console.log('================================================================='); console.log('hello and welcome to the file converter from Mastodon outbox JSON'); console.log('================================================================='); // exec conversion.js const express = require('express'); const app = express(); var fs = require('fs'); var listenPort = 8088; var jsonParsedLikes, jsonParsedOutbox; const min_length = 1050; // filter only long toots const TemplateVars = { pageTitle : 'Mastodon export converter to HTML', likes : jsonParsedLikes, outbox : jsonParsedOutbox, outboxStatistics: {}, outbox_all : jsonParsedOutbox, min_length : min_length, }; // read file likes fs.readFile('source_data/likes.json', // callback function that is called when reading file is done function (err, data) { // parse json jsonParsedLikes = JSON.parse(data); // access elements const lengthOfLikes = jsonParsedLikes.orderedItems.length; console.log('likes length', lengthOfLikes); const example = jsonParsedLikes.orderedItems[0]; console.log('example', example); }); fs.readFile('source_data/outbox.json', // callback function that is called when reading file is done function (err, data) { // json data var jsonData = data; // parse json jsonParsedOutbox = JSON.parse(jsonData); // access elements console.log('outbox toots length', jsonParsedOutbox.orderedItems.length); const minchartoots = jsonParsedOutbox.orderedItems.filter(item => { return item['object'].content && item['object'].content.length > min_length; }); console.log('min_chars', min_length); console.log('toots min char corresponding', minchartoots.length); TemplateVars.outbox = minchartoots; const example = minchartoots[1]; // make statistics on who do we talk to, based on the cc field minchartoots.forEach(elem => { if (elem['object'].cc) { elem['object'].cc.forEach(copyFolk => { if(!TemplateVars.outboxStatistics[copyFolk]){ TemplateVars.outboxStatistics[copyFolk] = { name : copyFolk, counter: 0 } } TemplateVars.outboxStatistics[copyFolk].counter += 1; }); } }); console.log('TemplateVars.outbox.length', TemplateVars.outbox.length, TemplateVars.outbox[5]['object'].content.length); TemplateVars.example = example; console.log('example', example); }); app.use(express.static('public')); app.set('view engine', 'pug'); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.render('index.pug', TemplateVars); }); app.listen(listenPort, () => console.log(`Server is live at http://localhost:${listenPort}`)); console.log('================================================================='); console.log('made by Tykayn from CipherBliss -'); console.log('=================================================================');