import {Component, Input, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {ConfigService} from "../../../services/config.service"; import {mockPoll3} from "../../../config/mocks/mock-poll3"; @Component({ selector: 'framadate-voting-summary', templateUrl: './voting-summary.component.html', styleUrls: ['./voting-summary.component.scss'] }) export class VotingSummaryComponent implements OnInit { preferred: string = 'rien'; counters: any = {}; @Input() pollconfig = mockPoll3; constructor(private config: ConfigService) { } ngOnInit() { this.computePreferred(); } /** * find the most "yes" */ computePreferred() { let maximumYesCount = 0; let choice_id_max = 0; let winners_id = []; this.pollconfig.stacks.forEach(stack => { => { let choice_id = vote.choice_id; let answer = vote.text; if (!this.counters["choice_" + choice_id]) { this.counters["choice_" + choice_id] = { yes: 0, maybe: 0, no: 0, } } this.counters["choice_" + choice_id][answer]++; if (this.counters["choice_" + choice_id]['yes'] > maximumYesCount) { choice_id_max = choice_id; } }) // find the favourite }); console.log('choice_id_max', choice_id_max); console.log(' this.pollconfig.choices', this.pollconfig.choices); let choiceTitleFound = this.pollconfig.choices.find(elem => { console.log('elem', elem); return == choice_id_max }); this.preferred = choiceTitleFound.text; console.log('choiceTitleFound', choiceTitleFound) } }