Add border to 🚲 emoji (#16035)

This commit is contained in:
Claire 2021-04-13 23:43:51 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 71f335c2fc
commit e78d06eecf
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 21 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const emojiFilenames = (emojis) => {
// Emoji requiring extra borders depending on theme
const darkEmoji = emojiFilenames(['🎱', '🐜', '⚫', '🖤', '⬛', '◼️', '◾', '◼️', '✒️', '▪️', '💣', '🎳', '📷', '📸', '♣️', '🕶️', '✴️', '🔌', '💂‍♀️', '📽️', '🍳', '🦍', '💂', '🔪', '🕳️', '🕹️', '🕋', '🖊️', '🖋️', '💂‍♂️', '🎤', '🎓', '🎥', '🎼', '♠️', '🎩', '🦃', '📼', '📹', '🎮', '🐃', '🏴', '🐞', '🕺', '📱', '📲']);
const darkEmoji = emojiFilenames(['🎱', '🐜', '⚫', '🖤', '⬛', '◼️', '◾', '◼️', '✒️', '▪️', '💣', '🎳', '📷', '📸', '♣️', '🕶️', '✴️', '🔌', '💂‍♀️', '📽️', '🍳', '🦍', '💂', '🔪', '🕳️', '🕹️', '🕋', '🖊️', '🖋️', '💂‍♂️', '🎤', '🎓', '🎥', '🎼', '♠️', '🎩', '🦃', '📼', '📹', '🎮', '🐃', '🏴', '🐞', '🕺', '📱', '📲', '🚲']);
const lightEmoji = emojiFilenames(['👽', '⚾', '🐔', '☁️', '💨', '🕊️', '👀', '🍥', '👻', '🐐', '❕', '❔', '⛸️', '🌩️', '🔊', '🔇', '📃', '🌧️', '🐏', '🍚', '🍙', '🐓', '🐑', '💀', '☠️', '🌨️', '🔉', '🔈', '💬', '💭', '🏐', '🏳️', '⚪', '⬜', '◽', '◻️', '▫️']);
const emojiFilename = (filename) => {

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace :emojis do
desc 'Generate emoji variants with white borders'
task :generate_borders do
src = Rails.root.join('app', 'javascript', 'mastodon', 'features', 'emoji', 'emoji_map.json')
emojis = '🎱🐜⚫🖤⬛◼️◾◼️✒️▪️💣🎳📷📸♣️🕶️✴️🔌💂‍♀️📽️🍳🦍💂🔪🕳️🕹️🕋🖊️🖋️💂‍♂️🎤🎓🎥🎼♠️🎩🦃📼📹🎮🐃🏴🐞🕺📱📲👽⚾🐔☁️💨🕊️👀🍥👻🐐❕❔⛸️🌩️🔊🔇📃🌧️🐏🍚🍙🐓🐑💀☠️🌨️🔉🔈💬💭🏐🏳️⚪⬜◽◻️▫️'
emojis = '🎱🐜⚫🖤⬛◼️◾◼️✒️▪️💣🎳📷📸♣️🕶️✴️🔌💂‍♀️📽️🍳🦍💂🔪🕳️🕹️🕋🖊️🖋️💂‍♂️🎤🎓🎥🎼♠️🎩🦃📼📹🎮🐃🏴🐞🕺📱📲🚲👽⚾🐔☁️💨🕊️👀🍥👻🐐❕❔⛸️🌩️🔊🔇📃🌧️🐏🍚🍙🐓🐑💀☠️🌨️🔉🔈💬💭🏐🏳️⚪⬜◽◻️▫️'
map = Oj.load(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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