up notes
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,23 +4,84 @@
<main class="main">
<div class="content columns">
<div class="left-side column is-4">
alt="logo osm">
<li class="subject" *ngFor="let s of subjects; index as i"
<li class="subject is-clickable is-hoverable hover:has-background-blue"
*ngFor="let s of subjects; index as i"
[ngClass]="{ active: (currentSubjectId +1) == (i+1) }">
<strong>{{ i + 1 }}) {{ s.title }}</strong>
<p>{{ s.duration }} min, par {{ s.author }}. Reste: {{ resteTopicMinutes }}. Passé: {{s.spentSeconds}}. </p>
<p class="is-small">
{{ s.duration }} min, par {{ s.author }}. Reste: {{ resteTopicMinutes(s) }}. Passé: {{ round(s.spentSeconds) }}.
<p *ngIf="s.finished">🎉</p>
<textarea class="textarea mx-2 is-full" [(ngModel)]="pasteLand" id="pasteland" (ngModelChange)="parseTheListOfTopicsInPasteLand()"></textarea>
{{ (hints) }}
<div class="pad">
<textarea name="note" id="note" cols="30" rows="10" [(ngModel)]="subjects[currentSubjectId].notes"></textarea>
Texte du pad
<textarea class="textarea mx-2 is-full" [(ngModel)]="pasteLand" id="pasteland"
Compte rendu
<button class="btn is-primary" (click)="copyCompteRenduToClipboard()">
<div class="liens">
<li><a href="https://annuel.framapad.org/p/N_IDAQXYLHswlpU2s3oE">pad de notes de réunion</a></li>
<li><a href="https://t.me/SOTM2023-Marseille">canal spécial pour le SOTM fr sur telegram</a></li>
<li><a href="https://t.me/osm-fr">canal général sur telegram</a></li>
<li><a href="https://app.element.io/#/room/%23osmfr:matrix.org">espace de canaux sur matrix</a></li>
<li><a href="https://forum.openstreetmap.fr/c/openstreetmap-france/ca/53">forum section CA</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/osm-fr/">github osm-france</a></li>
<li><a href="https://osmvideo.cloud68.co/user/fre-aux-yuh">réunions mensuelles du CA</a></li>
<li><a href="https://nextcloud.openstreetmap.fr">nextcloud osm</a></li>
<li><a href="https://stats.uptimerobot.com/mQX5Vi5YW2">status des services en ligne</a></li>
<li>source: <a href="https://forge.chapril.org/tykayn/scripts">ordre du jour par Tykayn</a></li>
<div class="explications">
<div class="debug" *ngIf="showDebug">
{{ subjects|json }}
{{ (hints) }}
<div class="right-side column is-8">
<div class="pill-group"
@ -55,12 +116,7 @@
<div class="debug" *ngIf="showDebug">
{{ subjects|json }}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {FormsModule} from "@angular/forms";
interface Topic {
id: number, // numéro du sujet
title: string, // titre du sujet à aborder
notes: string, // titre du sujet à aborder
duration: number, // nombre de minutes du sujet
author: string,// auteur du sujet qui anime la discussion
startDate: Date, // date de début du sujet
@ -26,26 +27,19 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
title = 'odj';
subjects: Array<Topic> = [];
currentSubjectId = 0;
// startTime: string = "20:30";
startTime: string = "17:00";
startTime: string = "20:30";
// startTime: string = "17:00";
endTime: string = "22:00";
pasteLand: string = "* Présentation du suivi sur Nextcloud - 5min (tykayn)\n" +
"* Réduction de bus factor - 5min (tykayn)\n" +
"* Réunion avec Wikimedia France - 5min (tykayn)\n" +
hints: string = " - le pad des notes de réunion https://annuel.framapad.org/p/N_IDAQXYLHswlpU2s3oE\n" +
"\t - canal spécial pour le SOTM fr sur telegram https://t.me/SOTM2023-Marseille\n" +
"\t - canal général sur telegram https://t.me/osm-fr\n" +
"\t - espace de canaux sur matrix https://app.element.io/#/room/#osmfr:matrix.org\n" +
"\t - le forum section CA https://forum.openstreetmap.fr/c/openstreetmap-france/ca/53\n" +
"\t - le github osm-france https://github.com/osm-fr/ \n" +
"\t - les réunions mensuelles du CA https://osmvideo.cloud68.co/user/fre-aux-yuh \n" +
"\t - le nextcloud osm https://nextcloud.openstreetmap.fr\n" +
"\t - les status des services en ligne https://stats.uptimerobot.com/mQX5Vi5YW2";
statsExplication: string = ''
resteTopicMinutes: any = 10;
showDebug: boolean = false;
hints: string = "";
showDebug: boolean = true;
private startDate: Date = new Date();
private endDate: Date = new Date();
private topicChangeDate: Date = new Date();
@ -60,6 +54,12 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
this.subjects[this.currentSubjectId].spentSeconds += timeDifferenceInSeconds;
this.topicChangeDate = currentTime;
if (val < 60) {
return Math.round(val) +' s'
return (Math.round(val / 60) * 60) + ' min'
parseTheListOfTopicsInPasteLand() {
@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
id: ii,
title: boom[0],
duration: 15,
spentSeconds: 0,
author: '',
notes: '',
finished: false,
startDate: this.getStartDateAfterDuration(accumulatedDuration + ''),
endDate: this.getEndDateAfterDuration(accumulatedDuration + ''),
@ -109,13 +112,13 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* @param {Topic} topic - The topic for which to compute the remaining time.
computeResteTopicMinutes(topic: Topic): void {
computeResteTopicMinutes(topic: Topic): number {
let currentSubjectDuration = topic.duration; // The duration of the current subject, in minutes
let currentSubjectStartTime = new Date(this.startTime); // The start time of the current subject
let currentSubjectEndTime = new Date(currentSubjectStartTime.getTime() + currentSubjectDuration * 60000); // The end time of the current subject
let remainingTime = currentSubjectEndTime.getTime() - new Date().getTime(); // The remaining time, in milliseconds
this.resteTopicMinutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60000); // The remaining time, in minutes
return currentSubjectEndTime.getTime() - new Date().getTime(); // The remaining time, in milliseconds
interval: any;
@ -185,6 +188,11 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
console.log('ajout au topic', this.currentSubjectId)
resteTopicMinutes(topic: Topic) {
return this.round(topic.spentSeconds / topic.duration * 60) + ' min'
convertTextToHTMLLinks(text: string): string {
let urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s<]+[^<.,:;\"\'\]\s])(?!["\])\s])/g;
let matches = urlRegex.exec(text);
@ -204,4 +212,58 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
this.currentSubjectId < 1 ? this.currentSubjectId = 0 : this.currentSubjectId -= 1;
makeStatisticsOnTopicsSpentSeconds() {
let totalSeconds = 0;
for (const topic of this.subjects) {
totalSeconds += topic.spentSeconds;
let averageSeconds = totalSeconds / this.subjects.length;
let longestTopic = this.subjects[0];
let longestSeconds = longestTopic.spentSeconds;
for (const topic of this.subjects) {
if (topic.spentSeconds > longestSeconds) {
longestSeconds = topic.spentSeconds;
longestTopic = topic;
let shortestTopic = this.subjects[0];
let shortestSeconds = shortestTopic.spentSeconds;
for (const topic of this.subjects) {
if (topic.spentSeconds < shortestSeconds) {
shortestSeconds = topic.spentSeconds;
shortestTopic = topic;
this.statsExplication = `Total spent seconds: ${totalSeconds}\nAverage spent seconds: ${averageSeconds}\nLongest topic: ${longestTopic.title} (${longestSeconds} seconds)\nShortest topic: ${shortestTopic.title} (${shortestSeconds} seconds)`;
setSubject(i: number) {
this.currentSubjectId = i;
compteRendu:string = ''
let compteRendu = 'Compte rendu :\n\n';
for (const topic of this.subjects) {
compteRendu += `Sujet ${topic.id + 1} : ${topic.title}\n`;
compteRendu += `Durée : ${topic.duration} minutes\n`;
compteRendu += `Temps écoulé : ${this.resteTopicMinutes(topic)}\n\n`;
this.compteRendu = compteRendu
return compteRendu
copyCompteRenduToClipboard() {
Reference in New Issue
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