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This commit is contained in:
Tykayn 2024-10-22 00:26:28 +02:00 committed by tykayn
parent 2c3cb0a5eb
commit e6a14ba84d
3 changed files with 85 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Valérie BARTKOWIAK,"43 rue Laennec, 29490 GUIPAVAS",29490,2,0603234834,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,french;english,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Alison RICHARD,"142 route de Darnétal, 76000 Rouen",76000,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Anne-Claire DESSE,"110 Bd Michelet, 44000 Nantes (Service de Santé des Etudiants)",44000,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,
Charline DIDIER,"7 Rue de Bourgogne, 69009 Lyon",69009,1,0981358948,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Pierre DE TROGOFF,"103 avenue de la République, 75011 Paris",75011,1,,,unknown,yes,yes,yes,,yes,,,french;english,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Philippe DESSARD,"6 Boulevard de la Boutière, 35760 Saint-Grégoire",35760,2,,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,yes,,,yes
Céline DELPOUVE PARCOIT,"150 rue Verlyck, 59190 Hazebrouck",59190,1,0678604740,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Gaëlle PERRILLAT BOITEUX,"5 route des Besseaux, 74230 Thônes",74230,1,0768510762,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,french;english;spanish,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Eléonore BELINKI,"Cabinet des Canuts, 32 Rue Valentin Couturier, 69004 Lyon",69004,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Louis LECARME,"166 avenue de Castres, 31500 Toulouse",31500,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,
Emilie RACHET,"Cabinet de la Tour, 2 rue des fossés, 78 550 Houdan",,1,0973032166,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Mathieu HENNON,"1 rue Roger Salengro, 62410 Hulluch",62410,1,0374855788,,unknown,no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,,
Jean-Sébastien CADWALLER,"5 Rue du Docteur Pesqué, 93300 Aubervilliers",93300,1,0148112190,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,french;english,,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,
Laura MARTIN,"4 rue du four brûlée, 37110 Château Renault",37110,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Mariette DUTILLEUL,"26 allée de la Glanerie, 59890 Quesnoy-sur-Deûle",59890,1,0674677181,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,yes,
Marielle CODBESSIN,"3 rue du tertre vert, 22190 Plérin",22190,1,0296745848,,unknown,no,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Sophie BEUZART,"33 Rue Emile Rousse, 29200 Brest",29200,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Catherine DUTHOY,"Allée Philippe Polderman, 31400 Toulouse",31400,1,0661862095,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,yes,,,yes,
Marie MORIN,"842 Rue de lAmiral, 50200 Tourville-sur-Sienne",50200,1,0777787128,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,yes,french;english,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Odile WANDJI,"8 Rue de Maillé, 91310 Montlhéry",91310,2,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,french;english,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes
Catherine MURIS,"2 Place Pierre et Marie Curie, 14200 Hérouville Saint Clair",14200,1,0231068818,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,yes,,,,,yes
Aurore GUIER,"30 Av. Paul-Emile Victor, 98830 Dumbéa, Nouvelle-Calédonie",98830,1,,,unknown,no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Chloé POULAIN,"Espace médicale du faubourg, 111 Rue de Nivelle, 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux",59230,2,0327406072,,unknown,no,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes
Benjamin PORTE CAZAUX,"2 Route du Baqué, 31390 Carbonne",31390,1,0561909160,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,
Alexandra LASCOMBE,"12 Avenue Lieutenant Cheynis, 26160 La Bâtie-Rolland",26160,1,0685227396,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,yes,,yes,,,,,yes,
Elodie GINESTE,"12 rue Jean Jaures, 81290 Labruguière",81290,1,0788121758,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Fabienne MALLERET,22 avenue Georges Gershwin 63200 Riom,63200,1,0473643978,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,
Stéphanie BARBIER,"Rue Alfred Thillard, 76620 Le Havre",76620,1,0235464750,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Bleuenn RIDARD,"24 rue du Commerce, 81100 Castres",81100,1,0778434800,,unknown,no,yes,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Emma WURSTEN,"18b Rue Jules Ferry, 13220 Châteauneuf-les-martigues",13220,1,0621695768,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Morgane POIGNET,"12 ZA la Burliere, 13530 TRETS",13530,1,0632930496,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,
Marie FERRIERES,100 chemin des romains 34560 MONTBAZIN,34560,1,0467789097,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,french;english;spanish,,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,
Marine DEBORT,"153 Avenue de Fronton, 31200 Toulouse",31200,1,,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Marie DURAND SEZNEC,"13 avenue de la gare, 44130 BLAIN",44130,1,0240799610,,unknown,no,,,,yes,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Patricia RAVASY,"Maison médicale Saint-Nicolas 2 rue Saint-Nicolas, 77950 Rubelles",77950,1,0603525766,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Alexie GAUTHIER,"2 Rue des Fiefs, LAiguillon-sur-Vie, 85220",85220,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Colin GALLICE,"Centre médical Ambroise Paré, boulevard Ambroise Paré, 69008 Lyon",69008,2,,,unknown,yes,,yes,yes,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes
Marie Meghan CARTIAUX,"29 Chemin du Pioch de Gaïx, 81090 Castres",81090,2,,,unknown,no,,,,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Coralie BOREL,"Maison de santé des Monts dArrée, 58 rue de Brest, 29450 Sizun",29450,1,,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,french;english,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,yes,
Julia COUFFIN,"20 rue de la République, 12100 Millau",12100,1,0638025086,,unknown,no,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Elsa MARIN,"Centre hospitalier de Sallanches, 380 rue de lhôpital, 74700 Sallanches",74700,,0457272045,,unknown,no,,,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,yes,,
Orlanne POLIZZI,"6 Rue des Rosiers, 38300 BOURGOIN JALLIEU",38300,1,0474433646,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,
Dyhia MOUSSAOUI,"Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Alençon-Mamers, 25 Rue de Fresnay, 61000 Alençon",61000,1,0233323030,,unknown,no,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes
Mélissa AMAYA,"29 Boulevard François Suarez, 06340 La Trinité",06340,1,0667572730,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,french;english;spanish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Huda POSTIC,16 rue des Genêts 29252 Plouezoch,29252,1,0664796398,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Alexandra SASPORTAS,"8 Boulevard de Magenta, 75010 Paris",75010,1,,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Anne ALFASSA,70 FISMES,,1,0326480252,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,
Isabelle WEIBEL,13 rue du dragon 57450 Farebersviller,57450,1,0681125615,,unknown,no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Pauline CONGRATEL,"7 rue Leclerc, 35140 St Aubin du Cormier",35140,1,0659151823,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Svenja DELACOUR,"5 rue de la Chalotais, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné",35510,,0299831336,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,french;english,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Anaïs DAUVERGNE,"35 Rue de la Soie, 69100 Villeurbanne",69100,,0478938968,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes
Bertrand MAY,"37 rue Julie Daubié, 54000 Nancy",54000,2,0383951191,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes
Julie BRICHON,"Pôle Médical Gambetta, 11 Rue Gambetta, 33290 Blanquefort",33290,1,0556571646,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Calistine ROUANET,"45 rue Sadi Carnot, 59113 Seclin",59113,,0768861502,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Marianne LAINE,"13 Rue Herbière, 76000 Rouen",76000,1,0235988082,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,
Mathilde EMARD-BURRIAT,"Cabinet Gynecologia, 75 Avenue Gabriel Péri, 38400 Saint-Martin-dHères",38400,1,,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes
Marine VIGIE,"Institut de médecine Cassis, 7 chemin du mont Gibaou, Les coteaux du Brégadan, 13260 Cassis",13260,1,0624312876,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,french;english,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Marie-Laure TITIMAL-CANDELLE,"34 Rue François Carlier, 62530 Hersin-Coupigny",62530,1,0663962030,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Coralie GRAND,"532 Chemin des Noyers, 38530 CHAPAREILLAN",38530,1,0954658656,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,
Antoine DRAIN,"La Brigantine Résidence de lile aux bois, 1 All. Carolus, 59000 Lille",59000,1,0320092434,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes
Christina LONGO,"9 bis Av. du Maréchal Foch, 06190 Roquebrune-Cap-Martin",06190,1,0412101211,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,french;english,yes,,yes,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,yes
Alicia FERNANDES HERRAULT,"10 Rue du Manet, 74130 Bonneville",74130,1,0688455531,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Jonathan COHEN-SCALI,"4 rue Jules Grevy, 34000 Montpellier",34000,1,0467725825,,unknown,no,,,,,,,french;english,,,,,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,yes,,
Malika ROMANO,"CPEF Centre de planification et déducation familial, 5 bis rue Devosge, 21000 DIJON",21000,1,0380636834,,unknown,no,yes,yes,,,,,french;english,,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,yes,,
Ismahan BADACHE,"154 Avenue Jules Cantini, 13008, Marseille",13008,1,0491407863,,unknown,yes,,yes,,yes,,,,,,,yes,,,,,yes,,,yes,,,,,yes,
Inès SAMAD,Place Saint Michel 33192 La Réole,33192,1,,,unknown,no,,,,,,,,,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,yes
Aurore VERHOEVEN,"6 place Jacqueline et Jean Lerat, 18000 Bourges",18000,1,0248700301,,unknown,yes,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,
Julien ARTIGNY,"70 chemin de Baluffet, 31300 Toulouse",31300,1,0561404595,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,french;english,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,
Sandrine WILLIAMSON,"46 rue du montaigu, 53600 Evron",53600,1,0626632039,,unknown,yes,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,,,,,,yes,
Périnne GODEFROY,"415 avenue Colonel Pechot, 54200 Toul",54200,1,0383627059,,unknown,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,yes,yes,,,,,yes,
1 name address address:code_postal ref:FR:convention_secteur contact:phone contact:website gender visioconference_meeting handles:gender:trans handles:violence handles:premenstrual_syndrome handles:IST accessible_cabinet pseudo_science speaks handles:tatoo handles:toxico handles:sterilisation handles:abortion handles:endometriosis handles:hairy handles:bigbody handles:gender:bi handles:diu handles:mycoses handles:pregnancy handles:auto_prelevement handles:pma handles:dyspareunie handles:gender:lesbian healcare:generaliste healcare:sage_femme healcare:gynecologist
2 Valérie BARTKOWIAK 43 rue Laennec, 29490 GUIPAVAS 29490 2 0603234834 unknown yes yes french;english yes yes
3 Alison RICHARD 142 route de Darnétal, 76000 Rouen 76000 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
4 Anne-Claire DESSE 110 Bd Michelet, 44000 Nantes (Service de Santé des Etudiants) 44000 1 unknown yes yes yes yes
5 Charline DIDIER 7 Rue de Bourgogne, 69009 Lyon 69009 1 0981358948 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
6 Pierre DE TROGOFF 103 avenue de la République, 75011 Paris 75011 1 unknown yes yes yes yes french;english yes yes yes
7 Philippe DESSARD 6 Boulevard de la Boutière, 35760 Saint-Grégoire 35760 2 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
8 Céline DELPOUVE PARCOIT 150 rue Verlyck, 59190 Hazebrouck 59190 1 0678604740 unknown yes yes yes
9 Gaëlle PERRILLAT BOITEUX 5 route des Besseaux, 74230 Thônes 74230 1 0768510762 unknown yes french;english;spanish yes yes
10 Eléonore BELINKI Cabinet des Canuts, 32 Rue Valentin Couturier, 69004 Lyon 69004 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
11 Louis LECARME 166 avenue de Castres, 31500 Toulouse 31500 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
12 Emilie RACHET Cabinet de la Tour, 2 rue des fossés, 78 550 Houdan 1 0973032166 unknown yes yes yes yes
13 Mathieu HENNON 1 rue Roger Salengro, 62410 Hulluch 62410 1 0374855788 unknown no yes yes
14 Jean-Sébastien CADWALLER 5 Rue du Docteur Pesqué, 93300 Aubervilliers 93300 1 0148112190 unknown yes yes french;english yes yes yes
15 Laura MARTIN 4 rue du four brûlée, 37110 Château Renault 37110 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
16 Mariette DUTILLEUL 26 allée de la Glanerie, 59890 Quesnoy-sur-Deûle 59890 1 0674677181 unknown yes yes yes
17 Marielle CODBESSIN 3 rue du tertre vert, 22190 Plérin 22190 1 0296745848 unknown no yes yes yes
18 Sophie BEUZART 33 Rue Emile Rousse, 29200 Brest 29200 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
19 Catherine DUTHOY Allée Philippe Polderman, 31400 Toulouse 31400 1 0661862095 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
20 Marie MORIN 842 Rue de l’Amiral, 50200 Tourville-sur-Sienne 50200 1 0777787128 unknown yes yes yes french;english yes yes yes
21 Odile WANDJI 8 Rue de Maillé, 91310 Montlhéry 91310 2 unknown yes yes french;english yes yes yes
22 Catherine MURIS 2 Place Pierre et Marie Curie, 14200 Hérouville Saint Clair 14200 1 0231068818 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
23 Aurore GUIER 30 Av. Paul-Emile Victor, 98830 Dumbéa, Nouvelle-Calédonie 98830 1 unknown no yes yes yes
24 Chloé POULAIN Espace médicale du faubourg, 111 Rue de Nivelle, 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux 59230 2 0327406072 unknown no yes yes yes
25 Benjamin PORTE CAZAUX 2 Route du Baqué, 31390 Carbonne 31390 1 0561909160 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
26 Alexandra LASCOMBE 12 Avenue Lieutenant Cheynis, 26160 La Bâtie-Rolland 26160 1 0685227396 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
27 Elodie GINESTE 12 rue Jean Jaures, 81290 Labruguière 81290 1 0788121758 unknown yes yes yes
28 Fabienne MALLERET 22 avenue Georges Gershwin 63200 Riom 63200 1 0473643978 unknown yes yes yes yes
29 Stéphanie BARBIER Rue Alfred Thillard, 76620 Le Havre 76620 1 0235464750 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
30 Bleuenn RIDARD 24 rue du Commerce, 81100 Castres 81100 1 0778434800 unknown no yes yes yes yes yes
31 Emma WURSTEN 18b Rue Jules Ferry, 13220 Châteauneuf-les-martigues 13220 1 0621695768 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
32 Morgane POIGNET 12 ZA la Burliere, 13530 TRETS 13530 1 0632930496 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
33 Marie FERRIERES 100 chemin des romains 34560 MONTBAZIN 34560 1 0467789097 unknown yes yes yes french;english;spanish yes yes yes yes yes yes
34 Marine DEBORT 153 Avenue de Fronton, 31200 Toulouse 31200 1 unknown yes yes yes
35 Marie DURAND SEZNEC 13 avenue de la gare, 44130 BLAIN 44130 1 0240799610 unknown no yes yes yes yes yes yes
36 Patricia RAVASY Maison médicale Saint-Nicolas 2 rue Saint-Nicolas, 77950 Rubelles 77950 1 0603525766 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
37 Alexie GAUTHIER 2 Rue des Fiefs, L’Aiguillon-sur-Vie, 85220 85220 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
38 Colin GALLICE Centre médical Ambroise Paré, boulevard Ambroise Paré, 69008 Lyon 69008 2 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
39 Marie Meghan CARTIAUX 29 Chemin du Pioch de Gaïx, 81090 Castres 81090 2 unknown no yes yes yes yes
40 Coralie BOREL Maison de santé des Monts d’Arrée, 58 rue de Brest, 29450 Sizun 29450 1 unknown yes french;english yes yes yes yes
41 Julia COUFFIN 20 rue de la République, 12100 Millau 12100 1 0638025086 unknown no yes yes yes yes
42 Elsa MARIN Centre hospitalier de Sallanches, 380 rue de l’hôpital, 74700 Sallanches 74700 0457272045 unknown no yes yes yes yes yes
43 Orlanne POLIZZI 6 Rue des Rosiers, 38300 BOURGOIN JALLIEU 38300 1 0474433646 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
44 Dyhia MOUSSAOUI Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Alençon-Mamers, 25 Rue de Fresnay, 61000 Alençon 61000 1 0233323030 unknown no yes yes yes
45 Mélissa AMAYA 29 Boulevard François Suarez, 06340 La Trinité 06340 1 0667572730 unknown yes yes french;english;spanish yes
46 Huda POSTIC 16 rue des Genêts 29252 Plouezoc’h 29252 1 0664796398 unknown yes yes
47 Alexandra SASPORTAS 8 Boulevard de Magenta, 75010 Paris 75010 1 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
48 Anne ALFASSA 70 FISMES 1 0326480252 unknown yes yes yes yes
49 Isabelle WEIBEL 13 rue du dragon 57450 Farebersviller 57450 1 0681125615 unknown no yes yes yes
50 Pauline CONGRATEL 7 rue Leclerc, 35140 St Aubin du Cormier 35140 1 0659151823 unknown yes yes yes yes
51 Svenja DELACOUR 5 rue de la Chalotais, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné 35510 0299831336 unknown yes yes french;english yes yes yes yes
52 Anaïs DAUVERGNE 35 Rue de la Soie, 69100 Villeurbanne 69100 0478938968 unknown yes yes yes
53 Bertrand MAY 37 rue Julie Daubié, 54000 Nancy 54000 2 0383951191 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
54 Julie BRICHON Pôle Médical Gambetta, 11 Rue Gambetta, 33290 Blanquefort 33290 1 0556571646 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
55 Calistine ROUANET 45 rue Sadi Carnot, 59113 Seclin 59113 0768861502 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
56 Marianne LAINE 13 Rue Herbière, 76000 Rouen 76000 1 0235988082 unknown yes yes yes
57 Mathilde EMARD-BURRIAT Cabinet Gynecologia, 75 Avenue Gabriel Péri, 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères 38400 1 unknown yes yes yes yes
58 Marine VIGIE Institut de médecine Cassis, 7 chemin du mont Gibaou, Les coteaux du Brégadan, 13260 Cassis 13260 1 0624312876 unknown yes french;english yes yes
59 Marie-Laure TITIMAL-CANDELLE 34 Rue François Carlier, 62530 Hersin-Coupigny 62530 1 0663962030 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
60 Coralie GRAND 532 Chemin des Noyers, 38530 CHAPAREILLAN 38530 1 0954658656 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
61 Antoine DRAIN La Brigantine Résidence de l’ile aux bois, 1 All. Carolus, 59000 Lille 59000 1 0320092434 unknown yes yes yes
62 Christina LONGO 9 bis Av. du Maréchal Foch, 06190 Roquebrune-Cap-Martin 06190 1 0412101211 unknown yes french;english yes yes yes yes yes
63 Alicia FERNANDES HERRAULT 10 Rue du Manet, 74130 Bonneville 74130 1 0688455531 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes
64 Jonathan COHEN-SCALI 4 rue Jules Grevy, 34000 Montpellier 34000 1 0467725825 unknown no french;english yes yes yes
65 Malika ROMANO CPEF Centre de planification et d’éducation familial, 5 bis rue Devosge, 21000 DIJON 21000 1 0380636834 unknown no yes yes french;english yes yes yes yes yes
66 Ismahan BADACHE 154 Avenue Jules Cantini, 13008, Marseille 13008 1 0491407863 unknown yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
67 Inès SAMAD Place Saint Michel – 33192 La Réole 33192 1 unknown no yes yes yes yes
68 Aurore VERHOEVEN 6 place Jacqueline et Jean Lerat, 18000 Bourges 18000 1 0248700301 unknown yes yes yes
69 Julien ARTIGNY 70 chemin de Baluffet, 31300 Toulouse 31300 1 0561404595 unknown yes yes french;english yes
70 Sandrine WILLIAMSON 46 rue du montaigu, 53600 Evron 53600 1 0626632039 unknown yes yes yes yes yes
71 Périnne GODEFROY 415 avenue Colonel Pechot, 54200 Toul 54200 1 0383627059 unknown yes yes yes yes yes

View File

@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@
"handles:IST": "yes", "handles:IST": "yes",
"accessible_cabinet": "", "accessible_cabinet": "",
"pseudo_science": "", "pseudo_science": "",
"speaks": ";spanish", "speaks": "french;english;spanish",
"handles:tatoo": "", "handles:tatoo": "",
"handles:toxico": "", "handles:toxico": "",
"handles:sterilisation": "yes", "handles:sterilisation": "yes",
@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@
"handles:IST": "", "handles:IST": "",
"accessible_cabinet": "", "accessible_cabinet": "",
"pseudo_science": "", "pseudo_science": "",
"speaks": ";spanish", "speaks": "french;english;spanish",
"handles:tatoo": "", "handles:tatoo": "",
"handles:toxico": "", "handles:toxico": "",
"handles:sterilisation": "", "handles:sterilisation": "",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import geopandas as gpd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from shapely.geometry import Point from shapely.geometry import Point
import re import re
import pandas as pd
def extraire_numero_telephone(line): def extraire_numero_telephone(line):
# Extraction des nombres dans la ligne # Extraction des nombres dans la ligne
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def extraire_numero_telephone(line):
if numbers: if numbers:
numbers = ''.join(numbers) numbers = ''.join(numbers)
print('numbers',numbers) # print('numbers',numbers)
# Vérification si un numéro de téléphone est présent # Vérification si un numéro de téléphone est présent
if len(numbers) == 10: if len(numbers) == 10:
# Reconstruction du numéro de téléphone # Reconstruction du numéro de téléphone
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def extraire_addr_line(line):
numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', line) numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', line)
# Vérification si un numéro de téléphone est présent # Vérification si un numéro de téléphone est présent
if len(numbers) == 2 and ',' in line: if len(numbers) == 2 and ',' in line and len(numbers[1]) == 5:
return line return line
else: else:
return None return None
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ for article in articles:
em = article.find("em") em = article.find("em")
if em: if em:
address = em.text address = em.text
print(address) # print(address)
# Vérifier si le contenu de l'article contient "Secteur 1" # Vérifier si le contenu de l'article contient "Secteur 1"
if "Secteur 1" in article.text: if "Secteur 1" in article.text:
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ for article in articles:
address = line address = line
found = extraire_numero_telephone(line) found = extraire_numero_telephone(line)
if found: if found:
print(found) # print(found)
phone_number = found phone_number = found
if 'Rdv en ligne possible' in line: if 'Rdv en ligne possible' in line:
visio_meeting = 'yes' visio_meeting = 'yes'
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ for article in articles:
if 'français, anglais' in line: if 'français, anglais' in line:
spoken = 'french;english' spoken = 'french;english'
if 'espagnol' in line: if 'espagnol' in line:
spoken = (spoken+';spanish') spoken = ('french;english;spanish')
if 'Dyspareunie' in line: if 'Dyspareunie' in line:
dyspareunie = 'yes' dyspareunie = 'yes'
if 'Gynécologue' in line: if 'Gynécologue' in line:
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ for article in articles:
if not address: if not address:
found = extraire_addr_line(line) found = extraire_addr_line(line)
if found: if found:
print(found) # print(found)
address = found address = found
@ -224,3 +224,8 @@ for article in articles:
# Enregistrer les informations des docteurs au format JSON dans un fichier # Enregistrer les informations des docteurs au format JSON dans un fichier
with open("gynandco.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: with open("gynandco.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(doctors, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) json.dump(doctors, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
with open('gynandco.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv('gynandco.csv', index=False)