# Vercel Schemas Schemas used across many Vercel packages to validating config files, requests to APIs, and more. ## Why? - Keep schemas used across Vercel projects in sync - We use `.js` instead of `.json` because parsing JSON takes longer ## Usage To get started, pick one of the schemas in this repository and load it: ```js const schema = require('@zeit/schemas/deployment/config'); ``` Next, set up [AJV](https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv) (the validator) and run the schema through it: ```js const AJV = require('ajv'); const ajv = new AJV({ allErrors: true }); const isValid = ajv.validate(schema, ); if (!isValid) { console.error(`The following entries are wrong: ${JSON.stringify(ajv.errors)}`); } ``` That is all! :tada: ## Contributing We are currently not accepting external contributions for this repository.