3dcam PSX engine

This a WIP PSX 3d engine. Use this with the companion blender exporter to create levels for the engine.

3d scene pre-rendered BGs Push things Sprite Vertex animation

More video samples here.


Be warned this is WIP !

Real-time 3D / 8bpp background / 4bpp background


  • UV textured models
  • Vertex painted models
  • Multiple camera modes
  • Vertex animations
  • Up to 3 light sources
  • Use pre-rendered backgrounds (8bpp and 4bpp)
  • Basic collisions


  • Fix and improve all the things !
  • Wall collisions


You need to install mkpsxiso and the pcsx-redux emulator and Nugget+PsyQ SDK before you can build the engine. Put mkpsxiso and pcsx-redux in your $PATH and you should be good to go.

  1. Clone this repo in (...)/pcsx-redux/src/mips/ as a new project :
git clone https://github.com/ABelliqueux/3dcam-headers my-project
  1. Navigate to that folder in a terminal :
cd /pcsx-redux/src/mips/my-project
  1. Type ./isotest.sh. This should compile the example, build an iso with mkpsxiso and launch it with pcsx-redux.
  2. Install the blender extension to create your own levels.


PSX code based on example by Lameguy64
An incredible amount of help from the good fellows at the psxdev discord,
Including but not limited to @NicolasNoble, @Lameguy64, @Impiaa, @paul, @sickle, @danhans42...

A WIP 3d engine for the original PSX. Uses Nugget+Psyq, no libgs, and has a companion extension for Blender !
Readme 6.7 MiB
C 99.4%
Makefile 0.5%