/* global OpenDocument */ /*********************************************************** * * @constructor * @param {String} type * @param {String} styleName * @returns {OpenDocument.Style} */ OpenDocument.Style = function (type, styleName) { this.type = type; this.styleName = styleName; this.styleFamily = OpenDocument.Style.getMatchingStyleFamily(type); this.parentStyleName = ""; this.dataStyleName = ""; this.propertiesMaps = new Map([ ["paragraph", new Map()], ["text", new Map()], ["table-cell", new Map()], ["table-row", new Map()], ["table-column", new Map()] ]); }; OpenDocument.Style.prototype.putStyleProperty = function (stylePropertyDef, value) { var propertyName = stylePropertyDef.name; switch(stylePropertyDef.format) { case "color": value = OpenDocument.Style.formatColor(value); break; } var property = { name: propertyName, value: value }; this.propertiesMaps.get(stylePropertyDef.category).set(propertyName, property); }; OpenDocument.Style.prototype.setParent = function (parentStyleName) { this.parentStyleName = parentStyleName; }; OpenDocument.Style.prototype.setDataStyle = function (dataStyleName) { this.dataStyleName = dataStyleName; }; OpenDocument.Style.prototype.isEmpty = function () { for(let map of this.propertiesMaps.values()) { if (map.size > 0) { return false; } } return true; }; OpenDocument.Style.prototype.copyProperties = function (otherStyle) { if (otherStyle.parentStyleName) { this.setParent(otherStyle.parentStyleName); } for(let entry of otherStyle.propertiesMaps) { let otherMap = entry[1]; let thisMap = this.propertiesMaps.get(entry[0]); for(let entry2 of otherMap) { thisMap.set(entry2[0], entry2[1]); } } }; /** * * @param {OpenDocument.XmlWriter} xmlWriter * @returns {undefined} */ OpenDocument.Style.prototype.write = function (xmlWriter) { xmlWriter .startStyleOpenTag(this.styleName, this.styleFamily, this.parentStyleName) .addAttribute("style:data-style-name", this.dataStyleName); if (this.isEmpty()) { xmlWriter .closeEmptyTag(); } else { xmlWriter .endOpenTag(); for(let entry of this.propertiesMaps) { let category = entry[0]; let map = entry[1]; if (map.size > 0) { xmlWriter .startOpenTag("style:" + category + "-properties"); for(let property of map.values()) { xmlWriter .addAttribute(property.name, property.value); } xmlWriter .closeEmptyTag(); } } xmlWriter .closeStyle(); } }; OpenDocument.Style.getStylePropertyDef = function (type, name) { name = _checkAlias(); if (OpenDocument.Style.STYLEPROPERTYDEFS.hasOwnProperty(name)) { let propertyDef = OpenDocument.Style.STYLEPROPERTYDEFS[name]; if (propertyDef.categories) { for(let propKey in propertyDef.categories) { if (propKey === type) { return Object.assign({}, propertyDef, {category: propertyDef.categories[propKey]}); } } return null; } else { return propertyDef; } } else { return null; } function _checkAlias() { switch(type) { case "row": switch(name) { case "height": return "row-height"; } break; case "column": switch(name) { case "width": return "column-width"; } break; } return name; } }; OpenDocument.Style.getMatchingStyleFamily = function (type) { switch(type) { case "cell": return "table-cell"; case "row": return "table-row"; case "column": return "table-column"; } }; OpenDocument.Style.STYLEPROPERTYDEFS = { "background-color": { name: "fo:background-color", categories: { "cell": "table-cell", "row": "table-row" }, format: "color" }, "border": { name: "fo:border", category: "table-cell" }, "border-bottom": { name: "fo:border-bottom", category: "table-cell" }, "border-left": { name: "fo:border-left", category: "table-cell" }, "border-right": { name: "fo:border-right", category: "table-cell" }, "border-top": { name: "fo:border-top", category: "table-cell" }, "color": { name: "fo:color", category: "text", format: "color" }, "column-width": { name: "style:column-width", category: "table-column" }, "font-size": { name: "fo:font-size", category: "text" }, "font-style": { name: "fo:font-style", category: "text" }, "font-weight": { name: "fo:font-weight", category: "text" }, "padding": { name: "fo:padding", category: "table-cell" }, "padding-bottom": { name: "fo:padding-bottom", category: "table-cell" }, "padding-left": { name: "fo:padding-left", category: "table-cell" }, "padding-right": { name: "fo:padding-right", category: "table-cell" }, "padding-top": { name: "fo:padding-top", category: "table-cell" }, "row-height": { name: "style:row-height", category: "table-row" }, "text-align": { name: "fo:text-align", category: "paragraph" }, "use-optimal-row-height": { name: "style:use-optimal-row-height", category: "table-row" }, "vertical-align": { name: "style:vertical-align", category: "table-cell" } }; OpenDocument.Style.formatColor = function (color) { let colorList = color.match(/rgb\((.*)\)/); if (colorList) { let hexresult = "#"; for(let token of colorList[1].split(",")) { let hex = Number.parseInt(token.trim(), 10).toString(16); if (hex.length === 1) { hex = "0" + hex; } hexresult += hex; } color = hexresult; } return color; };