merge with main

This commit is contained in:
Tykayn 2023-07-05 22:36:34 +02:00 committed by tykayn
commit 6f7f2252ac
17 changed files with 463 additions and 209 deletions

View File

@ -25,11 +25,22 @@ mais ce n'est pas encore prêt à être utilisé en production.
"npm start" gives you a demo of what Rangement can do, but this is not a production ready package yet.
# done
* Handle verbosity levels in logs
- log.trace(msg)
- log.debug(msg)
- log.warn(msg)
- log.error(msg)
# Roadmap
* Internationalisation of console texts
* Proper testing
* Handle verbosity levels
* Template configuration for auto dispatching of files after rename
* Handle a configuration file
* create config file if needed
- * create config file if needed
* batch rename like the python pip script "guessfilename"
* revert renaming actions
* Log renaming actions
- * Log renaming actions

View File

@ -1,45 +1,57 @@
export default class config_rangement{
log_level ='debug' // [ 'debug' 'none']
version = '1.0.0'
tagSeparator = '1.0.0'
tagSectionSeparator = '1.0.0'
enableTestsLocally= false
reportStatistics= false
base_archive_folder= '/home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/'
photos_sub_folder= 'photos'
photos_sorting_base_sub_folder= 'photos/a_dispatcher'
bazar_sub_folder= 'BAZAR'
panoramax_captures_folder= 'photos/imagerie kartaview carto tel/open camera'
templates = {
// example FyB8cZnWIAc21rw.jpg
'downloaded_pic': {
'pattern' : /^\-\w{15}\.jpg/,
'auto_sort_folder' : this.bazar_sub_folder
// example -4900281569878475578_1109.jpg
'telegram_pic': {
'pattern' : /^\-\d{19}_\d{4}/,
'auto_sort_folder' : ''
// example IMG_20230617_092120_3.jpg
'open_camera_default': {
'pattern' : /^IMG_\d{8}/i,
'auto_sort_folder' : this.panoramax_captures_folder
// example IMG_OC_20230617_092120_3.jpg
'open_camera_custom': {
'pattern' : /^IMG_OC_\d{8}/i,
'auto_sort_folder' : this.panoramax_captures_folder
// example "Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15-26-04 Instance Panoramax OSM-FR.png"
'screenshot': {
'pattern' : /^Screenshot/i,
'auto_sort_folder': 'photos/captures écran screenshots'
} ,
class config_rangement {
log_level = 'info' // 'debug' | 'warn' |'info'
version = '1.0.0'
iso_date_format = '' // target format for dates in file names
tagSeparator = ' '
tagSectionSeparator = '--'
keepFreeText = true
keepTags = true
replaceUnderscoreWithSpaces = true
renameFolders = false
enableTestsLocally = false
reportStatistics = false
base_archive_folder = '/home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/'
photos_sub_folder = this.base_archive_folder + 'photos/'
photos_sorting_base_sub_folder = this.base_archive_folder + 'photos/a_dispatcher/'
bazar_sub_folder = this.base_archive_folder + 'BAZAR/'
panoramax_captures_folder = 'photos/imagerie kartaview carto tel/open camera/'
templates = {
// example FyB8cZnWIAc21rw.jpg
'downloaded_pic': {
'pattern': /^\-\w{15}\.jpg/,
'auto_sort_folder': this.bazar_sub_folder
// example -4900281569878475578_1109.jpg
'telegram_pic': {
'pattern': /^\-\d{19}_\d{4}/,
'auto_sort_folder': this.bazar_sub_folder
// example IMG_20230617_092120_3.jpg
'open_camera_default': {
'pattern': /^IMG_\d{8}/i,
'auto_sort_folder': this.panoramax_captures_folder
// example IMG_OC_20230617_092120_3.jpg
'open_camera_custom': {
'pattern': /^IMG_OC_\d{8}/i,
'auto_sort_folder': this.panoramax_captures_folder
// example "Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 15-26-04 Instance Panoramax OSM-FR.png"
'screenshot': {
'pattern': /^Screenshot/i,
'auto_sort_folder': 'photos/captures écran screenshots'
export const tagSeparator = ' '
export const tagSectionSeparator = '--'
export const enableTestsLocally = false
export const reportStatistics = false
const rangement_instance = new config_rangement();
export const tagSeparator = rangement_instance.tagSeparator
export const tagSectionSeparator = rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator
export const enableTestsLocally = rangement_instance.enableTestsLocally
export const reportStatistics = rangement_instance.reportStatistics
export default rangement_instance

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
* la classe qui repère des patterns
import { tagSectionSeparator, tagSeparator } from './configs.mjs'
import rangement_instance from './configs.mjs'
import exifr from 'exifr'
import moment from 'moment'
import log from 'log_level'
import log from 'loglevel'
* finds patterns for file name
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ export default class finder {
static reportStatistics () {
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ export default class finder {
static findFormattedDate (filepath) {
let match = filepath.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/ig)
log.debug('match findFormattedDate', match)
log.debug(' finder - match findFormattedDate', match)
let result = ''
if (match && match[0]) {
result = match[0]
@ -36,11 +37,8 @@ export default class finder {
static findFileExtension (inputString) {
return '';
let result = inputString.match(/\.\w{3,4}$/i)
return result.shift()
return result
@ -50,10 +48,10 @@ export default class finder {
static findFileNameFreeTextPart (fileName) {
fileName = fileName.replace(this.findFileExtension(fileName), '')
let boom = fileName.split(tagSectionSeparator)
let boom = fileName.split(rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator)
if (boom.length) {
let freeTextPart = boom[0].trim()
console.log('freeTextPart', freeTextPart)
log.debug(' finder - freeTextPart', freeTextPart)
return freeTextPart
return fileName.trim()
@ -72,24 +70,24 @@ export default class finder {
if (extensionFile) {
extensionFile = extensionFile[0]
} else {
console.log('no extensionFile', extensionFile, inputString)
log.debug(' finder - no extensionFile', extensionFile, inputString)
extensionFile = ''
inputString = inputString.replace(extensionFile, '')
log.debug('extensionFile', extensionFile)
if (inputString.includes(tagSectionSeparator)) {
log.debug('inputString', inputString)
log.debug(' finder - extensionFile', extensionFile)
if (inputString.includes(rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator)) {
log.debug(' finder - inputString', inputString)
if (inputString.length) {
let boom = inputString.split(tagSectionSeparator)
log.debug('boom', boom)
let boom = inputString.split(rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator)
log.debug(' finder - boom', boom)
if (boom.length) {
let fileSectionsName = boom.splice(tagSeparator)
listOfTags = [...fileSectionsName[1].trim().split(tagSeparator)]
log.debug('listOfTags', listOfTags)
let fileSectionsName = boom.splice(rangement_instance.tagSeparator)
listOfTags = [...fileSectionsName[1].trim().split(rangement_instance.tagSeparator)]
log.debug(' finder - listOfTags', listOfTags)
} else {
console.log('no boom', boom)
log.debug(' finder - no boom', boom)
@ -110,15 +108,15 @@ export default class finder {
static searchAndRenameScreenshots (fileName) {
if (finder.findScreenshot(fileName)) {
let tags = this.findTagSectionInString(fileName)
console.log('tags', tags)
log.debug(' finder - tags', tags)
if (!tags.includes('screenshot')) {
fileName = this.addTagInFileName('screenshot', fileName)
fileName = this.searchAndReplaceInFileName('Screenshot', '', fileName)
console.log('screenShotMockFileName:', fileName)
log.debug(' finder - screenShotMockFileName:', fileName)
return this.cleanSpaces(fileName)
console.log('is a screenshot, remove screenshot in name, and add tag screenshot')
log.debug(' finder - is a screenshot, remove screenshot in name, and add tag screenshot')
} else {
return null
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ export default class finder {
let uniqueArray = [ Set(tags)]
let newFileName = firstPart + ' ' + tagSectionSeparator + ' ' + tags.join(tagSeparator)
let newFileName = firstPart + ' ' + rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator + ' ' + tags.join(rangement_instance.tagSeparator)
newFileName = newFileName.replace(/ {*}/, '') + this.findFileExtension(fileName)
return this.cleanSpaces(newFileName)
@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ export default class finder {
* @returns {{extension: *, dateStamp: string, freeText: (*|string), tags: *[]}}
static destructurateFileName (fullPath) {
let [folderPath, fileNameOriginal] = this.findFolderPath(fullPath)
let [folderPath, fileNameOriginal] = this.findFolderPath(fullPath)
let dateStampInFileNameOriginal = this.findFormattedDate(fileNameOriginal)
return {
@ -168,17 +166,17 @@ export default class finder {
let moments = []
log.debug('exif data : ', exifData) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - exif data : ', exifData) // Do something with your data!
if (exifData.DateTimeOriginal) {
log.debug('image créée le : DateTimeOriginal : ', exifData.DateTimeOriginal) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - image créée le : DateTimeOriginal : ', exifData.DateTimeOriginal) // Do something with your data!
if (exifData.ModificationDateTime) {
log.debug('image créée le : ModificationDateTime : ', exifData.ModificationDateTime) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - image créée le : ModificationDateTime : ', exifData.ModificationDateTime) // Do something with your data!
if (exifData.ModifyDate) {
log.debug('image créée le : ModifyDate : ', exifData.ModifyDate) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - image créée le : ModifyDate : ', exifData.ModifyDate) // Do something with your data!
if (exifData.FileAccessDateTime) {
@ -188,11 +186,11 @@ export default class finder {
if (exifData.FileModificationDateTime) {
log.debug('image créée le : FileModificationDateTime : ', exifData.FileModificationDateTime) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - image créée le : FileModificationDateTime : ', exifData.FileModificationDateTime) // Do something with your data!
if (exifData.CreateDate) {
log.debug('image créée le : CreateDate : ', exifData.CreateDate) // Do something with your data!
log.debug(' finder - image créée le : CreateDate : ', exifData.CreateDate) // Do something with your data!
@ -202,27 +200,31 @@ export default class finder {
let minDate = moment.min(moments)
log.debug('minDate :::::::::', minDate)
console.log('minDate :::::::::', minDate.format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'))
log.debug(' finder - minDate :::::::::', minDate)' finder - minDate :::::::::', minDate.format(rangement_instance.iso_date_format))
return minDate.format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
return minDate.format(rangement_instance.iso_date_format)
} else {
console.log('pas de exif data')
log.debug(' finder - pas de exif data')
return ''
static findTemplateInFileName (fileName) {
// test all templates from configuration
* examine plusieurs propriétés exif de date et retourne la plus ancienne
* @param filepath
static async findExifCreationDate (filepath) {
console.log('filepath', filepath)
log.debug(' finder - filepath', filepath)
let dateAlreadyInFileName = finder.findFormattedDate(filepath)
if (dateAlreadyInFileName) {
console.log('------ dateAlreadyInFileName', dateAlreadyInFileName)
log.debug(' finder - ------ dateAlreadyInFileName', dateAlreadyInFileName)
return await exifr.parse(filepath)
@ -234,9 +236,9 @@ export default class finder {
let fileName = folders.pop()
folders = filePath.replace(fileName, '')
console.log('\n - folders', folders)
console.log(' - fileName', fileName, '\n')
return [folders, fileName]
log.debug(' finder - \n - folders', folders)
log.debug(' finder - - fileName', fileName, '\n')
return [folders, fileName]

View File

@ -2,138 +2,238 @@
* @name tykayn Rangement
* @description Rangement sorts and rename files depending on their exif data
* @contact
--------------------- */
--------------------- */
/** ---------------------
--------------------- */
--------------------- */
import fs from 'node-fs'
import minimist from 'minimist'
import log from 'loglevel';
import path from "node:path";
/** ---------------------
custom utilities and configuration
custom utilities and configuration
--------------------- */
import { enableTestsLocally, reportStatistics, tagSectionSeparator, tagSeparator } from './configs.mjs'
import rangement_instance from './configs.mjs'
import {
} from './testFunctions.mjs'
import finder from './finder.mjs'
let mini_arguments
console.log(' ')
import exiftool from "node-exiftool";
function parseArguments () {
mini_arguments = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
console.log('arguments', mini_arguments)
let mini_arguments
log.setLevel(rangement_instance.log_level)' ')
function parseArguments() {
mini_arguments = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
log.debug('arguments', mini_arguments)
function addOriginalFileNameIfMissing(originalFileName, fileMixedNewName) {
// const ep = new exiftool.ExiftoolProcess()
// ep
// .open(fileMixedNewName)
// .then(() => ep.writeMetadata(fileMixedNewName, {
// 'OriginalFileName+': originalFileName,
// }))
// .then(console.log, console.error)
// .then(() => ep.close())
// .catch(console.error)
function renameFile(originalFileName, fileMixedNewName) {
fs.rename(originalFileName, fileMixedNewName, function (err) {'name changed', fileMixedNewName)
if (err) {'rename ERROR: ' + err)
} else {
// otherRenames.push(originalFileName)
addOriginalFileNameIfMissing(originalFileName, fileMixedNewName)
// rangement_instance.statistics['filesModified']++
function appendFileName(fileProperties, newText) {
fileProperties.freeText = finder.cleanSpaces(fileProperties.freeText + ' ' + newText)
return fileProperties
function prependFileName(fileProperties, newText) {
fileProperties.freeText = finder.cleanSpaces(newText + ' ' + fileProperties.freeText)
return fileProperties
function makeFileNameFromProperties(fileProperties) {
let tagPlace = '''fileProperties.tags',fileProperties.tags)
if (fileProperties.tags.length && rangement_instance.keepTags) {
tagPlace = ' ' + rangement_instance.tagSectionSeparator + ' '+ fileProperties.tags.join(rangement_instance.tagSeparator)
console.log('fileProperties.dateStampExif', fileProperties.dateStampExif)
let newName = ''
+ fileProperties.dateStampExif
+ ' '
+ (rangement_instance.keepFreeText? fileProperties.freeText : '')
+ tagPlace
+ fileProperties.extension;
newName = newName.replace('_', ' ')
newName = newName.replace(' ', '')
return newName
let otherRenames = [];
function shouldWeChangeName(structureForFile) {' ______ shouldWeChangeName ', structureForFile.fileNameOriginal)
let newName = makeFileNameFromProperties(structureForFile)
log.debug('newName', newName)
if (structureForFile.fileNameOriginal !== newName && !otherRenames.includes(newName)) {'\n ancien nom :', structureForFile.fileNameOriginal)' nouveau nom:', newName)
if (!mini_arguments['dry-run']) {
renameFile(structureForFile.fullPath, structureForFile.folderPath + newName)
} else {'no renaming for real, this is a dry run')
} else {' rien à changer')
* guess file name on one file which is not a directory
* @param fullPath
function guessFileNameOnOnefile(fullPath) {'go guess file name on file: ', fullPath )
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
log.error('échec fichier', err)
log.error('ce fichier n existe pas: ', fullPath)
} else {
let structureForFile = finder.destructurateFileName(fullPath)
// examiner les infos exif de chaque fichier pour proposer un nouveau nom
if (!structureForFile.dateStampInFileNameOriginal) {' le nom de fichier "'+structureForFile.freeText +'" ne contient pas de date formatée au début')
.then(data => {' ... chercher la date de création : "'+structureForFile.freeText +'"')
let foundDate = finder.findEarliestDateInExifData(data)' =>>>>>>> foundDate : ', foundDate)
if (foundDate) {
structureForFile.dateStampExif = foundDate
} else {'pas de date trouvée dans le nom')
(error) => {
log.warn('/////////// Error in reading exif of file: ' + error.message)
return ''
let expandedFileList = []
let cwd = path.dirname(process.cwd()) + '/' + path.basename(process.cwd());
console.log('cwd', cwd)
function guessFileNameOnAllFilesFromArguments() {
// parcourir les fichiers
log.debug('liste des fichiers', mini_arguments._)
let fileList = mini_arguments._
// test file exists
fileList.forEach(fullPath => {
// parcourir les dossiers
)'expanded file list :', expandedFileList)
expandedFileList.forEach(filePath => guessFileNameOnOnefile(filePath))
function readSubdirectories(baseDir) {
const newGlob = baseDir;
fs.readdir(baseDir, (err, files) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('readSubdirectories - files', files)
files.forEach((subDirOrFile) => {
const newFullPath = cwd +'/'+ subDirOrFile;
if (fs.existsSync(newFullPath)) {
const s = fs.statSync(newFullPath);
if (s.isFile()) {
function isFolderOrFile(fileName) {
// const stat = fs.statSync(cwd + '/' + fileName);
const stat = fs.statSync( fileName);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
let fileList = readSubdirectories(fileName);
console.log('fileList in directory ',fileName, '\n', fileList)
if (fileList) {
else if (stat.isFile()) {
expandedFileList.push(cwd + '/' + fileName)
function renameFile (originalFileName, fileMixedNewName) {
fs.rename(originalFileName, fileMixedNewName, function (err) {
console.log('name changed', fileMixedNewName)
if (err) console.log('rename ERROR: ' + err)
function appendFileName (fileProperties, newText) {
fileProperties.freeText = finder.cleanSpaces(fileProperties.freeText + ' ' + newText)
return fileProperties
function prependFileName (fileProperties, newText) {
fileProperties.freeText = finder.cleanSpaces(newText + ' ' + fileProperties.freeText)
return fileProperties
function makeFileNameFromProperties (fileProperties) {
let tagPlace = ''
if (fileProperties.tags.length) {
tagPlace = ' ' + tagSectionSeparator + ' '
// return finder.cleanSpaces(fileProperties.dateStamp + ' ' + fileProperties.freeText + tagPlace + fileProperties.tags.join(tagSeparator) + fileProperties.extension).replace(+' ' + tagSectionSeparator + ' ' + '.', '.')
return '' + fileProperties.dateStampExif + ' ' + fileProperties.freeText + tagPlace + fileProperties.tags.join(tagSeparator) + fileProperties.extension
function shouldWeChangeName (structureForFile) {
console.log(' ______ allez hop fini la recherche on fait un nouveau nom')
console.log('structureForFile', structureForFile)
let newName = makeFileNameFromProperties(structureForFile)
if (structureForFile.fileNameOriginal !== newName) {
console.log('\n ancien nom :', structureForFile.fileNameOriginal)
// console.log(' nouveau nom:', foundDate +structureForFile.freeText + structureForFile.tags.join(tagSeparator) + structureForFile.extension )
console.log(' nouveau nom:', newName)
if (!mini_arguments.dryRun) {
renameFile(structureForFile.fullPath, structureForFile.folderPath + newName)
} else {
console.log('no renaming for real, this is a dry run')
} else {
console.log(' rien à changer')
async function guessFileNameOnAllFilesFromArguments () {
// parcourir les dossiers
// parcourir les fichiers
console.log('liste des fichiers', mini_arguments._)
let fileList = mini_arguments._
fileList.forEach(fullPath => {
let structureForFile = finder.destructurateFileName(fullPath)
// examiner les infos exif de chaque fichier pour proposer un nouveau nom
if (!structureForFile.dateStampInFileNameOriginal) {
console.log(' le nom de fichier ne contient pas de date formatée au début')
.then(data => {
console.log(' ... chercher la date de création')
let foundDate = finder.findEarliestDateInExifData(data)
console.log(' =>>>>>>> foundDate : ', foundDate)
if (foundDate) {
// finder.findEarliestDateInExifData(fullPath).then(response => {
// console.log(' ... trouvée')
// if (response) {
structureForFile.dateStampExif = foundDate
// }
// })
} else {
console.log('pas de date trouvée dans le nom')
(error) => {
console.log('/////////// Error in reading exif of file: ' + error.message)
return ''
// run tests
if (enableTestsLocally) {
// run tests
if (rangement_instance.enableTestsLocally) {
if (reportStatistics || mini_arguments.stats) {
if (rangement_instance.reportStatistics || mini_arguments.stats) {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import finder from "./finder.mjs";
// import finder from "./finders.mjs";
const finders = require('./finders.mjs')
describe('rangement file name', () => {
@ -6,6 +7,16 @@ describe('rangement file name', () => {
expect(finder.findFormattedDate('2023-06-23T18.36.47 -- machin bidule.jpg')).toBe('2023-06-23T18.36.47');
test('detects file extension in file name', () => {
expect(finder.findFileExtension('2023-06-23T18.36.47 -- machin bidule.jpg')).toBe('.jpg');
expect(finder.findFileExtension()('2023-06-23T18.36.47 -- machin bidule.jpg')).toBe('jpg');
console.log('finders', finder)
test('adding positive numbers is not zero', () => {
for (let a = 1; a < 10; a++) {
for (let b = 1; b < 10; b++) {
expect(a + b).not.toBe(0);

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
"license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later",
"dependencies": {
"exifr": "^7.1.3",
"i18next": "^23.2.6",
"minimist": "^1.2.8",
"moment": "^2.29.4",
"node-exiftool": "^2.3.0",
"node-fs": "^0.1.7"
"devDependencies": {
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
"@jest/globals": "^29.5.0",
"babel-jest": "^29.5.0",
"jest": "^29.5.0",
"loglevel": "^1.8.1",
"nodemon": "^2.0.22",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1"
@ -1798,7 +1801,6 @@
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"dev": true,
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"regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.11"
@ -2741,6 +2743,11 @@
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"version": "4.1.2",
"resolved": "",
@ -3280,6 +3287,28 @@
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"integrity": "sha512-i0P2XBisewaICJ7UQtwymeJj6cXUigM+s8XNIXmWk4oJ8iTok2taCbOTX0ps+u9DFcQ6FWH6xLIU0dLEnMaNbA==",
"funding": [
"type": "individual",
"url": ""
"type": "individual",
"url": ""
"type": "individual",
"url": ""
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@ -4174,6 +4203,19 @@
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"version": "1.8.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-tCRIJM51SHjAayKwC+QAg8hT8vg6z7GSgLJKGvzuPb1Wc+hLzqtuVLxp6/HzSPOozuK+8ErAhy7U/sVzw8Dgfg==",
"dev": true,
"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.6.0"
"funding": {
"type": "tidelift",
"url": ""
"node_modules/lru-cache": {
"version": "5.1.1",
"resolved": "",
@ -4213,6 +4255,11 @@
"tmpl": "1.0.5"
"node_modules/makepromise": {
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"node_modules/merge-stream": {
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"resolved": "",
@ -4281,6 +4328,24 @@
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"dev": true
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"is-stream": "1.1.0",
"restream": "1.2.0",
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"node_modules/node-exiftool/node_modules/is-stream": {
"version": "1.1.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-uQPm8kcs47jx38atAcWTVxyltQYoPT68y9aWYdV6yWXSyW8mzSat0TL6CiWdZeCdF3KrAvpVtnHbTv4RN+rqdQ==",
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"node_modules/node-fs": {
"version": "0.1.7",
"resolved": "",
@ -4677,8 +4742,7 @@
"node_modules/regenerator-runtime": {
"version": "0.13.11",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-kY1AZVr2Ra+t+piVaJ4gxaFaReZVH40AKNo7UCX6W+dEwBo/2oZJzqfuN1qLq1oL45o56cPaTXELwrTh8Fpggg==",
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"node_modules/regenerator-transform": {
"version": "0.15.1",
@ -4783,6 +4847,11 @@
"node": ">=10"
"node_modules/restream": {
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@ -5278,6 +5347,15 @@
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View File

@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
"license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later",
"dependencies": {
"exifr": "^7.1.3",
"i18next": "^23.2.6",
"minimist": "^1.2.8",
"moment": "^2.29.4",
"node-exiftool": "^2.3.0",
"node-fs": "^0.1.7"
"devDependencies": {
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
"@jest/globals": "^29.5.0",
"babel-jest": "^29.5.0",
"jest": "^29.5.0",
"loglevel": "^1.8.1",
"nodemon": "^2.0.22",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1"

setup.mjs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
création de la config
// import i18next from 'i18next'
import config_rangement from "./configs";
const { stdin, stdout } = process;
function prompt(question) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stdin.on('data', data => resolve(data.toString().trim()));
stdin.on('error', err => reject(err));
async function main() {
try {
// const name = await prompt(i18next.t("home.title"))
const name = await prompt(`squoi le dossier de base des archives? [${config_rangement.base_archive_folder}]`)
// const age = await prompt("What's your age? ");
// const email = await prompt("What's your email address? ");
// const user = { name, age, email };
} catch(error) {
console.log("There's an error!");

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