2025-01-15 22:20:14 +01:00

627 lines
27 KiB

import custom_utils from './utils'
import MappingConfigType from "./mapping-config.type";
import Formatters from "./formatters";
const {debugLog} = custom_utils
let listOfBooleanKeys = [
function boolToAddable(someBooleanValue: boolean) {
return someBooleanValue ? 1 : 0
export default class {
mapping_config: any = {}
public stats: any;
truthyValues = [true, 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', '1', 'yes', 1]
falsyValues = [false, 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', '0', 'no', 0]
private jardinage = false;
private current_converted_geojson_point: any;
private current_geojson_point: any; // currently converting point
private list_of_points: any; // list of geojson points
constructor(mappingConfig: MappingConfigType) {
this.stats = {
filtered_by_excluded_tags: 0,
phones_updated: 0,
power_output: 0,
phones_updated_list: [],
phones_not_updated: 0
setConfig(mappingConfig: MappingConfigType) {
debugLog('load config', mappingConfig.config_name)
debugLog('load config', mappingConfig.config_name)
this.mapping_config = mappingConfig
getConfig() {
return this.mapping_config
mapFeaturePoint(featurePointGeoJson: any) {
let geoJSONConvertedPoint: any = {}
geoJSONConvertedPoint.properties = {...this.mapping_config.default_properties_of_point}
geoJSONConvertedPoint.type = featurePointGeoJson.type
geoJSONConvertedPoint.geometry = featurePointGeoJson.geometry
this.current_converted_geojson_point = geoJSONConvertedPoint
return geoJSONConvertedPoint
* TODO convert to mapping config property to transform_truthy
* @param pointKeyName
* @returns {boolean}
isBooleanKey(pointKeyName: string): boolean {
return listOfBooleanKeys.indexOf(pointKeyName) !== -1
* filter: reduce number of features
* @param offsetCount
* @param listOfFeatures
filterFeaturesByOffset(offsetCount: number, listOfFeatures: any): Array<any> {
let filteredList = listOfFeatures
return filteredList
* filterFeaturesByPropertyRegex
* @param propertyName
* @param criteriaRegex
* @param listOfFeatures
filterFeaturesByPropertyRegex(propertyName: string, criteriaRegex: any, listOfFeatures: any) {
let filteredList = listOfFeatures.filter((feature: any) => {
return criteriaRegex.test(feature?.properties[propertyName])
return filteredList
* filter a list of geojson points if one of the given exludedKeys is present in their properties.
* Example, we do not want to convert already present OSM point which have an osm_id value in their properties.
* @param list
* @param excludedKeys
filterListOfPointsByExcludingIfKeyFilled(list: any, excludedKeys: Array<string>): any[] {
let newList: Array<any> = []
list.forEach((geojsonPoint: any) => {
let pointProperties = Object.keys(geojsonPoint.properties)
let addPoint = true;
excludedKeys.forEach((key: any) => {
debugLog(key, 'pointProperties[key]', pointProperties[key])
let foundProperty: string = pointProperties[key]
if (foundProperty && foundProperty !== 'null') {
addPoint = false
if (addPoint) {
// only add points that pass the not null filter
} else {
return newList;
filterListOfPointsByExcludingIfMaxPowerIsLesserThan(minValue: number, list_of_points: any[]): any[] {
let newList: any[] = []
list_of_points.forEach((geojsonPoint: any) => {
let pointProperties = Object.keys(geojsonPoint.properties)
// trouver la valeur
// socket_output_find_correspondances
if (pointProperties.includes('puissance_nominale') &&
1 * (geojsonPoint.properties['puissance_nominale'].replace(' kW', '')) > minValue
) {
return newList;
* retuns the converted element from mapping config if present, null otherwise
mapElementFromConf(featurePoint: any): any {
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: mapElementFromConf', featurePoint)
if (!this.mapping_config) {
throw new Error('no config was loaded in the mapping engine. use setConfig(my_mapping_config) on this instance of mapping engine before using this. Your config should be typed to MappingConfigType Type.')
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: config_name', this.mapping_config.config_name)
let mappingKeys = Object.keys(this.mapping_config.tags)
let featurePointPropertiesKeys = []
if (this.mapping_config.osmose) {
// only creation of new points are handled by now [2023-10-07]
featurePointPropertiesKeys = Object.keys(featurePoint.properties.fixes[0][0].create)
// debugLog('featurePointPropertiesKeys', featurePointPropertiesKeys)
} else {
featurePointPropertiesKeys = Object.keys(featurePoint.properties)
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: ============= keys mappingKeys:', this.mapping_config.tags.length, mappingKeys.length)
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: ============= keys featurePointPropertiesKeys :', featurePoint.properties.length, featurePointPropertiesKeys.length)
let newProperties = {...this.mapping_config.default_properties_of_point}
// reinit properties of current point
let basePoint = Object.create(featurePoint)
basePoint.type = featurePoint.type
basePoint.geometry = featurePoint.geometry
basePoint.properties = {...this.mapping_config.default_properties_of_point}
// apply new properties if found in mapping config
featurePointPropertiesKeys.forEach(pointKeyName => {
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: convert', pointKeyName)
debugLog('mapElementFromConf: mapping keys:', mappingKeys)
this.convertProperty(pointKeyName, mappingKeys, featurePoint, newProperties)
basePoint.properties = newProperties
// debugLog('mapElementFromConf: basePoint', basePoint)
return basePoint
* convertit une propriété en une autre selon la config de mapping
* @param pointKeyName
* @param mappingKeys
* @param featurePoint
* @param newProperties
convertProperty(pointKeyName: string, mappingKeys: any, featurePoint: any, newProperties: any) {
this.current_geojson_point = featurePoint
let originalValue = ''
if (this.mapping_config.osmose) {
originalValue = featurePoint.properties.fixes[0][0].create[pointKeyName]
} else {
originalValue = featurePoint.properties[pointKeyName]
let intOriginalValue = parseInt(originalValue)
let mappingValueObject: any = '';
if (mappingKeys.indexOf(pointKeyName) !== -1) {
mappingValueObject = this.mapping_config.tags[pointKeyName]
debugLog('convertProperty: mappingValueObject ', mappingValueObject)
debugLog(' ------ convertProperty: pointKeyName', pointKeyName)
// debugLog('convertProperty: mappingKeys', mappingKeys)
let remove_original_key = false;
debugLog('tags_to_ignore_if_value_is', this.mapping_config.tags_to_ignore_if_value_is)
if (this.mapping_config.tags_to_ignore_if_value_is && this.mapping_config.tags_to_ignore_if_value_is.length && this.mapping_config.tags_to_ignore_if_value_is?.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
debugLog('(x) => ignore', originalValue, ' in ', pointKeyName)
remove_original_key = true;
if (this.jardinage) {
debugLog(' ------ on fait du jardinage')
debugLog(' ------ mode mise en qualité activé')
debugLog(' ------ les données en entrée sont des infos geojson extraites depuis overpass turbo.')
debugLog(' ------ les clés des objets sont donc déjà dans le format de tag OSM,' +
'ne pas les convertir pour les mettre en qualité selon le modèle de mapping.')
if (this.mapping_config.add_not_mapped_tags_too && (mappingKeys.indexOf(pointKeyName) === -1)) {
* add all unmapped tags is enabled
debugLog(' ------ add all unmapped tags is enabled')
newProperties[pointKeyName] = originalValue;
} else {
* only use existing keys
debugLog("only use existing keys,", pointKeyName)
if (mappingKeys.indexOf(pointKeyName) !== -1) {
let valueConvertedFromMapping = featurePoint.properties[pointKeyName]
let keyConvertedFromMapping = mappingKeys[mappingKeys.indexOf(pointKeyName)]
let mappingConfigOfTag = this.mapping_config.tags[pointKeyName]
debugLog('========== mappingConfigOfTag', mappingConfigOfTag)
debugLog('convertProperty: found element', pointKeyName, '=>', keyConvertedFromMapping, 'value : ', valueConvertedFromMapping)
let convertedValue = originalValue
let typeOfConfigForKey = typeof mappingConfigOfTag
let isStringValue = typeOfConfigForKey === 'string'
let isConfigMappingObject = typeOfConfigForKey === 'object'
debugLog('convertProperty: - typeofValue', typeOfConfigForKey)
debugLog('convertProperty: - pointKeyName', pointKeyName)
debugLog('convertProperty: - valueConvertedFromMapping', valueConvertedFromMapping)
debugLog('typeof valueConvertedFromMapping === \'string\'', typeOfConfigForKey)
debugLog('convertProperty: isStringValue?', valueConvertedFromMapping, isStringValue)
debugLog('convertProperty: isStringValue?', valueConvertedFromMapping, isStringValue)
debugLog('mappingConfigOfTag', mappingConfigOfTag)
debugLog('typeOfConfigForKey', typeOfConfigForKey)
* conversion si la clé à une config d'une string, on ne change que la clé, pas la valeur
if (isStringValue) {
debugLog('convertProperty: -- string value')
debugLog('convertProperty: -- string value')
debugLog('convertProperty: -- simple conversion : ', pointKeyName, '=> ', mappingConfigOfTag, '_', originalValue, '=>', valueConvertedFromMapping)
debugLog('convertProperty: -- convertedValue', convertedValue)
convertedValue = valueConvertedFromMapping
if (convertedValue) {
newProperties[mappingConfigOfTag] = convertedValue
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: no string value')
let configObject = mappingConfigOfTag
if (isConfigMappingObject) {
debugLog('convertProperty: is config object', configObject)
let newKey: any = '' + pointKeyName
if (configObject.key_converted) {
newKey = configObject.key_converted
debugLog('key_converted newKey', newKey)
if (configObject.transform_function) {
convertedValue = configObject.transform_function(originalValue)
if (configObject.truthy_value) {
// convertir la valeur, si elle est truthy, la transformer en ce que donne la propriété truthy_value
// exemple: le jeu de données dit que la colonne cable_t2_attache vaut "True", mais on veut le convertir en "1".
// on met donc truthy_value: '1'
debugLog('truthy_value', originalValue)
if (this.truthyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = configObject.truthy_value
if (configObject.falsy_value) {
if (this.falsyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = configObject.falsy_value
* conversion booléenne
if (mappingValueObject.convert_to_boolean_value) {
debugLog('convertProperty: is boolean_value_conversion')
convertedValue = this.convertToYesOrNo(originalValue)
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: is NOT having boolean_value_conversion', mappingValueObject)
// gestion des puissances de bornes
// avec une fonction de transformation des valeurs
// parmi le domaine du jeu de données
// nécessite une clé conditionnelle à la valeur true d'autres clés converties.
if (configObject.socket_output_find_correspondances) {
// trouver à quel socket ça correspond
// si y'a plusieurs sockets, utiliser socket:max:output
let we_use_max_output = false;
let has_prise_type_2: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_2) || false
let has_prise_type_combo_ccs: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_combo_ccs) || false
let prise_type_chademo: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_chademo) || false
let prise_type_ef: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_ef) || false
let prise_type_e: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_e) || false
let prise_type_autre: boolean = this.isTruthyValue(this.current_geojson_point.properties.prise_type_autre) || false
let countOfSockets = (boolToAddable(has_prise_type_2) + boolToAddable(has_prise_type_combo_ccs) + boolToAddable(prise_type_chademo) +
boolToAddable(prise_type_ef) + boolToAddable(prise_type_autre) + boolToAddable(prise_type_e)
if (countOfSockets > 0) {
we_use_max_output = true;
// ajouter les tags de socket newProperties
let converted_value = originalValue.replace(/[^\d\.\,]/g, '').replace(',', '.')
let max_output = 401
// do not limit accepted values
let out = ''
if (intOriginalValue < max_output) {
// rajouter l'unité de puissance kW dans la valeur
out = converted_value + ' kW'
} else {
// prise en charge des valeurs en Watts et non en kW.
debugLog('too high kW value detected', originalValue)
if (intOriginalValue > 1000 && intOriginalValue < 401000) {
let kilowatts = (parseFloat(converted_value) / 1000).toFixed(2).replace('.00', '');
out = ('' + kilowatts + ' kW').replace('.00', '')
debugLog('valeurs en Watts out', out, 'original:', originalValue)
out = (out).replace('.00', '')
// debug land
if (has_prise_type_combo_ccs) {
newProperties['socket:type2_combo:output'] = out;
if (we_use_max_output) {
newProperties['charging_station:output'] = out;
} else {
if (has_prise_type_2 && prise_type_e) {
newProperties['socket:type_2:output'] = out;
debugLog('2 prises, attribuer la plus haute valeur à la type 2', out)
if (countOfSockets === 1) {
if (has_prise_type_2) {
newProperties['socket:type_2:output'] = out;
newProperties['socket:type_2'] = 1;
if (has_prise_type_combo_ccs) {
newProperties['socket:type2_combo:output'] = out;
newProperties['socket:type2_combo'] = 1;
if (prise_type_chademo) {
newProperties['socket:chademo:output'] = out;
newProperties['socket:chademo'] = 1;
if (prise_type_e) {
newProperties['socket:typee:output'] = out;
newProperties['socket:typee'] = 1;
} else {
debugLog('no sockets', this.current_geojson_point.properties.ref)
return out
if (configObject.invert_boolean_value) {
convertedValue = !this.convertToBoolean(originalValue) ? 'yes' : 'no'
debugLog('invert boolean', convertedValue, originalValue)
if (configObject.remove_stars) {
convertedValue = originalValue.replace('*', '')
debugLog('remove_stars', convertedValue, originalValue)
if (configObject.convert_to_phone) {
convertedValue = Formatters.convertToPhone(originalValue)
if (originalValue !== convertedValue) {
} else {
debugLog('convertedValue convert_to_phone', originalValue, '=>', convertedValue)
if (configObject.convert_to_name) {
convertedValue = Formatters.convertToName(originalValue)
if (configObject.remove_original_key) {
remove_original_key = true
if (configObject.ignore_if_falsy && this.falsyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
remove_original_key = true
if (configObject.ignore_if_truthy && this.truthyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
remove_original_key = true
* config pour une clé
* nous pouvons renseigner une string ou un objet décrivant les transformations à réaliser
if (configObject.conditional_values) {
// convert numbers from json to string to compare them correctly
originalValue = '' + originalValue
let keysConditionnalValues: any = Object.keys(configObject.conditional_values)
let isFoundValue = keysConditionnalValues.indexOf(originalValue)
let conditionnalConfig: any = configObject.conditional_values[keysConditionnalValues[isFoundValue]]
debugLog('convertProperty: conditional_values__________',
debugLog('isFoundValue', isFoundValue, originalValue)
debugLog('keysConditionnalValues', keysConditionnalValues)
debugLog('-----++++++++ originalValue', originalValue)
debugLog('----------- isFoundValue', isFoundValue)
if (!remove_original_key) {
if (isFoundValue !== -1) {
debugLog('found condition', isFoundValue)
/** ----------------------
* gestion des valeurs conditionnelles
* ---------------------- */
debugLog('conditionnalConfig', conditionnalConfig)
if (conditionnalConfig.ignore_this_data) {
debugLog(`on ignore cette clé car sa valeur "${originalValue}" est à exclure: `, pointKeyName, '=>', newKey)
remove_original_key = true;
if (conditionnalConfig.truthy_value) {
// convertir la valeur, si elle est truthy, la transformer en ce que donne la propriété truthy_value
// exemple: le jeu de données dit que la colonne cable_t2_attache vaut "True", mais on veut le convertir en "1".
// on met donc truthy_value: '1'
if (this.truthyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = conditionnalConfig.truthy_value
if (conditionnalConfig.falsy_value) {
if (this.falsyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = conditionnalConfig.falsy_value
// use the value converted
else if (conditionnalConfig.value_converted) {
convertedValue = conditionnalConfig.value_converted
if (conditionnalConfig?.tags_to_add) {
debugLog('on ajoute des tags', conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add)
// on peut définir un ensemble de tags à rajouter
let tagKeys = Object.keys(conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add)
debugLog('conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add', conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add)
tagKeys.forEach((index: any) => {
debugLog('key', index)
debugLog('value', conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add[index])
newProperties[index] = conditionnalConfig.tags_to_add[index]
debugLog('convertProperty: convertedValue ==========> {', newKey, ':', convertedValue, '}')
debugLog(' =============== remove_original_key', newKey, remove_original_key)
let keysOfConfigObject = [];
let hasKeyIgnoreThisData = false;
if (configObject) {
keysOfConfigObject = Object.keys(configObject)
debugLog('keysOfConfigObject', keysOfConfigObject)
hasKeyIgnoreThisData = (keysOfConfigObject.indexOf('ignore_this_data') !== -1)
debugLog('remove_original_key && newKey && convertedValue && hasKeyIgnoreThisData', remove_original_key, newKey, convertedValue, hasKeyIgnoreThisData)
if (!remove_original_key && newKey && convertedValue && !hasKeyIgnoreThisData
) {
debugLog('convertedValue', convertedValue)
debugLog('convertProperty: added', newKey, (`${convertedValue}`).trim())
newProperties[newKey] = (`${convertedValue}`).trim()
} else {
debugLog('!!!!!! property not found in mappingKeys: ', pointKeyName)
debugLog('newProperties', newProperties)
return newProperties;
private isTruthyValue(someValue: string) {
let convertedValue;
if (this.truthyValues.indexOf(someValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = true
if (this.falsyValues.indexOf(someValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = false
return convertedValue
private convertToYesOrNo(originalValue: any) {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> original value', originalValue)
let convertedValue = '';
if (this.truthyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = 'yes'
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> !!! NOT in truthy values', originalValue)
if (this.falsyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = 'no'
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> !!! NOT in falsy values', originalValue)
return convertedValue;
private convertToBoolean(originalValue: any) {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> original value', originalValue)
let convertedValue;
if (this.truthyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = true
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> !!! NOT in truthy values', originalValue)
if (this.falsyValues.indexOf(originalValue) !== -1) {
convertedValue = false
} else {
debugLog('convertProperty: ==========> !!! NOT in falsy values', originalValue)
return convertedValue;