exports.name = 'masto_conversion'; const fs = require('fs'); class Conversion { hello() { console.log('hello from conversion'); } likes() { // read file likes fs.readFile('source_data/likes.json', // callback function that is called when reading file is done function (err, data) { // parse json let jsonParsedLikes = JSON.parse(data); // access elements const lengthOfLikes = jsonParsedLikes.orderedItems.length; console.log('likes length', lengthOfLikes); return jsonParsedLikes; }); } filterToots(toots, options) { let filteredToots = toots; if(options.showMostRecentTootsOnTop){ filteredToots = filteredToots.reverse(); } if (options.filterBiggerTottsBeforeSlicing) { filteredToots = filteredToots.filter(item => { return item['object'].content && item['object'].content.length > options.min_length; }); filteredToots = filteredToots.slice(0, options.max_toots); } else { const slice = toots.slice(0, options.max_toots); filteredToots = slice.filter(item => { return item['object'].content && item['object'].content.length > options.min_length; }); } filteredToots.forEach(toot => { toot = this.findMediaUrl(toot); toot = this.removeLastChars(toot); return toot; }); return filteredToots; } // /** * * @param toot * @returns {*} */ findMediaUrl(toot) { /** * goal: * https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/system/media_attachments/files/000/858/113/original/74b370672892f884.jpg?1566230144 * * input data: * "attributedTo":"https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/users/tykayn", * * "attachment":[{"type":"Document", * "mediaType":"image/png","url":"media_attachments/files/000/872/910/original/c82b422f302b8ec9.png", * "name":null, * "blurhash":"UnSOjgo~ysWAVYWBkWjXu5axVrjckqoze?Rk"}], * * we use the attribuedTo property to find instance, and map the url to the instance url, and add this property to the attachment */ if (toot['object'].attributedTo) { let splitted = toot['object'].attributedTo.split('/'); let instanceUrl = splitted[2]; toot.instanceUrl = 'https://' + instanceUrl; toot.attachment = toot['object'].attachment.map(att => { att.href = toot.instanceUrl + '/system/' + att.url; return att; }); } return toot; } removeLastChars(toot) { toot['object'].content = toot['object'].content.trim(); return toot; } makeStatsForToots(tootArray) { let stats = { recievers: {}, hashtags : {}, }; // make statistics on who do we talk to, based on the cc field tootArray.forEach(elem => { // stats on hashtags if (elem['object'].tag) { elem['object'].tag.forEach(tag => { if (tag.type === 'Hashtag') { if (!stats.hashtags[tag.name]) { stats.hashtags[tag.name] = { name : tag.name, href : tag.href, counter: 0, }; } stats.hashtags[tag.name].counter++; } }); } // stats on recievers of toots if (elem['object'].cc) { elem['object'].cc.forEach(copyFolk => { if (!stats.recievers[copyFolk]) { stats.recievers[copyFolk] = { user : this.urlToUser(copyFolk), name : copyFolk, counter : 0, counterContentLength: 0, }; } stats.recievers[copyFolk].counter++; stats.recievers[copyFolk].counterContentLength += elem['object'].content.length; }); } }); console.log('stats.hashtags', stats.hashtags[0]); stats = { recievers: this.sortTootsByLength(stats.recievers), hashtags : this.sortTootsByLength(stats.hashtags), }; return stats; } sortTootsByLength(stats) { const statKeys = Object.keys(stats); const arrayToSort = []; statKeys.forEach(elem => { arrayToSort.push( stats[elem], ); }); arrayToSort.sort((a, b) => { return b.counter - a.counter; }); return arrayToSort; } urlToUser(url) { let sliceOfSlashes = url.split('/'); let userObject = { url : url, username: sliceOfSlashes[sliceOfSlashes.length - 1], }; return userObject; } filterOnlyTootsWithMedias(tootList) { console.log('filterOnlyTootsWithMedias') return tootList.filter(toot => { return toot['object'].attachment && toot['object'].attachment.length }); } userAvatars= {}; fetchUserAvatar(user){ } } exports.conversion = new Conversion();