Revert "Remove useless global init" #18

filippocastelli wants to merge 1 commits from filippocastelli/fix_startup_crashes into master
Showing only changes of commit e363b941bb - Show all commits

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ DRAWENV draw[2];
u_long otdisc[2][OT2LEN] = {0};
// Main OT
u_long ot[2][OTLEN] = {0}; // Ordering table (contains addresses to primitives)
char primbuff[2][PRIMBUFFLEN]; // Primitive list // That's our prim buffer
char primbuff[2][PRIMBUFFLEN] = {0}; // Primitive list // That's our prim buffer
int primcnt=0; // Primitive counter
char * nextpri = primbuff[0]; // Primitive counter
char db = 0; // Current buffer counter