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let utils,parserConfig,uuidv4,htmlEscape,Parser,Client;_e9b.w("./utils.ts",[["default",["utils"],function(v){utils=v}]]);_e9b.w("./config.ts",[["default",["parserConfig"],function(v){parserConfig=v}]]);_e9b.w("uuid",[["v4",["uuidv4"],function(v){uuidv4=v}]]);_e9b.w("escape-goat",[["htmlEscape",["htmlEscape"],function(v){htmlEscape=v}]]);_e9b.w("rss-parser",[["default",["Parser"],function(v){Parser=v}]]);_e9b.w("pg",[["Client",["Client"],function(v){Client=v}]]);// @author tykayn
// imports
let parser = new Parser();
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ==============================================='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ==== Rss Feeder for mobilizon - by tykayn ===='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ==============================================='.blue);
if (parserConfig.debug) {
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log('configMobilizon'.blue, config);
const utilsTools = new utils();
let localMobilizonEventsByTitle = [];
// trouver si un évènement existe déjà par son titre
// TODO à affiner au delà du titre
const doesThisEventAlreadyExistInLocalEvents = (rssEvent) => {
const eventAlreadyExists =
-1 !== localMobilizonEventsByTitle.indexOf(rssEvent.title);
if (!eventAlreadyExists) {
if (parserConfig.debug) {
_e9b.g.console.log('ajouter l event ', htmlEscape(rssEvent.title));
let createEventQueries = '';
let counterOfEventsToAdd = 0;
const addEventQuery = (rssEvent) => {
if (!createEventQueries) {
createEventQueries =
'INSERT INTO events(title, description, organizer_actor_id,inserted_at,updated_at, uuid, url, status, category, options,participants_stats, begins_on, ends_on) VALUES ';
if (counterOfEventsToAdd) {
createEventQueries += ` , `;
let title = '\'' + htmlEscape(rssEvent.title) + '\'';
let content = '\'' + htmlEscape(rssEvent.content) + '\'';
let uuid = uuidv4();
let uuidString = '\'' + uuid + '\'';
let eventUrl = '\'' + parserConfig.mobilizon_public_url + '/events/' + uuid + '\'';
let begins_on = '\'' + uuid + '\'';
let ends_on = '\'' + utilsTools.convertRssDate( + '\'';
let baseOptions =
'{"offers": [], "program": null, "attendees": [], "show_end_time": true, "show_start_time": true, "comment_moderation": "allow_all", "anonymous_participation": true, "participation_condition": [], "show_participation_price": false, "maximum_attendee_capacity": 0, "remaining_attendee_capacity": 0, "hide_organizer_when_group_event": false, "show_remaining_attendee_capacity": false}';
let baseStats =
'{"creator": 1, "rejected": 0, "moderator": 0, "participant": 0, "not_approved": 0, "administrator": 0, "not_confirmed": 0}';
// TODO complete with date conversion
// begins_on , ends_on expecting date format like this: "2020-12-17 23:00:00"
createEventQueries += `( ${title}, ${content}, ${parserConfig.feeder_mobilizon_user_id}, 'now()','now()', ${uuidString}, ${eventUrl}, 'confirmed' , 'meeting', ${baseOptions}, ${baseStats} )`;
const runCreationQuery = async () => {
createEventQueries = createEventQueries + ';';
if (createEventQueries) {
console.log(' ');
console.log(' ⚙️⚙️⚙️ ');
console.log(' ');
console.log(' createEventQueries');
const res = await client.query(createEventQueries);
_e9b.g.console.log('res', res);
return res;
const client = new Client({
host : 'localhost',
user : parserConfig.db_user,
password: parserConfig.db_pass,
database: parserConfig.db_name,
(async () => {
console.log('⌛ interroger la BDD mobilizon postgresql');
await client.connect();
console.log('✅ OK connecté à postgresql');
console.log(' ');
const res = await client.query('SELECT * from events');
_e9b.g.console.log('💾 évènements enregistrés dans mobilizon : ', res.rows.length); // Hello world!
res.rows.forEach((item) => {
_e9b.g.console.log(' 🟢 ', item.begins_on, item.ends_on, item.title, item.url);
if (parserConfig.askAgendaDuLibre) {
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ===================================================='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ==== demander à l\'agenda du libre son flux RSS ===='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ===================================================='.blue);
_e9b.g.console.log('⌛ lecture du flux rss : ' + parserConfig.rss_feed_url);
let feed = await parser.parseURL(parserConfig.rss_feed_url);
console.log('✅ flux rss obtenu');
console.log('⚙️ interprétation des évènements');
'⌛ trouver les évènements qui ne font pas partie de la BDD mobilizon postgresql',
feed.items.forEach((rssEvent) => {
// console.log('item', item)
if (parserConfig.askOsmCal) {
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ===================================================='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ==== demander à l\'agenda du libre son flux RSS ===='.blue);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ===================================================='.blue);
if (parserConfig.runAddQueriesToMobilizon) {
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' rajouter les évènements manquants à la base mobilizon'.blue);
await runCreationQuery();
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ---------- '.green);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(counterOfEventsToAdd, ' évènements ajoutés '.green);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log(' ---------- '.green);
// @ts-ignore
_e9b.g.console.log('✅ ça c\'est fait '.green);
await client.end();
exports = () => {
_e9b.g.console.log('hey ho', this);