
139 lines
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Raw Blame History

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# these bash aliases are meant to be added in your user folder,
# in a file named: .bash_aliases (with the dot at the beginning)
# done for my blog
# these bash aliases are meant to be added in your user folder,
# in a file named: .bash_aliases (with the dot at the beginning)
# done for my blog
############################ current
alias work='cd ~/www/funky-framadate-front \
nvm use 16 && yarn start'
########## lieux ###########
alias goserv='ssh'; # customise this one!
alias dok="docker-compose"
alias doc="dok"
alias goc="cd /media/tykayn/catwoman"
###### lieux locaux
alias gok='ssh tykayn@'
alias goj='ssh -p 3910'
alias syncnas='export RSYNC_PASSWORD="blah_blah_blah" && rsync -avP --delete "$USER@és/videos/*" /home/poule/medias/videos'
alias findup='cd && sudo /usr/share/fslint/fslint/findup |grep a_ranger > duplicates_a_ranger.txt'
alias netre='sudo service network-manager restart'
alias dc='docker-compose'
alias goa='ssh'
alias goo='cd ~/Nextcloud/textes/orgmode'
################ symfony3 ######################
alias sf='php bin/console';
alias sfdsu='sf doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql';
alias sfdsuf='sf doctrine:schema:update --force';
alias sfcc='sf cache:clear';
alias sfdcc='sf doctrine:cache:clear-metadata && sf doctrine:cache:clear-query && sf doctrine:cache:clear-result ';
alias sfdge='sf doctrine:generate:entities';
alias sfdsv='sf doctrine:schema:validate';
alias sfdges='sf doctrine:generate:entities';
alias sffuc='sf fos:user:change-password';
alias c7='sudo chmod 777 -R';
alias ptest='phpunit -c app';
alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer.phar';
alias sfad='sf assetic:dump';
alias sfai='sf assets:install';
alias yre='yarn run encore --dev';
alias yrep='yarn run encore --production';
################ system without graphic interface - command line ################
alias basha='nano ~/.bash_aliases'; # éditer les alisas
alias bashare='source ~/.bash_aliases'; # recharger les alias
alias ainstall='sudo apt-get install'; # installer un programme
alias apachere='sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart'; # apache restart
alias apacheconf='sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf'; # fichier de config apache2
alias phpini='sudo nano /etc/php8/apache2/php.ini'; # fichier de config de php8
alias tfa='tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log'; # suivi des erreurs apache
alias aupg='sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y';
################ système with X server ################
alias phpini='sudo gedit /etc/php8/apache2/php.ini';
################ git helpers ################
alias gci='git commit';
alias gco='git checkout';
alias gst='git status';
alias gbr='git branch';
alias gpull='git pull';
alias gpush='git push';
alias gpoush='git push'; # for slipping fingers
alias glg='git log --pretty=oneline';
alias myglg='git log --pretty=oneline --author=tykayn'; # log pour seulement mes commits, utile pour un stand up de projet Agile
alias gaci='git add . --all && git commit -m '; # ajouter sans les tests js, donnez le message du commit entre guillemets suite à cette commande
alias gacio='goo && git add . --all && git commit -m "update orgmode files" && cd -'
alias gaaci='git add . --all && git commit -m '; # ajouter sans les tests js
alias mysr='mysql -uroot -p';
################ other helpers
alias hgrep="history |grep"
alias whatport="sudo netstat -pna | grep "
alias runport="firefox https://localhost:$1"
export RUBY_ENV=devlopment
#cd /media/tykayn/catwoman/stockage-syncable
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Tykayn";
#export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="cat ~/.borg-passtk4to"
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
alias python=python3
alias py=python3
alias ydl="yt-dlp -o '%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(ext)s' "
alias ydla="yt-dlp -o '%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(ext)s' "
alias oklm="killall gajim telegram-desktop signal-desktop dino-im"
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
# colored GCC warnings and errors
#export GCC_COLORS='error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01'
# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
alias l="exa -lh --git --all"
nvm use 16
node --version
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
export PATH="$HOME/.emacs.d/bin:$HOME/.symfony/bin:$PATH"
# fix mastodon development
# export
export RAILS_ENV=development
########## ---------------- syncro disks ------------------------------------------------------ ##########
echo "load functions to sync files"
source ~/Nextcloud/ressources/workflow_nextcloud/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T "
export EDITOR=nano
export HUGO_BASE_DIR="~/Nextcloud/textes/hugo"
export PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH
# gestion elixir version ASDF
. ~/.asdf/