
110 lines
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const UPPERCASE = /[\p{Lu}]/u;
const LOWERCASE = /[\p{Ll}]/u;
const LEADING_CAPITAL = /^[\p{Lu}](?![\p{Lu}])/gu;
const IDENTIFIER = /([\p{Alpha}\p{N}_]|$)/u;
const SEPARATORS = /[_.\- ]+/;
const LEADING_SEPARATORS = new RegExp('^' + SEPARATORS.source);
const SEPARATORS_AND_IDENTIFIER = new RegExp(SEPARATORS.source + IDENTIFIER.source, 'gu');
const NUMBERS_AND_IDENTIFIER = new RegExp('\\d+' + IDENTIFIER.source, 'gu');
const preserveCamelCase = (string, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, preserveConsecutiveUppercase) => {
let isLastCharLower = false;
let isLastCharUpper = false;
let isLastLastCharUpper = false;
let isLastLastCharPreserved = false;
for (let index = 0; index < string.length; index++) {
const character = string[index];
isLastLastCharPreserved = index > 2 ? string[index - 3] === '-' : true;
if (isLastCharLower && UPPERCASE.test(character)) {
string = string.slice(0, index) + '-' + string.slice(index);
isLastCharLower = false;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = true;
} else if (isLastCharUpper && isLastLastCharUpper && LOWERCASE.test(character) && (!isLastLastCharPreserved || preserveConsecutiveUppercase)) {
string = string.slice(0, index - 1) + '-' + string.slice(index - 1);
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = false;
isLastCharLower = true;
} else {
isLastCharLower = toLowerCase(character) === character && toUpperCase(character) !== character;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = toUpperCase(character) === character && toLowerCase(character) !== character;
return string;
const preserveConsecutiveUppercase = (input, toLowerCase) => {
LEADING_CAPITAL.lastIndex = 0;
return input.replace(LEADING_CAPITAL, m1 => toLowerCase(m1));
const postProcess = (input, toUpperCase) => {
return input.replace(SEPARATORS_AND_IDENTIFIER, (_, identifier) => toUpperCase(identifier))
.replace(NUMBERS_AND_IDENTIFIER, m => toUpperCase(m));
export default function camelCase(input, options) {
if (!(typeof input === 'string' || Array.isArray(input))) {
throw new TypeError('Expected the input to be `string | string[]`');
options = {
pascalCase: false,
preserveConsecutiveUppercase: false,
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
input = => x.trim())
.filter(x => x.length)
} else {
input = input.trim();
if (input.length === 0) {
return '';
const toLowerCase = options.locale === false
? string => string.toLowerCase()
: string => string.toLocaleLowerCase(options.locale);
const toUpperCase = options.locale === false
? string => string.toUpperCase()
: string => string.toLocaleUpperCase(options.locale);
if (input.length === 1) {
if (SEPARATORS.test(input)) {
return '';
return options.pascalCase ? toUpperCase(input) : toLowerCase(input);
const hasUpperCase = input !== toLowerCase(input);
if (hasUpperCase) {
input = preserveCamelCase(input, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, options.preserveConsecutiveUppercase);
input = input.replace(LEADING_SEPARATORS, '');
input = options.preserveConsecutiveUppercase ? preserveConsecutiveUppercase(input, toLowerCase) : toLowerCase(input);
if (options.pascalCase) {
input = toUpperCase(input.charAt(0)) + input.slice(1);
return postProcess(input, toUpperCase);