# frozen_string_literal: true class MigrateCustomFilters < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def up # Preserve IDs as much as possible to not confuse existing clients. # As long as this migration is irreversible, we do not have to deal with conflicts. safety_assured do execute <<-SQL.squish INSERT INTO custom_filter_keywords (id, custom_filter_id, keyword, whole_word, created_at, updated_at) SELECT id, id, phrase, whole_word, created_at, updated_at FROM custom_filters SQL end end def down # Copy back changes from custom filters guaranteed to be from the old API safety_assured do execute <<-SQL.squish UPDATE custom_filters SET phrase = custom_filter_keywords.keyword, whole_word = custom_filter_keywords.whole_word FROM custom_filter_keywords WHERE custom_filters.id = custom_filter_keywords.id AND custom_filters.id = custom_filter_keywords.custom_filter_id SQL end # Drop every keyword as we can't safely provide a 1:1 mapping safety_assured do execute <<-SQL.squish TRUNCATE custom_filter_keywords RESTART IDENTITY SQL end end end