defmodule Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter do @moduledoc """ Twitter Strategy for Überauth. """ use Ueberauth.Strategy, uid_field: :id_str alias Ueberauth.Auth.Info alias Ueberauth.Auth.Credentials alias Ueberauth.Auth.Extra alias Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter @json_library Application.get_env(:ueberauth, :json_library, Ueberauth.Config.json_library()) unless Code.ensure_loaded?(@json_library) do IO.puts(""" The json_library '#{inspect(@json_library)}' does not appear to be available. A json library is required for Ueberauth to operate. Is it configured as a dependency in mix.exs? In config.exs your expicit or implicit configuration is: config ueberauth, json_library: #{inspect(@json_library)} In mix.exs you will need something like: def deps() do [ ... {:#{String.downcase(inspect(@json_library))}, :version} ] end """) raise ArgumentError, "Json library #{String.downcase(inspect(@json_library))} does " <> "not appear to be a dependency" end @doc """ Handles initial request for Twitter authentication. """ def handle_request!(conn) do token = Twitter.OAuth.request_token!([], [redirect_uri: callback_url(conn)]) conn |> put_session(:twitter_token, token) |> redirect!(Twitter.OAuth.authorize_url!(token)) end @doc """ Handles the callback from Twitter. """ def handle_callback!(%Plug.Conn{params: %{"oauth_verifier" => oauth_verifier}} = conn) do token = get_session(conn, :twitter_token) case Twitter.OAuth.access_token(token, oauth_verifier) do {:ok, access_token} -> fetch_user(conn, access_token) {:error, error} -> set_errors!(conn, [error(error.code, error.reason)]) end end @doc false def handle_callback!(conn) do set_errors!(conn, [error("missing_code", "No code received")]) end @doc false def handle_cleanup!(conn) do conn |> put_private(:twitter_user, nil) |> put_session(:twitter_token, nil) end @doc """ Fetches the uid field from the response. """ def uid(conn) do uid_field = conn |> option(:uid_field) |> to_string conn.private.twitter_user[uid_field] end @doc """ Includes the credentials from the twitter response. """ def credentials(conn) do {token, secret} = conn.private.twitter_token %Credentials{token: token, secret: secret} end @doc """ Fetches the fields to populate the info section of the `Ueberauth.Auth` struct. """ def info(conn) do user = conn.private.twitter_user %Info{ email: user["email"], image: user["profile_image_url_https"], name: user["name"], nickname: user["screen_name"], description: user["description"], location: user["location"], urls: %{ Twitter: "{user["screen_name"]}", Website: user["url"] } } end @doc """ Stores the raw information (including the token) obtained from the twitter callback. """ def extra(conn) do {token, _secret} = get_session(conn, :twitter_token) %Extra{ raw_info: %{ token: token, user: conn.private.twitter_user } } end defp fetch_user(conn, token) do params = [{"include_entities", false}, {"skip_status", true}, {"include_email", true}] case Twitter.OAuth.get("/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json", params, token) do {:ok, %{status_code: 401, body: _, headers: _}} -> set_errors!(conn, [error("token", "unauthorized")]) {:ok, %{status_code: status_code, body: body, headers: _}} when status_code in 200..399 -> body = @json_library.decode!(body) conn |> put_private(:twitter_token, token) |> put_private(:twitter_user, body) {:ok, %{status_code: _, body: body, headers: _}} -> body = @json_library.decode!(body) error = List.first(body["errors"]) set_errors!(conn, [error("token", error["message"])]) end end defp option(conn, key) do default = Keyword.get(default_options(), key) conn |> options |> Keyword.get(key, default) end end