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// @ts-ignore
import parserConfig from "./config.ts";
import {v4 as uuidv4} from "uuid";
import {Client} from "pg";
import {htmlEscape} from "escape-goat";
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
const moment = require("moment");
const fs = require("fs");
let organizerActorId = 3;
let createEventQueryMobilizon = "mutation createEvent($organizerActorId: ID!, $attributedToId: ID, $title: String!, $description: String!, $beginsOn: DateTime!, $endsOn: DateTime, $status: EventStatus, $visibility: EventVisibility, $joinOptions: EventJoinOptions, $draft: Boolean, $tags: [String], $picture: MediaInput, $onlineAddress: String, $phoneAddress: String, $category: String, $physicalAddress: AddressInput, $options: EventOptionsInput, $contacts: [Contact]) {\n createEvent(\n organizerActorId: $organizerActorId\n attributedToId: $attributedToId\n title: $title\n description: $description\n beginsOn: $beginsOn\n endsOn: $endsOn\n status: $status\n visibility: $visibility\n joinOptions: $joinOptions\n draft: $draft\n tags: $tags\n picture: $picture\n onlineAddress: $onlineAddress\n phoneAddress: $phoneAddress\n category: $category\n physicalAddress: $physicalAddress\n options: $options\n contacts: $contacts\n ) {\n ...FullEvent\n __typename\n }\n}\n\nfragment FullEvent on Event {\n id\n uuid\n url\n local\n title\n description\n beginsOn\n endsOn\n status\n visibility\n joinOptions\n draft\n picture {\n id\n url\n name\n metadata {\n width\n height\n blurhash\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n publishAt\n onlineAddress\n phoneAddress\n physicalAddress {\n ...AdressFragment\n __typename\n }\n organizerActor {\n avatar {\n id\n url\n __typename\n }\n preferredUsername\n domain\n name\n url\n id\n summary\n __typename\n }\n contacts {\n avatar {\n id\n url\n __typename\n }\n preferredUsername\n name\n summary\n domain\n url\n id\n __typename\n }\n attributedTo {\n avatar {\n id\n url\n __typename\n }\n preferredUsername\n name\n summary\n domain\n url\n id\n __typename\n }\n participantStats {\n going\n notApproved\n participant\n __typename\n }\n tags {\n ...TagFragment\n __typename\n }\n relatedEvents {\n id\n uuid\n title\n beginsOn\n picture {\n id\n url\n name\n metadata {\n width\n height\n blurhash\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n physicalAddress {\n id\n description\n __typename\n }\n organizerActor {\n id\n avatar {\n id\n url\n __typename\n }\n preferredUsername\n domain\n name\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n options {\n ...EventOptions\n __typename\n }\n metadata {\n key\n title\n value\n type\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment AdressFragment on Address {\n id\n description\n geom\n street\n locality\n postalCode\n region\n country\n type\n url\n originId\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment TagFragment on Tag {\n id\n slug\n title\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment EventOptions on EventOptions {\n maximumAttendeeCapacity\n remainingAttendeeCapacity\n showRemainingAttendeeCapacity\n anonymousParticipation\n showStartTime\n showEndTime\n offers {\n price\n priceCurrency\n url\n __typename\n }\n participationConditions {\n title\n content\n url\n __typename\n }\n attendees\n program\n commentModeration\n showParticipationPrice\n hideOrganizerWhenGroupEvent\n __typename\n}\n";
function proxy_fetch(theUrl: string, theOptions: any) {
return fetch(theUrl, theOptions);
* utilitaries to manipulate scraped object and prepare queries to import in mobilizon
class utils {
* postgres functions
client: any;
createEventQueries: string;
makeQuery = () => {
let createEventQueries: string = `INSERT INTO events(title, description, organizer_actor_id, inserted_at, updated_at, uuid, url, status, category, options, participants_stats, begins_on, ends_on) VALUES ${this.agendadulibre.queryToAdd} ${this.osmcal.queryToAdd};`;
this.createEventQueries = createEventQueries;
this.writeFile("event_creation_query.psql", this.createEventQueries, "psql");
runCreationQuery = async () => {
if (this.createEventQueries) {
console.log(" ");
console.log(" ⚙️⚙️⚙️ ");
console.log(" ");
console.log(" createEventQueries");
const res = await this.client.query(this.createEventQueries);
console.log("res", res);
return res;
} else {
console.log(" DISABLED createEventQueries");
* memorizing properties
counterOfEventsToAdd = 0;
localMobilizonEventsByTitle: Array<string> = [];
newEvents: Array<any> = [];
* converters
geocoderNominatim(coords: any) {
console.log('' + coords[0] + '&lon=' + coords[0]) + '&format=json'
convertRssDateBDD(rssDate: any) {
let converted = moment(rssDate)
.format("YYYY-MM-DD LTS")
.slice(0, -3)
.concat(".000000"); // in js format like 2021-03-12T19:00:00Z
console.log("converted", converted);
// like 2021-01-03 15:31:02.918940
return converted;
convertRssDate(rssDate: string): string {
console.log('rssDate', rssDate);
if (rssDate) {
let converted = new Date(rssDate).toISOString(); // in js format like 2021-03-12T19:00:00Z
console.log("converted", converted);
// like 2021-01-03 15:31:02.918940
return converted;
} else {
return "";
convertCoordinateLinkOsmCal(coords: any) {
return ` <div class='coordinates'>
<a href='${coords[0]}%2C${coords[1]}'>voir le lieu sur une carte
</div> `
* file management
writeFile(fileName: string, data: any, formatData: any = 'json') {
let dataToSave = data;
if (formatData == 'json') {
dataToSave = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)
// write file to disk
(err: any) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Error writing file: ${err}`);
} else {
console.log(`File ${fileName} is written successfully!`);
/** ==============================
* importation sources
public osmcal = {
queryToAdd: "",
counterOfEventsToAdd: 0,
getTitle: (event: any) => {
//+ ' '+ event.location.short
doesEventExists: (event: any): boolean => {
const eventAlreadyExists =
-1 !== this.localMobilizonEventsByTitle.indexOf(this.osmcal.getTitle(event));
if (!eventAlreadyExists) {
if (parserConfig.debug) {
console.log('ajouter l event ', htmlEscape(this.osmcal.getTitle(event)));
return eventAlreadyExists;
addQuery: (event: any) => {
if (this.osmcal.queryToAdd) {
this.osmcal.queryToAdd += ` , `;
let title = "'" + htmlEscape(this.osmcal.getTitle(event)) + "'";
let content = "'" + htmlEscape(`${} <br/>${+event.url} <br/> `) + "'";
if (event.location) {
content += `${event.location.detailed} `
if (event.location.venue) {
content += ` <br/>
if (event.location.coords) {
content += ` <br/> ` + this.convertCoordinateLinkOsmCal(event.location.coords)
console.log(' ')
console.log(' title', title)
let uuid = uuidv4();
let uuidString = "'" + uuid + "'";
let eventUrl =
"'" + parserConfig.mobilizon_public_url + "/events/" + uuid + "'";
let begins_on = "'" + this.convertRssDate( + "'";
let ends_on = "'" + this.convertRssDate( + "'";
let baseOptions =
'{"offers": [], "program": null, "attendees": [], "show_end_time": true, "show_start_time": true, "comment_moderation": "allow_all", "anonymous_participation": true, "participation_condition": [], "show_participation_price": false, "maximum_attendee_capacity": 0, "remaining_attendee_capacity": 0, "hide_organizer_when_group_event": false, "show_remaining_attendee_capacity": false}';
let baseStats =
'{"creator": 1, "rejected": 0, "moderator": 0, "participant": 0, "not_approved": 0, "administrator": 0, "not_confirmed": 0}';
// begins_on , ends_on expecting date format like this: "2020-12-17 23:00:00"
this.osmcal.queryToAdd += `( ${title}, ${content}, ${parserConfig.feeder_mobilizon_user_id}, 'now()','now()', ${uuidString}, ${eventUrl}, 'confirmed' , 'meeting', ${baseOptions}, ${baseStats}, ${begins_on} , ${ends_on} )`;
public agendadulibre: any = {
queryToAdd: [],
queryToAddBDD: "",
counterOfEventsToAdd: 0,
doesEventExists: (event: any) => {
if (this.localMobilizonEventsByTitle.length) {
const eventAlreadyExists =
-1 !== this.localMobilizonEventsByTitle.indexOf(this.agendadulibre.uniqTitle(event));
return eventAlreadyExists;
} else {
console.log('aucun évènement dans localMobilizonEventsByTitle');
return false;
* convert events from data scraping of the agenda du libre, to a string used as a comparison with new events
* @param event
uniqTitle(event: any): string {
return moment(new Date(event.start_time))
.format("YYYY-MM-DD") + ' ' + event.title
* convert events from bdd to a string used as a comparison with new events
* @param event
uniqTitleBDD(event: any): string {
return moment(event.begins_on)
.format("YYYY-MM-DD") + ' ' + event.title
doesEventExistsFromJsonScrap: (event: any): boolean => {
const eventAlreadyExists =
-1 !== this.localMobilizonEventsByTitle.indexOf(this.agendadulibre.uniqTitle(event));
return eventAlreadyExists;
addQueryFromJsonScrap: (event: any) => {
let tags = => {
let newQuery = {
operationName: "createEvent",
query: createEventQueryMobilizon,
variables: {
attributedToId: null,
beginsOn: event.start_time,
contacts: [],
"<address>" +
"<span class='city'>"+"</span><br/>"+
"<span class='address'>"+ event.address+"</span><br/>"+
"<span class='place_name'>"+ event.place_name+"</span><br/>"+
"<span class='contact'>"+"</span><br/>"+
"<p class='event_description'>" + event.description + "</p>",
draft: false,
endsOn: event.end_time,
joinOptions: "FREE",
onlineAddress: event.url,
options: {
anonymousParticipation: true,
attendees: [],
commentModeration: "ALLOW_ALL",
hideOrganizerWhenGroupEvent: false,
// maximumAttendeeCapacity: 200,
offers: [],
participationConditions: [],
program: "",
remainingAttendeeCapacity: 0,
showEndTime: true,
showParticipationPrice: false,
showRemainingAttendeeCapacity: false,
showStartTime: true
organizerActorId: organizerActorId,
phoneAddress: "",
status: "CONFIRMED",
tags: [
title: event.title,
visibility: "PUBLIC"
return newQuery;
addQuery: (event: any) => {
console.log('event', event.title);
operationName: "createEvent",
query: createEventQueryMobilizon,
variables: {
attributedToId: null,
contacts: [],
description: "<p>" + event.content + "</p>",
draft: false,
joinOptions: "FREE",
options: {
anonymousParticipation: true,
attendees: [],
commentModeration: "ALLOW_ALL",
hideOrganizerWhenGroupEvent: false,
maximumAttendeeCapacity: 200,
offers: [],
participationConditions: [],
program: "",
remainingAttendeeCapacity: 0,
showEndTime: true,
showParticipationPrice: false,
showRemainingAttendeeCapacity: false,
showStartTime: true
organizerActorId: organizerActorId,
phoneAddress: "",
status: "CONFIRMED",
tags: [
title: event.title,
visibility: "PUBLIC"
return this.agendadulibre.queryToAdd;
addNewEventsFromQueries: () => {
if (parserConfig.runAddQueriesToMobilizonAPI) {
' rajouter les évènements manquants par l\'API GraphQL',
let limiter = parserConfig.limit_persistence_of_new_events;
let counter = 0;
let bearerTokenIsOK = true;
this.agendadulibre.queryToAdd.forEach((graphQLquery: any) => {
if (limiter && counter <= parserConfig.max_new_events && bearerTokenIsOK) {
console.log(counter, ' * ', graphQLquery.variables.title);
const body = {
operationName: "createEvent",
query: graphQLquery.query,
variables: graphQLquery.variables
if (parserConfig.enableFetch) {
let theUrl: string = parserConfig.dev_mode ? parserConfig.dev_url : parserConfig.mobilizon_public_url;
let theOptions: any = {
method: "post",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"authorization": "Bearer " + parserConfig.bearer_token,
proxy_fetch(theUrl, theOptions)
.then((res: any) => {
let status = res.status;
console.log('status', status);
if (status === 401) {
console.error(' /!\\ ------------------ ERROR: Bearer token invalid ------------------')
bearerTokenIsOK = false;
} else if (status === 200) {
.then((json: any) => console.log(json))
.catch((err: any) => console.log(err))
} else {
console.log('---- le fetch est désactivé');
setupClientPostgresql = () => {
this.client = new Client({
host: "localhost",
user: parserConfig.db_user,
password: parserConfig.db_pass,
database: parserConfig.db_name,
createEventQueriesForApi(EventsToCreate: any[]) {
if (EventsToCreate.length) {
console.log('we will create events', EventsToCreate.length);
} else {
console.log('no events to create');
export default utils;