import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import IconButton from '../../../components/icon_button'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import DropdownMenuContainer from '../../../containers/dropdown_menu_container'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { isStaff, me } from '../../../initial_state'; const messages = defineMessages({ delete : { id: 'status.delete', defaultMessage: 'Delete' }, redraft : { id: 'status.redraft', defaultMessage: 'Delete & re-draft' }, direct : { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Direct message @{name}' }, mention : { id: 'status.mention', defaultMessage: 'Mention @{name}' }, reply : { id: 'status.reply', defaultMessage: 'Reply' }, reblog : { id: 'status.reblog', defaultMessage: 'Boost' }, reblog_private : { id: 'status.reblog_private', defaultMessage: 'Boost to original audience' }, cancel_reblog_private: { id: 'status.cancel_reblog_private', defaultMessage: 'Unboost' }, cannot_reblog : { id: 'status.cannot_reblog', defaultMessage: 'This post cannot be boosted' }, favourite : { id: 'status.favourite', defaultMessage: 'Favourite' }, bookmark : { id: 'status.bookmark', defaultMessage: 'Bookmark' }, mute : { id: 'status.mute', defaultMessage: 'Mute @{name}' }, muteConversation : { id: 'status.mute_conversation', defaultMessage: 'Mute conversation' }, unmuteConversation : { id: 'status.unmute_conversation', defaultMessage: 'Unmute conversation' }, block : { id: 'status.block', defaultMessage: 'Block @{name}' }, report : { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Report @{name}' }, share : { id: 'status.share', defaultMessage: 'Share' }, pin : { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Pin on profile' }, unpin : { id: 'status.unpin', defaultMessage: 'Unpin from profile' }, embed : { id: 'status.embed', defaultMessage: 'Embed' }, admin_account : { id: 'status.admin_account', defaultMessage: 'Open moderation interface for @{name}' }, admin_status : { id: 'status.admin_status', defaultMessage: 'Open this status in the moderation interface' }, copy : { id: 'status.copy', defaultMessage: 'Copy link to status' }, blockDomain : { id: 'account.block_domain', defaultMessage: 'Hide everything from {domain}' }, unblockDomain : { id: 'account.unblock_domain', defaultMessage: 'Unhide {domain}' }, unmute : { id: 'account.unmute', defaultMessage: 'Unmute @{name}' }, unblock : { id: 'account.unblock', defaultMessage: 'Unblock @{name}' }, }); const mapStateToProps = (state, { status }) => ({ relationship: state.getIn(['relationships', status.getIn(['account', 'id'])]), }); export default @connect(mapStateToProps) @injectIntl class ActionBar extends React.PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, }; static propTypes = { status :, relationship :, onReply : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onReblog : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFavourite : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onBookmark : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDelete : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDirect : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onMention : PropTypes.func.isRequired, onMute : PropTypes.func, onUnmute : PropTypes.func, onBlock : PropTypes.func, onUnblock : PropTypes.func, onBlockDomain : PropTypes.func, onUnblockDomain : PropTypes.func, onMuteConversation: PropTypes.func, onReport : PropTypes.func, onPin : PropTypes.func, onEmbed : PropTypes.func, intl : PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; handleReplyClick = () => { this.props.onReply(this.props.status); }; handleReblogClick = (e) => { this.props.onReblog(this.props.status, e); }; handleFavouriteClick = () => { this.props.onFavourite(this.props.status); }; handleBookmarkClick = (e) => { this.props.onBookmark(this.props.status, e); }; handleDeleteClick = () => { this.props.onDelete(this.props.status, this.context.router.history); }; handleRedraftClick = () => { this.props.onDelete(this.props.status, this.context.router.history, true); }; handleDirectClick = () => { this.props.onDirect(this.props.status.get('account'), this.context.router.history); }; handleMentionClick = () => { this.props.onMention(this.props.status.get('account'), this.context.router.history); }; handleMuteClick = () => { const { status, relationship, onMute, onUnmute } = this.props; const account = status.get('account'); if (relationship && relationship.get('muting')) { onUnmute(account); } else { onMute(account); } }; handleBlockClick = () => { const { status, relationship, onBlock, onUnblock } = this.props; const account = status.get('account'); if (relationship && relationship.get('blocking')) { onUnblock(account); } else { onBlock(status); } }; handleBlockDomain = () => { const { status, onBlockDomain } = this.props; const account = status.get('account'); onBlockDomain(account.get('acct').split('@')[1]); }; handleUnblockDomain = () => { const { status, onUnblockDomain } = this.props; const account = status.get('account'); onUnblockDomain(account.get('acct').split('@')[1]); }; handleConversationMuteClick = () => { this.props.onMuteConversation(this.props.status); }; handleReport = () => { this.props.onReport(this.props.status); }; handlePinClick = () => { this.props.onPin(this.props.status); }; handleShare = () => { navigator.share({ text: this.props.status.get('search_index'), url : this.props.status.get('url'), }); }; handleEmbed = () => { this.props.onEmbed(this.props.status); }; handleCopy = () => { const url = this.props.status.get('url'); const textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.textContent = url; = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(textarea); try {; document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { } finally { document.body.removeChild(textarea); } }; render() { const { status, relationship, intl } = this.props; const publicStatus = ['public', 'unlisted'].includes(status.get('visibility')); const mutingConversation = status.get('muted'); const account = status.get('account'); let menu = []; if (publicStatus) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.copy), action: this.handleCopy }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.embed), action: this.handleEmbed }); menu.push(null); } if (me === status.getIn(['account', 'id'])) { if (publicStatus) { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(status.get('pinned') ? messages.unpin :, action: this.handlePinClick, }); } else { if (status.get('visibility') === 'private') { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(status.get('reblogged') ? messages.cancel_reblog_private : messages.reblog_private), action: this.handleReblogClick, }); } } menu.push(null); menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(mutingConversation ? messages.unmuteConversation : messages.muteConversation), action: this.handleConversationMuteClick, }); menu.push(null); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.delete), action: this.handleDeleteClick }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.redraft), action: this.handleRedraftClick }); } else { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(messages.mention, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleMentionClick, }); menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleDirectClick, }); menu.push(null); if (relationship && relationship.get('muting')) { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(messages.unmute, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.handleMuteClick, }); } else { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(messages.mute, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.handleMuteClick, }); } if (relationship && relationship.get('blocking')) { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(messages.unblock, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.handleBlockClick, }); } else { menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(messages.block, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.handleBlockClick, }); } menu.push({ text : intl.formatMessage(, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleReport, }); if (account.get('acct') !== account.get('username')) { const domain = account.get('acct').split('@')[1]; menu.push(null); if (relationship && relationship.get('domain_blocking')) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unblockDomain, { domain }), action: this.handleUnblockDomain }); } else { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.blockDomain, { domain }), action: this.handleBlockDomain }); } } if (isStaff) { menu.push(null); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.admin_account, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), href: `/admin/accounts/${status.getIn(['account', 'id'])}`, }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.admin_status), href: `/admin/accounts/${status.getIn(['account', 'id'])}/statuses/${status.get('id')}`, }); } } const shareButton = ('share' in navigator) && status.get('visibility') === 'public' && (
); let replyIcon; if (status.get('in_reply_to_id', null) === null) { replyIcon = 'reply'; } else { replyIcon = 'reply-all'; } let reblogIcon = 'retweet'; if (status.get('visibility') === 'direct') reblogIcon = 'envelope'; else if (status.get('visibility') === 'private') reblogIcon = 'lock'; let reblog_disabled = (status.get('visibility') === 'direct' || status.get('visibility') === 'private'); return (
); } }