Refactor animation export
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
description = "Where should we look for mkpsxiso's config file ?",
default= "." + os.sep + "config" + os.sep + "3dcam.xml"
exp_mixOverlapingStrips = BoolProperty(
name="Mix overlaping nla animation tracks",
description="If set, the resulting animation will be an interpolation between the overlapping nla tracks.",
default = False,
def execute(self, context):
### Globals declaration
global nextTpage, freeTpage
@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
global tpageY
global TIMbpp
global timFolder
global objAnims
XAmode = self.exp_XAmode
# Set Scale
scale = self.exp_Scale
@ -282,7 +288,7 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
|||| [ "convert" + exe, filePathWithExt, "-colors", str( colors ), filePathWithoutExt + ".png" ] )
filePathWithExt = filePathWithoutExt + ".png"
# Quantization of colors with pngquant ( )
|||| [ "pngquant" + exe, "-v", str( colors ), filePathWithExt, "--ext", ".pngq" ] )
|||| [ "pngquant" + exe, "-v", "--force", str( colors ), filePathWithExt, "--ext", ".pngq" ] )
# Convert to tim with img2tim ( )
|||| [ "img2tim" + exe, transpMethod, "-bpp", str( bpp ), "-org", str( timX ), str( timY ), "-plt" , str( clutX ), str( clutY ),"-o", timFolder + os.sep + fileBaseName + ".tim", filePathWithExt + "q" ] )
### VRAM utilities
@ -408,6 +414,115 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
# If it doesn't, create dict item 'track' and initialize it to a list that contains the current strip
objAnims[parent][track] = [strip]
def getStripsTotal(objList):
stripsTotal = []
for track in objList:
for strip in objList[track]:
return stripsTotal
def findOverlappingTrack(obj):
# Find overlapping strips through all the tracks
# Get all strips
tmpStrips = []
overlappingStrips = defaultdict(dict)
for track in obj:
for strip in obj[track]:
# Check each strip for overlapping
for tmpStrip in tmpStrips:
# Find other strips
otherStrips = [ otherStrip for otherStrip in tmpStrips if otherStrip is not tmpStrip ]
for otherStrip in otherStrips:
# If strips are overlapping
if otherStrip.frame_start < tmpStrip.frame_end :
if otherStrip.frame_end > tmpStrip.frame_start:
# Add to list, unless already there
if otherStrip in overlappingStrips:
if tmpStrip not in overlappingStrips:
if tmpStrip not in overlappingStrips:
overlappingStrips[otherStrip] = [tmpStrip]
return overlappingStrips
def writeMESH_ANIMS(f, obj, stripList, fileName):
stripsTotal = len(stripList)
symbolName = fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anims"
f.write("MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS " + symbolName + " = {\n" +
"\t" + str( stripsTotal ) + ",\n" +
i = 0
for strip in stripList:
f.write("\t\t&" + fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anim_" + CleanName(
if i < stripsTotal - 1:
i += 1
return str( "MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS " + symbolName )
def writeVANIM(f, obj, strip, fileName, strip_start, strip_end):
# write the VANIM portion of a MESH_ANIMS struct declaration
# Get strip total length
strip_len = strip_end - strip_start
# Iteration counter
i = 0;
# Store temporary mesh in list for cleaning later
tmp_mesh = []
for frame in range(int(strip_start), int(strip_end)):
# Set current frame
# Update scene view
# Create a copy of the mesh with modifiers applied
objMod = obj.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, 'PREVIEW')
# Get isLerp flag
lerp = 0
if 'isLerp' in
lerp =['isLerp']
# Write VANIM struct
symbolName = fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anim_" + CleanName(
if frame == strip_start :
f.write("VANIM " + symbolName + " = {\n" +
"\t" + str(int(strip_len)) + ", // number of frames e.g 20\n" +
"\t" + str(len(objMod.vertices)) + ", // number of vertices e.g 21\n" +
"\t-1, // anim cursor : -1 means not playing back\n" +
"\t0, // lerp cursor\n" +
"\t0, // loop : if -1 , infinite loop, if n > 0, loop n times\n" +
"\t1, // playback direction (1 or -1)\n" +
"\t0, // ping pong animation (A>B>A)\n" +
"\t" + str(lerp) + ", // use lerp to interpolate keyframes\n" +
"\t{ // vertex pos as SVECTORs e.g 20 * 21 SVECTORS\n"
# Get vertices coordinates as VECTORs
for vertIndex in range(len(objMod.vertices)):
# Readability : if first vertex of the frame, write frame number as a comment
if vertIndex == 0:
f.write("\t\t//Frame " + str(int(frame - strip_start)) + "\n")
# Write vertex coordinates x,z,y
f.write( "\t\t{ " + str(round( objMod.vertices[ vertIndex ].co.x * scale) ) +
"," + str(round(-objMod.vertices[ vertIndex ].co.z * scale) ) +
"," + str(round( objMod.vertices[ vertIndex ].co.y * scale) ) +
" }" )
# If vertex is not the last in the list, write a comma
if i != ( len(objMod.vertices) * (strip_len) * 3 ) - 3:
# Readability : If vertex is the last in frame, insert a blank line
if vertIndex == len(objMod.vertices) - 1:
# Increment counter
i += 3;
# Add temporary mesh to the cleaning list
tmp_mesh.append( objMod )
# Close anim declaration
# Remove temporary meshes
for o in tmp_mesh:
|||| o )
return str( "VANIM " + symbolName )
### Sound utilities
class Sound:
@ -779,6 +894,7 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
# Partial declaration of structures to avoid inter-dependencies issues
h.write("struct BODY;\n" +
"struct VANIM;\n" +
"struct MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS;\n" +
"struct PRIM;\n" +
"struct MESH;\n" +
"struct CAMPOS;\n" +
@ -813,13 +929,19 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
h.write("typedef struct VANIM { \n" +
"\tint nframes; // number of frames e.g 20\n" +
"\tint nvert; // number of vertices e.g 21\n" +
"\tint cursor; // anim cursor\n" +
"\tint cursor; // anim cursor : -1 == not playing, n>=0 == current frame number\n" +
"\tint lerpCursor; // anim cursor\n" +
"\tint loop; // loop anim : -1 == infinite, n>0 == play n times\n" +
"\tint dir; // playback direction (1 or -1)\n" +
"\tint pingpong; // ping pong animation (A>B>A)\n" +
"\tint interpolate; // use lerp to interpolate keyframes\n" +
"\tSVECTOR data[]; // vertex pos as SVECTORs e.g 20 * 21 SVECTORS\n" +
# ~ "\tSVECTOR normals[]; // vertex pos as SVECTORs e.g 20 * 21 SVECTORS\n" +
"\t} VANIM;\n\n")
h.write("typedef struct MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS {\n" +
"\tu_short index;\n" +
"\tVANIM * strips[];\n" +
h.write("typedef struct PRIM {\n" +
"\tVECTOR order;\n" +
@ -849,7 +971,8 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
"\tlong p;\n" +
"\tlong OTz;\n" +
"\tBODY * body;\n" +
"\tVANIM * anim;\n" +
"\tMESH_ANIMS_TRACKS * anim_tracks;\n" +
"\tVANIM * currentAnim;\n" +
"\tstruct NODE * node;\n" +
"\tVECTOR pos2D;\n" +
"\t} MESH;\n\n")
@ -1007,6 +1130,13 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
lmpObjects = {}
# Meshes
mshObjects = {}
# Vertex animation
# ~ mixOverlapingStrips = True
objAnims = defaultdict(dict)
# Use scene's Start/End frames as default
frame_start = int( bpy.context.scene.frame_start )
frame_end = int( bpy.context.scene.frame_end )
# Loop
for obj in
# Build a dictionary of objects that have child SPEAKER objects
if obj.type == 'SPEAKER':
@ -1015,15 +1145,8 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
if obj.parent is not None:
if obj.parent.type == 'MESH':
parent = obj.parent
# if parent exists in parent list, append to child list
# ~ if in spkrParents:
# ~ spkrParents[].append(
# ~ else:
# if parent does not exist in list yet, create array
# ~ spkrParents[] = []
# has no parent
# ~ spkrOrphans.append(
parent = 0
# get sound informations
objName =
@ -1053,12 +1176,59 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
convertedSoundPath = sound2VAG(soundPath, soundName)
soundFiles.append( Sound( objName, soundName, soundPath, convertedSoundPath, parent, location, volume, volume_min, volume_max, -1 ) )
# Build dict of LAMPs objects
# We want to be able to find an object based on it's data name.
# Build dict of objects <> data correspondance
# We want to be able to find an object based on it's data name.
if obj.type == 'LAMP':
lmpObjects[] =
if obj.type == 'MESH':
mshObjects[] =
## Vertex Animation
# If isAnim flag is set, export object's vertex animations
# Vertex animation is possible using keyframes or shape keys
# Using nla tracks allows to export several animation for the same mesh
# If the mixAnim flag is set, the resulting animation will be an interpolation between the overlapping nla tracks.
#if len(
# Find shape key based animations
if obj.active_shape_key:
# Get shape key name
shapeKeyName =
# Get shape_key object
shapeKey =[shapeKeyName]
# Bake action to LNA
if bakeActionToNLA(shapeKey):
getTrackList(shapeKey, obj)
# Find object based animation
if bakeActionToNLA(obj):
getTrackList(obj, obj)
## Export anim tracks and strips
for obj in objAnims:
# If mixing nla tracks, only export one track
if self.exp_mixOverlapingStrips:
overlappingStrips = findOverlappingTrack(objAnims[obj])
level_symbols.append( writeMESH_ANIMS( f, obj, overlappingStrips, fileName ) )
for strip in overlappingStrips:
# Min frame start
strip_start = min( strip.frame_start , min([ action.frame_start for action in overlappingStrips[strip] ]) )
# Max frame end
strip_end = max( strip.frame_start , max([ action.frame_end for action in overlappingStrips[strip] ]) )
level_symbols.append( writeVANIM(f, obj, strip, fileName, strip_start, strip_end) )
allStrips = getStripsTotal(objAnims[obj])
level_symbols.append( writeMESH_ANIMS( f, obj, allStrips, fileName ) )
for track in objAnims[obj]:
# if flag is set, hide others nla_tracks
track.is_solo = True
for strip in objAnims[obj][track]:
# Use scene's Start/End frames as default
strip_start = strip.frame_start
strip_end = strip.frame_end
level_symbols.append( writeVANIM(f, obj, strip, fileName, strip_start, strip_end) )
track.is_solo = False
# Close struct declaration
# ~ f.write("\t\t},\n")
# ~ f.write("\t}\n};\n")
# ~ level_symbols.append( "MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS " + fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anims" )
## Camera setup
# List of points defining the camera path
camPathPoints = []
@ -1315,8 +1485,7 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
'mass': 10,
'restitution': 0,
'lerp': 0
'restitution': 0
# Get real values from object
for prop in chkProp:
@ -1334,70 +1503,6 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
if chkProp['mass'] == 0:
chkProp['mass'] = 1
## Vertex animation
# write vertex anim if isAnim != 0
# Source :
if m.get("isAnim") is not None and m["isAnim"] != 0:
# Write vertex pos
# ~ o =[]
# Find object from mesh
o =[mshObjects[]]
# If has actions, create animation_data, nla_track and convert action to strip
# Get object's key name
# shapeKeyName =['Cube']
# shapeKey =[shapeKeyName]
# Get action name
# Get nla_tracks
# nlaTrackName = shapeKey.animation_data.nla_tracks[0].name
# Get strips on nlaTrack
# strip = shapeKey.animation_data.nla_tracks[nlaTrackName].strips[0]
# get strip start and end
# strip.frame_start # strip.frame_end
# for strip in strips:
# print(str(strip.frame_start) + " - " + str(strip.frame_end))
# If an action exists with the same name as the object, use that
if in
frame_start = int([].frame_range[0])
frame_end = int([].frame_range[1])
# Use scene's Start/End frames
frame_start = int( bpy.context.scene.frame_start )
frame_end = int( bpy.context.scene.frame_end )
nFrame = frame_end - frame_start
c = 0;
tmp_meshes = []
for i in range(frame_start, frame_end):
nm = o.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, 'PREVIEW')
if i == frame_start :
f.write("VANIM " + fileName + "_model"+cleanName+"_anim = {\n" +
"\t" + str(nFrame) + ",\n" +
"\t" + str(len(nm.vertices)) + ",\n" +
"\t0,\n" +
"\t0,\n" +
"\t1,\n" +
"\t" + str(chkProp['lerp']) + ",\n" +
level_symbols.append( "VANIM " + fileName + "_model"+cleanName+"_anim" )
for v in range(len(nm.vertices)):
if v == 0:
f.write("\t\t//Frame %d\n" % i)
f.write("\t\t{ " + str(round(nm.vertices[v].co.x*scale)) + "," + str(round(-nm.vertices[v].co.z*scale)) + "," + str(round(nm.vertices[v].co.y*scale)) + " }")
if c != len(nm.vertices) * (nFrame) * 3 - 3:
if v == len(nm.vertices) - 1:
c += 3;
# Remove meshe's working copies
for nm in tmp_meshes:
#[[0].name].active_shape_key.value : access shape_key
## Mesh world transform setup
# Write object matrix, rot and pos vectors
@ -1480,7 +1585,6 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
level_symbols.append( "unsigned long " + "_binary_TIM_" + prefix + "_tim_length" )
level_symbols.append( "TIM_IMAGE " + fileName + "_tim_" + prefix )
# ~ f.write("NODE_DECLARATION\n")
f.write( "MESH " + fileName + "_mesh" + cleanName + " = {\n" +
"\t" + str(totalVerts) + ",\n" +
"\t&" + fileName + "_model"+ cleanName +",\n" +
@ -1500,6 +1604,12 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
f.write("\t0,\n" +
# Find out if object as animations
symbol_name = "MESH_ANIMS_TRACKS " + fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anims"
if symbol_name in level_symbols:
symbol_name = "&" + fileName + "_model" + CleanName( + "_anims"
symbol_name = "0"
"\t{0}, // Matrix\n" +
"\t{" + str(round([mshObjects[]].location.x * scale)) + ","
@ -1518,16 +1628,12 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
"\t" + str(int(chkProp['isLevel'])) + ", // isLevel\n" +
"\t" + str(int(chkProp['isWall'])) + ", // isWall\n" +
"\t" + str(int(chkProp['isBG'])) + ", // isBG\n" +
"\t" + str(int(chkProp['isSprite'])) + ",// isSprite\n" +
"\t" + str(int(chkProp['isSprite'])) + ", // isSprite\n" +
"\t0, // p\n" +
"\t0, // otz\n" +
"\t&" + fileName + "_model"+cleanName+"_body,\n"
if m.get("isAnim") is not None and m["isAnim"] != 0:
f.write("\t&" + fileName + "_model"+cleanName+"_anim, // Animation data\n")
f.write("\t0, // No animation data\n")
"\t&" + fileName + "_model" + cleanName + "_body,\n" +
"\t" + symbol_name + ", // Mesh anim tracks\n" +
"\t0, // Current VANIM\n" +
"\t" + "subs_" + CleanName( + ",\n" +
"\t0 // Screen space coordinates\n" +
@ -1973,7 +2079,7 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
# Deal with VAGs
VAGBank = writeVAGbank(f, soundFiles, level_symbols)
if VAGBank and VAGBank != "0":
VAGBank = fileName + "_VAGBank"
VAGBank = "&" + fileName + "_VAGBank"
# Deal with XA
XAlist = writeXAbank(f, soundFiles, level_symbols)
writeXAfiles(f, XAlist, fileName)
@ -1984,10 +2090,13 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
configFile = expFolder + os.sep + os.path.relpath(self.exp_isoCfg)
addXAtoISO(XAlist, configFile)
XAFiles = len(XAlist)
if XAFiles and XAFiles != "0":
XAFiles = "&" + fileName + "_XAFiles"
# Write Sound obj
level_sounds = writeSoundObj(f, soundFiles, level_symbols)
if level_sounds and level_sounds != "0":
level_sounds = fileName + "_sounds"
level_sounds = "&" + fileName + "_sounds"
# Write LEVEL struct
"LEVEL " + fileName + " = {\n" +
@ -2004,9 +2113,9 @@ class ExportMyFormat(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
"\t&" + fileName + "_camPath,\n" +
"\t(CAMANGLE **)&" + fileName + "_camAngles,\n" +
"\t&" + fileName + "_node" + CleanName(nodePtr) + ",\n" +
"\t&" + level_sounds + ",\n" +
"\t&" + VAGBank + ",\n" +
"\t&" + fileName + "_XAFiles\n" +
"\t" + level_sounds + ",\n" +
"\t" + VAGBank + ",\n" +
"\t" + XAFiles + "\n" +
# Set default camera back in Blender
if defaultCam != 'NULL':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user