230 lines
6.6 KiB
230 lines
6.6 KiB
// selectionner un compte parmi les gens suivis dans une liste
// export des abonnements utilisateur https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/settings/exports/follows.csv/home/cipherbliss/Nextcloud/inbox/following_accounts.csv
import axios from 'axios'
import Masto from 'mastodon'
* picture generation
import Jimp from 'jimp'
import { getRequestOptions, sendGetRequest } from '../helpers/libs/utils.mjs'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
let reallySendPost = false
reallySendPost = true
async function getFollowers (username, instance) {
const url = `${instance}/api/v1/accounts/${username}/following`
try {
const response = await axios.get(url)
return response.data
} catch (error) {
// Function to look up the user account number using webfinger
async function getUserAccountNumberFromMastodonUsername (username) {
const parsedUsername = username.split('@')
if (parsedUsername.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('Invalid Mastodon username format.')
const localPart = parsedUsername[0]
const domain = parsedUsername[1]
console.log('localPart, domain', localPart, domain)
const acctPath = '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=' + encodeURIComponent('acct:' + localPart + '@' + domain)
const options = getRequestOptions(domain, 443, acctPath)
console.log('options', options)
try {
const fingerResult = await sendGetRequest(options)
const actorResource = fingerResult['subject'] || fingerResult.links?.find((item) => item.rel === 'self').href
if (!actorResource) {
throw new Error('Failed to obtain the resource identifier.')
const accountHost = actorResource.split('/')[2]
const accountPath = actorResource.split('/').pop()
const accountInfoReqOptions = getRequestOptions(accountHost, 443, '/api/v1/accounts/' + accountPath)
const accountInfo = await sendGetRequest(accountInfoReqOptions)
return accountInfo.id
} catch (error) {
throw error
async function main () {
const userIdOnInstance = '1'
const instance = 'mastodon.cipherbliss.com'
const followers = await getFollowers(userIdOnInstance, instance)
console.log('followers.length', followers.length)
const randomFollowers = followers?.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)?.slice(0, 3)
// console.log('Random followers:', randomFollowers)
let message = '\n Les personnes que l\'on vous recommande de suivre aujourd\'hui:'
let avatars_urls = []
randomFollowers.forEach(account => {
message += '\n' + displayDataAboutFollower(account)
console.log('account', account)
message += '\n #fedifollows #curatorRecommendations'
return message
* displays username, acct, avatar and url for one account
* @param follower
function displayDataAboutFollower (follower) {
let text = ''
if (follower.note) {
text = follower.note.trim().substring(0, 150)
if (follower.note.trim() > 150) {
text += '...'
return ` * _${follower.display_name}_: [${follower.acct}](${follower.url})
let folderUnpublished = ''
let compositeFileName = ''
// Function to maintain aspect ratio while scaling an image down.
function scaleDownPreserveAspectRatio (image, newWidth, newHeight) {
const originalWidth = image.bitmap.width
const originalHeight = image.bitmap.height
const scaleFactor = Math.min(newWidth / originalWidth, newHeight / originalHeight)
const newWidthScaled = Math.round(originalWidth * scaleFactor)
const newHeightScaled = Math.round(originalHeight * scaleFactor)
return image.scaleToFit(newWidthScaled, newHeightScaled)
* Prend trois URL d'image d'avatar et génère une image composite JPG avec celles-ci,
* enregistrée sous le format «YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS.jpg».
async function generateAvatarComposite (avatarUrls) {
if (!Array.isArray(avatarUrls) || avatarUrls.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Veuillez fournir exactement trois URL d’avatar.')
// Télécharger chaque avatar
const avatarImagesPromises = avatarUrls.map((url) => downloadImage(url))
const avatarImages = await Promise.all(avatarImagesPromises)
// Combiner les images horizontalement
// Resize avatars to a consistent dimension of 400x400 pixels while maintaining aspect ratio
const resizedAvatarImages = avatarImages.map((image) => scaleDownPreserveAspectRatio(image, 400, 400))
// Combine the images horizontally
const combinedWidth = 3 * resizedAvatarImages[0].bitmap.width
const combinedHeight = Math.max(...resizedAvatarImages.map((image) => image.bitmap.height))
const composite = new Jimp(combinedWidth, combinedHeight)
for (let i = 0; i < resizedAvatarImages.length; i++) {
const xOffset = i * resizedAvatarImages[0].bitmap.width
composite.composite(resizedAvatarImages[i], xOffset, 0)
// Enregistrer l'image composite
compositeFileName = `avatars_reccommendations_${Date.now().toString()}.jpg`
await composite.writeAsync(compositeFileName)
console.log(`L'image composite a été enregistrée sous le nom "${compositeFileName}".`)
return compositeFileName
* Télécharge une image depuis l'URL spécifiée et renvoie une instance Jimp.
async function downloadImage (url) {
return await Jimp.read(url)
function publishOnMastodon (folderUnpublished, configPost) {
let accessToken = process.env['TOKEN_' + configPost.author.toUpperCase()]
console.log('accessToken', accessToken)
const masto = new Masto({
access_token: accessToken,
api_url: process.env.INSTANCE_MASTODON + '/api/v1/',
if (configPost.reallySendPost) {
let imagePath = path.resolve() + configPost.image
console.log('imagePath', imagePath)
* poster le média, puis faire un toot avec le média lié
masto.post('media', { file: fs.createReadStream(imagePath) })
.then(resp => {
let id = resp.data.id
configPost.media_ids = [id]
console.log('\n\n id du média pour le post:', id)
masto.post('statuses', configPost).then(rep => {
// console.log('rep', rep)
console.log(`\n\n posté avec une nouvelle image, ${configPost.image} WOOT`)
}, err => {
console.log('\n\n erreur T_T')
}, err => {
} else {
console.log('envoi désactivé avec configPost.reallySendPost')
* run all
main().then(message => {
// let md_message = convertHTMLtoMD(message)
let md_message = message.trim() + '\n'
console.log('md_message', md_message)
// upload de fileName et création du post par le Curator
let configPost = {
author: 'curator',
website: 'cipherbliss',
postObject: {},
folder_image: '.',
image: compositeFileName,
message: md_message,
publishOnMastodon(folderUnpublished, configPost)
}, err => {