long time no see
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
target remote localhost:3333
symbol-file /home/arthus/build/pcsx-redux/src/mips/3dcam-bak/3dcam-tri-quads.elf
monitor reset shellhalt
load /home/arthus/build/pcsx-redux/src/mips/3dcam-bak/3dcam-tri-quads.elf
@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ int main() {
long t, p, OTz, OTc, Flag, nclip; // t == vertex count, p == depth cueing interpolation value, OTz == value to create Z-ordered OT, Flag == see LibOver47.pdf, p.143
POLY_GT3 * poly;
//~ // Poly subdiv
//~ DIVPOLYGON3 div = { 0 };
//~ div.pih = SCREENXRES;
//~ div.piv = SCREENYRES;
// Poly subdiv
DIVPOLYGON3 div = { 0 };
div.pih = SCREENXRES;
div.piv = SCREENYRES;
//~ CVECTOR outCol ={0,0,0,0};
//~ CVECTOR outCol1 ={0,0,0,0};
@ -545,49 +545,12 @@ int main() {
// modelCube is a TMESH, len member == # vertices, but here it's # of triangle... So, for each tri * 3 vertices ...
if (meshes[k]->index[t].code == 4) {
for (i = 0; i < (meshes[k]->tmesh->len * 3); i += 3) {
poly = (POLY_GT3 *)nextpri;
// Can use ?
//~ RotMeshPrimS_GCT3();
if (*meshes[k]->isPrism){
// Use current DRAWENV clip as TPAGE
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(meshes[k]->tim->mode&0x3, 0,
// Use projected coordinates (results from RotAverage...) as UV coords and clamp them to 0-255,0-224
setUV3(poly, (poly->x0 < 0? 0 : poly->x0 > 255? 255 : poly->x0),
(poly->y0 < 0? 0 : poly->y0 > 224? 224 : poly->y0),
(poly->x1 < 0? 0 : poly->x1 > 255? 255 : poly->x1),
(poly->y1 < 0? 0 : poly->y1 > 224? 224 : poly->y1),
(poly->x2 < 0? 0 : poly->x2 > 255? 255 : poly->x2),
(poly->y2 < 0? 0 : poly->y2 > 224? 224 : poly->y2)
} else {
// Use regular TPAGE
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(meshes[k]->tim->mode&0x3, 0,
// Use model UV coordinates
setUV3(poly, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i].vx , meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y,
meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1].vx, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y,
meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+2].vx, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+2].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y);
// If Vertex Anim flag
if (*meshes[k]->isAnim){
@ -644,12 +607,25 @@ int main() {
// Use anim vertex's positions
OTz = RotAverage3(
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t]],
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t+1]],
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t+2]],
//~ nclip = RotAverageNclip3(
//~ &meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t]],
//~ &meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t+2]],
//~ &meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t+1]],
//~ (long*)&poly->x0, (long*)&poly->x1, (long*)&poly->x2,
//~ meshes[k]->p,
//~ &OTz,
//~ &Flag
//~ );
// Use anim vertex's positions
nclip = RotAverageNclip3(
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t].order.vx],
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t].order.vz],
&meshes[k]->anim->data[ atime%19 * modelCylindre_anim.nvert + meshes[k]->index[t].order.vy],
(long*)&poly->x0, (long*)&poly->x1, (long*)&poly->x2,
@ -657,16 +633,63 @@ int main() {
} else {
// Use model's regular vertex pos
OTz = RotAverage3(
nclip = RotAverageNclip3(
&meshes[k]->tmesh->v[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vx ],
&meshes[k]->tmesh->v[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vz ],
&meshes[k]->tmesh->v[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vy ],
(long*)&poly->x0, (long*)&poly->x1, (long*)&poly->x2,
//~ FntPrint("%d %d %d %d\n", meshes[k]->index[t].order.vx, meshes[k]->index[t].order.vy, meshes[k]->index[t].order.vz, meshes[k]->index[t].code);
if (nclip > 0 && OTz > 0) {
// Can use ?
//~ RotMeshPrimS_GCT3();
if (*meshes[k]->isPrism){
// Use current DRAWENV clip as TPAGE
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(meshes[k]->tim->mode&0x3, 0,
// Use projected coordinates (results from RotAverage...) as UV coords and clamp them to 0-255,0-224
setUV3(poly, (poly->x0 < 0? 0 : poly->x0 > 255? 255 : poly->x0),
(poly->y0 < 0? 0 : poly->y0 > 224? 224 : poly->y0),
(poly->x1 < 0? 0 : poly->x1 > 255? 255 : poly->x1),
(poly->y1 < 0? 0 : poly->y1 > 224? 224 : poly->y1),
(poly->x2 < 0? 0 : poly->x2 > 255? 255 : poly->x2),
(poly->y2 < 0? 0 : poly->y2 > 224? 224 : poly->y2)
} else {
// Use regular TPAGE
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(meshes[k]->tim->mode&0x3, 0,
// Use model UV coordinates
setUV3(poly, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i].vx , meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y,
meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+2].vx, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+2].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y,
meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1].vx, meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1].vy + meshes[k]->tim->prect->y);
// FIXME : Polygon subdiv
//~ OTc = OTz>>4;
@ -678,17 +701,17 @@ int main() {
//~ DivideGT3(
//~ // Vertex coord
//~ &meshes[k]->tmesh->v[meshes[k]->index[t]],
//~ &meshes[k]->tmesh->v[meshes[k]->index[t+1]],
//~ &meshes[k]->tmesh->v[meshes[k]->index[t+2]],
//~ &meshes[k]->tmesh->v[meshes[k]->index[t+1]],
//~ // UV coord
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+2],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->u[i+1],
//~ // Color
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->c[i],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->c[i+1],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->c[i+2],
//~ meshes[k]->tmesh->c[i+1],
//~ // Gpu packet
//~ poly,
@ -696,8 +719,8 @@ int main() {
//~ &div);
//~ // Increment primitive list pointer
//~ nextpri += ( (sizeof(POLY_GT4) + 2) / 3 ) * (( 1 << ( div.ndiv )) << ( div.ndiv ));
//NumPrims += ((1<<(div.ndiv))<<(div.ndiv));
//~ nextpri += ( (sizeof(POLY_GT3) + 3) / 4 ) * (( 1 << ( div.ndiv )) << ( div.ndiv ));
//~ triCount = ((1<<(div.ndiv))<<(div.ndiv));
//~ }
@ -715,9 +738,13 @@ int main() {
CVECTOR outCol1 ={0,0,0,0};
CVECTOR outCol2 ={0,0,0,0};
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t]] , &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol);
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t+1]], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t+1]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol1);
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t+2]], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t+2]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol2);
//~ NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t]] , &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol);
//~ NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t+2]], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t+2]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol1);
//~ NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[meshes[k]->index[t+1]], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[meshes[k]->index[t+1]], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol2);
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vx ], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vx ], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol);
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vz ], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vz ], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol1);
NormalColorDpq(&meshes[k]->tmesh->n[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vy ], &meshes[k]->tmesh->c[ meshes[k]->index[t].order.vy ], *meshes[k]->p, &outCol2);
//~ }
// Other methods
@ -762,9 +789,10 @@ int main() {
nextpri += sizeof(POLY_GT3);
//~ if (*meshes[k]->isRigidBody){
//~ PopMatrix(); // Pull previous matrix from stack (slow)
//~ }
@ -784,13 +812,13 @@ int main() {
//~ FntPrint("ColSphere: %d\n", (modelSphere_body.position.vy + modelSphere_body.max.vy) - (modelobject_body.position.vy + modelobject_body.min.vy) );
//~ FntPrint("Col %d\n", col_sphere.vy );
FntPrint("Obj: %d,%d,%d\n",modelobject_body.velocity.vx,modelobject_body.velocity.vy,modelobject_body.velocity.vz);
FntPrint("Sph: %d,%d,%d\n",modelSphere_body.velocity.vx,modelSphere_body.velocity.vy,modelSphere_body.velocity.vz);
//~ FntPrint("Obj: %d,%d,%d\n",modelobject_body.velocity.vx,modelobject_body.velocity.vy,modelobject_body.velocity.vz);
//~ FntPrint("Sph: %d,%d,%d\n",modelSphere_body.velocity.vx,modelSphere_body.velocity.vy,modelSphere_body.velocity.vz);
//~ FntPrint("%d, %d\n",modelobject_body.position.vx, modelobject_pos.vx);
//~ FntPrint("Time : %d %d dt :%d\n",time, atime, dt);
//~ FntPrint("Tricount: %d OTz: %d\nOTc: %d, p: %d\n",triCount, OTz, OTc, *meshes[2]->p);
FntPrint("Tricount: %d OTz: %d\nOTc: %d, p: %d\n",triCount, OTz, OTc, *meshes[2]->p);
//~ FntPrint("Sphr : %4d %4d %4d\n", modelSphere_body.gForce.vx, modelSphere_body.gForce.vy, modelSphere_body.gForce.vz);
@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ long timeB = 0;
int lerping = 0;
short curCamAngle = 0;
// Inverted Cam coordinates for Forward Vector calc
VECTOR InvCamPos = {0,0,0,0};
@ -376,6 +378,10 @@ int main() {
VECTOR objAngleToCam = {0, 0, 0, 0};
//~ long objAngleToCam = 0;
int angle = 0; //PSX units = 4096 == 360° = 2Pi
int dist = 0; //PSX units
@ -438,34 +444,23 @@ int main() {
//~ posToCam = getVectorTo(camera.pos, *meshPlan.pos);
//~ objAngleToCam.vy = (
posToCam.vx = -camera.pos.vx - modelPlan_pos.vx ;
posToCam.vz = -camera.pos.vz - modelPlan_pos.vz ;
posToCam.vy = -camera.pos.vy - modelPlan_pos.vy ;
//~ (
//~ patan( meshPlan.pos->vx, meshPlan.pos->vz ) -
//~ meshPlan.rot->vy -
//~ psqrt(posToCam.vx * posToCam.vx + posToCam.vy * posToCam.vy);
//~ - patan( camera.pos.vx, camera.pos.vz)
objAngleToCam.vy = patan( posToCam.vx,posToCam.vz );
objAngleToCam.vx = patan( posToCam.vx,posToCam.vy );
//~ ) >> 4 );
//~ FntPrint("%d %d", objAngleToCam.vy, meshPlan.rot->vy);
//~ objAngleToCam.vy = (
//~ (
//~ patan( meshPlan.pos->vx > 0 ? meshPlan.pos->vx : 4096 + meshPlan.pos->vx, meshPlan.pos->vz ) -
//~ patan( camera.pos.vx > 0 ? camera.pos.vx : 4096 + camera.pos.vx, camera.pos.vz)
//~ ) >> 4 ) - 1024;
//~ objAngleToCam.vx = ratan2(posToCam.pad, posToCam.vy);
//~ meshPlan.rot->vy = objAngleToCam.vy;
//~ meshPlan.rot->vx = objAngleToCam.vx;
//~ objAngleToCam.vz = patan( posToCam.vz,posToCam.vy );
//~ objAngleToCam.vx = patan( psqrt(posToCam.vx * posToCam.vx + posToCam.vy * posToCam.vy), posToCam.vy );
//~ meshPlan.rot->vx = -( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) ;
//~ meshPlan.rot->vx = (( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) * ( (objAngleToCam.vz >> 4) - 3076 ) >> 12) * (nsin(posToCam.vz) >> 10 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
//~ meshPlan.rot->vx = ( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) * ( (objAngleToCam.vz >> 4) - 3076 ) >> 12 ;
meshPlan.rot->vy = -( (objAngleToCam.vy >> 4) + 1024 ) ;
// Actor Forward vector
@ -563,11 +558,11 @@ int main() {
// Fixed Camera angle
if (camMode == 2) {
if (camPtr->tim_data){
//~ if (camPtr->tim_data){
//~ drawBG();
//~ }
setCameraPos(camPtr->campos->pos, camPtr->campos->rot);
@ -696,6 +691,8 @@ int main() {
//~ FntPrint("Cam %d, %d, %d\n", camera.pos.vx, camera.pos.vy, camera.pos.vz);
//~ FntPrint("Pos: %d Cur: %d\nTheta y: %d x: %d\n", camPath.pos, camPath.cursor, theta.vy, theta.vx);
FntPrint("%d", camAngleToAct.vy);
if ( camAngleToAct.vy < -50 ) {
camPath.pos += 40;
@ -758,19 +755,28 @@ int main() {
!getIntCollision( *actorPtr->body , *curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vz )
if ( curNode != curNode->siblings->list[msh] ) {
curNode = curNode->siblings->list[msh];
levelPtr = curNode->plane;
// Moveable prop
if ( !getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vx &&
!getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vz )
!getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vz ) {
if ( propPtr->node != curNode->siblings->list[ msh ]){
propPtr->node = curNode->siblings->list[ msh ];
} else if ( !getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curNode->plane->body).vx &&
!getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curNode->plane->body).vz ) {
propPtr->node = curNode;
@ -889,6 +895,30 @@ int main() {
static long Flag;
if ( (camMode == 2) && (camPtr->tim_data ) ) {
//~ if (camPtr->tim_data){
//~ // Loop on camAngles
//~ for ( int angle = 0 ; angle < sizeof(camAngles)/sizeof(camAngles[0]) - 1 ; angle++ ) {
for ( int mesh = 0 ; mesh < camAngles[curCamAngle]->index; mesh ++ ) {
drawPoly(camAngles[curCamAngle]->objects[mesh], &Flag, atime);
//~ }
//~ }
else {
//~ long t = 0;
// Draw current node's plane
@ -938,6 +968,8 @@ int main() {
// Find and apply light rotation matrix
RotMatrix(&lgtang, &rotlgt);
@ -1346,7 +1378,11 @@ void drawPoly(MESH * mesh, long * Flag, int atime){
if (*mesh->isSprite){
SetShadeTex( poly, 1 );
// Defaults depth color to neutral grey
CVECTOR outCol = { 128,128,128,0 };
@ -1649,6 +1685,11 @@ void drawPoly(MESH * mesh, long * Flag, int atime){
if (*mesh->isSprite){
SetShadeTex( poly4, 1 );
// If tim mode == 0 | 1, set CLUT coordinates
if ( (mesh->tim->mode & 0x3) < 2 ) {
@ -2323,7 +2364,7 @@ void callback() {
static short cursor = 0;
static short curCamAngle = 0;
//~ static short curCamAngle = 0;
if( !lerpValues[0] ) {
@ -2369,6 +2410,12 @@ void callback() {
} else {
if (curCamAngle > 4) {
curCamAngle = 0;
if (curCamAngle < 5) {
@ -2377,10 +2424,6 @@ void callback() {
LoadTexture(camPtr->tim_data, camPtr->BGtim);
} else {
curCamAngle = 0;
@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
TARGET = 3dcam-cosTable-lerp-atantable-psqrt-nodpq-quads
TARGET = 3dcam-tri-quads
TYPE = ps-exe
SRCS = 3dcam-cosTable-lerp-atantable-psqrt-nodpq-quads.c \
SRCS = 3dcam-tri-quads.c \
../common/crt0/crt0.s \
TIM/home.tim \
TIM/grnd.tim \
TIM/cat.tim \
TIM/lara.tim \
TIM/bg.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath_001.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath_002.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath_003.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath_004.tim \
TIM/bg_camPath_005.tim \
#~ TIM/Sans_nom_56.tim \
# img2tim -t -bpp 8 -org 320 0 -plt 0 481 -o bg.tim bg.png
CPPFLAGS += -I../psyq/include
LDFLAGS += -L../psyq/lib
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user