return this._poll.getValue(); } else { this.router.navigate(['page-not-found']); return; } } public async loadPollBySlug(slug: string): Promise { const poll: Poll | undefined = await this.apiService.getPollBySlug(slug); console.log({ loadPollBySlugResponse: poll }); this.updateCurrentPoll(poll); } public updateCurrentPoll(poll: Poll): void {; } public async saveCurrentPoll(): Promise { const pollUrl: string = await this.apiService.createPoll(this._poll.getValue()); // TODO: Maybe handle the url to update currentPoll according to backend response if (pollUrl) { this.toastService.display('Le sondage a été enregistré.'); } else { this.toastService.display('Le sondage n’a été correctement enregistré, veuillez ré-essayer.'); } } public saveParticipation(choice: Choice, user: User, response: Answer): void { const currentPoll = this._poll.getValue(); currentPoll.choices.find((c) => c.label === choice.label)?.updateParticipation(user, response); this.updateCurrentPoll(currentPoll); this.apiService.createParticipation(currentPoll.slug, choice.label, user.pseudo, response); this.toastService.display('Votre participation au sondage a été enregistrée.'); } public async deleteAllAnswers(): Promise { await this.apiService.deletePollAnswers(this._poll.getValue().slug); this.toastService.display('Les participations des votants à ce sondage ont été supprimées.'); } public async addComment(comment: string): Promise { await this.apiService.createComment(this._poll.getValue().slug, comment); this.toastService.display('Votre commentaire a été enregistré.'); } public async deleteComments(): Promise { await this.apiService.deletePollComments(this._poll.getValue().slug); this.toastService.display('Les commentaires de ce sondage ont été supprimés.'); } public buildAnswersByChoiceLabelByPseudo(poll: Poll): Map> { const pseudos: Set = new Set(); poll.choices.forEach((choice: Choice) => { choice.participants.forEach((users: Set) => { users.forEach((user: User) => { pseudos.add(user.pseudo); }); }); }); const list = new Map>(); pseudos.forEach((pseudo: string) => { list.set( pseudo, new Map( Choice) => { return [choice.label, undefined]; }) ) ); }); poll.choices.forEach((choice: Choice) => { choice.participants.forEach((users: Set, answer: Answer) => { users.forEach((user: User) => { list.get(user.pseudo).set(choice.label, answer); }); }); }); return list; } }