-- This is a gross hack of the sample custom writer for pandoc. -- It produces output -- that is very similar to that of pandoc's HTML writer. -- There is one new feature: code blocks marked with class 'dot' -- are piped through graphviz and images are included in the HTML -- output using 'data:' URLs. The image format can be controlled -- via the `image_format` metadata field. -- -- Invoke with: pandoc -t gmi.lua -- -- Note: you need not have lua installed on your system to use this -- custom writer. However, if you do have lua installed, you can -- use it to test changes to the script. 'lua sample.lua' will -- produce informative error messages if your code contains -- syntax errors. local pipe = pandoc.pipe local stringify = (require "pandoc.utils").stringify -- The global variable PANDOC_DOCUMENT contains the full AST of -- the document which is going to be written. It can be used to -- configure the writer. local meta = PANDOC_DOCUMENT.meta -- Choose the image format based on the value of the -- `image_format` meta value. local image_format = meta.image_format and stringify(meta.image_format) or "png" local image_mime_type = ({ jpeg = "image/jpeg", jpg = "image/jpeg", gif = "image/gif", png = "image/png", svg = "image/svg+xml" })[image_format] or error("unsupported image format `" .. image_format .. "`") -- Character escaping local function escape(s, in_attribute) return s:gsub( '[<>&"\']', function(x) if x == "<" then return "<" elseif x == ">" then return ">" elseif x == "&" then return "&" elseif in_attribute and x == '"' then return """ elseif in_attribute and x == "'" then return "'" else return x end end ) end -- Helper function to convert an attributes table into -- a string that can be put into HTML tags. local function attributes(attr) local attr_table = {} for x, y in pairs(attr) do if y and y ~= "" then table.insert(attr_table, " " .. x .. '="' .. escape(y, true) .. '"') end end return table.concat(attr_table) end -- Table to store footnotes, so they can be included at the end. local notes = {} local links = {} -- Blocksep is used to separate block elements. function Blocksep() return "\n\n" end -- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters: -- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table. -- This gives you a fragment. You could use the metadata table to -- fill variables in a custom lua template. Or, pass `--template=...` -- to pandoc, and pandoc will do the template processing as usual. function Doc(body, metadata, variables) local buffer = {} local function add(s) table.insert(buffer, s) end add(body) if #notes > 0 then add("### footnotes") for _, note in pairs(notes) do add(note) end end if #links > 0 then add("### links") for _, link in pairs(links) do add(link) end end return table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n" end -- The functions that follow render corresponding pandoc elements. -- s is always a string, attr is always a table of attributes, and -- items is always an array of strings (the items in a list). -- Comments indicate the types of other variables. function Str(s) return s end function Space() return " " end function SoftBreak() return " " end function LineBreak() return "\n" end function Emph(s) return "/" .. s .. "/" end function Strong(s) return "*" .. s .. "*" end function Subscript(s) return "_" .. s end function Superscript(s) return "^" .. s end function SmallCaps(s) return '' .. s .. "" end function Strikeout(s) return " --- " .. s .. " --- " end function Link(s, tgt, tit, attr) local text = s local textIsLink = false if string.find(s, "=>", 1, true) ~= nil then textIsLink = true s = string.sub(s, 2) end if not string.len(tit) == 0 then text = s .. "(" .. tit .. ")" end local num = #links + 1 -- add link to the link table. table.insert(links, "=> " .. escape(tgt, true) .. " [" .. num .. "] " .. text) -- return the link text and ref number. -- sthing not quite right here if textIsLink then return text .. " [" .. num .. "]" end return "<" .. text .. "> [" .. num .. "]" end function Image(s, src, tit, attr) return "=> " .. src .. " " .. tit .. "\n" end function Code(s, attr) return "`" .. s .. "`" end function InlineMath(s) return "$" .. s .. "$" end function DisplayMath(s) return "$" .. s + "\n$\n" --return "\\[" .. escape(s) .. "\\]" end function SingleQuoted(s) return '"' .. s .. '"' end function DoubleQuoted(s) return "'" .. s .. "'" end function Note(s) local num = #notes + 1 -- insert the back reference right before the final closing tag. -- add note to the note table. table.insert(notes, "[" .. num .. "] " .. s) -- return the footnote reference, linked to the note. return "[fn " .. num .. "]" end function Span(s, attr) return s end function RawInline(format, str) if format == "html" then return str else return "" end end function Cite(s, cs) return "\nsorry cite not implemented\n" end function Plain(s) return s end function Para(s) return s .. "\n" end -- lev is an integer, the header level. function Header(lev, s, attr) if lev == 1 then return "# " .. s .. "\n" elseif lev == 2 then return "## " .. s .. "\n" elseif lev == 3 then return "### " .. s .. "\n" else return s .. "\n" end end function BlockQuote(s) return "> " .. s .. "\n" end function HorizontalRule() return "```\n-----------------------------------------------------------
' .. escape(caption) .. "