
841 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# gbscc - gbscontrolcontrol by Schnappy, license GNU General Public License v3.0
# Send commands to a wifi enabled gbs-control instance over http
# Adapt to your network ( can be an ip or a hostname )
GBSCONTROL_ADDRESS = "gbscontrol.local"
import sys
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( GBSCONTROL_ADDRESS , timeout=3)
context = ""
command = ""
def main():
global context, command
arg = sys.argv
if len(arg) > 1:
if len(arg) > 2:
print("More than one argument given !")
arg = arg[1]
print("No argument given. Type 'gbscc /HELP to see the list of available commands.' ")
if arg == "-h" or arg == "--help" or arg == "/HELP":
"A python command line utility to send commands to a wifi enabled gbs-control over http.\n\n" +
"Usage : gbscc /COMMAND \n\n" +
"Available commands :\n\n" +
"\tPresets :\n\n" +
"\t\tVideo modes:\n\n" +
"\t\t /720P 1280x720\n\n" +
"\t\t /960P 1280x960\n\n" +
"\t\t /1024P 1280x1024\n\n" +
"\t\t /1080P 1920x1080\n\n" +
"\t\t /SD NTSC : 720x480 / PAL : 768x576 \n\n" +
"\t\t /15K 15Khz Scale Down \n\n" +
"\t\t /PASS Pass Through \n\n" +
"\tSlots :\n\n" +
"\t\t /1 Load Slot 1\n\n" +
"\t\t /2 Load Slot 2\n\n" +
"\t\t /3 Load Slot 3\n\n" +
"\t\t /4 Load Slot 4\n\n" +
"\t\t /5 Load Slot 5\n\n" +
"\t\t /6 Load Slot 6\n\n" +
"\t\t /7 Load Slot 7\n\n" +
"\t\t /8 Load Slot 8\n\n" +
"\t\t /9 Load Slot 9\n\n" +
"\t\t /LOAD Load Custom preset\n\n" +
"\t\t /SAVE Save Custom preset\n\n" +
"\tSystem :\n\n" +
"\t\t /REST Reset the GBS\n\n" +
"\tEnhancements:\n\n" +
"\t\t /SCNLN 240P Scanlines\n\n" +
"\t\t /LINEF Line filter\n\n" +
"\t\t /PEAK Peaking\n\n" +
"\t\t /STEPR Step response\n\n" +
"\t\t /SCNLS Scanline strength\n\n" +
"\tPreferences:\n\n" +
"\t\t /MATCH Matched presets\n\n" +
"\t\t /FULLH Full height\n\n" +
"\t\t /UPSCL Low Res: Use Upscaling\n\n" +
"\t\t /60H Force 60hz\n\n" +
"\t\t /ADCCAL ADC calibration\n\n" +
"\t\t /FRMTL FrameTime lock\n\n" +
"\t\t /SWLCK Switch lock method\n\n" +
"\t\t /RGBC RGBHV/Component Toggle\n\n" +
"\t\t /MAD Deinterlace motion adaptive\n\n" +
"\t\t /BOB Deinterlace bob\n\n" +
"\tDevelopment:\n\n" +
"\t\t /FREEZ Freeze capture\n\n" +
"\t\t /MBL Move picture left (memory blank)\n\n" +
"\t\t /MBR Move picture right (memory blank)\n\n" +
"\t\t /HSL Horizontal Sync Left\n\n" +
"\t\t /HSR Horizontal Sync Right\n\n" +
"\t\t /INFO Print infos\n\n" +
"\t\t /TIMI Get video timings\n\n" +
"\t\t /CLKR Cycle Sdram clock speed\n\n" +
"\t\t /RSTC Reset chip\n\n" +
"\t\t /INVS Invert sync\n\n" +
"\t\t /PLLD PLL divider++\n\n" +
"\t\t /DEBG Debug view\n\n" +
"\t\t /ADCF ADC filter\n\n" +
"\t\t /OVRS Oversampling\n\n" +
"\t\t /HTOTU HTotal++ \n\n" +
"\t\t /HTOTD HTotal-- \n\n" +
"\t\t /SNCHT Resynch HTotal\n\n" +
"\t\t /RSTS Reset sync processor\n\n" +
"\t\t /SNAP Snap to 50/60hz\n\n" +
"\t\t /SNCW Syncwatcher\n\n" +
"\t\t /OTA Enable OTA update\n\n" +
"\t\t /IFAO IF auto offset\n\n" +
"\t\t /SOGL SOG Level --\n\n" +
"\tPicture Control:\n\n" +
"\t\tMove picture:\n\n" +
"\t\t /MVU Up\n\n" +
"\t\t /MVD Down\n\n" +
"\t\t /MVL Left\n\n" +
"\t\t /MVR Right\n\n" +
"\t\tScaling:\n\n" +
"\t\t /HORZU Horizontal +\n\n" +
"\t\t /HORZD Horizontal -\n\n" +
"\t\t /VERTU Vertical + \n\n" +
"\t\t /VERTD Vertical -\n\n" +
"\t\tBorder masking:\n\n" +
"\t\t /BMHU Horizontal +\n\n" +
"\t\t /BMHD Horizontal -\n\n" +
"\t\t /BMVU Vertical +\n\n" +
"\t\t /BMVD Vertical -\n\n" +
"\t\tGain:\n\n" +
"\t\t /GAINU Gain +\n\n" +
"\t\t /GAIND Gain -\n\n" +
"\t\t /AUTOG Auto Gain Adjust Toggle\n"
if arg == "/REST":
context = "uc"
command = "a"
print("Reset command sent...")
## Video modes
if arg == "/960P":
context = "uc"
command = "f"
print("Switching to 1280x960...")
if arg == "/1024P":
context = "uc"
command = "p"
print("Switching to 1280x1024...")
if arg == "/720P":
context = "uc"
command = "g"
print("Switching to 1280x720...")
if arg == "/1080P":
context = "uc"
command = "s"
print("Switching to 1920x1080...")
if arg == "/SD":
context = "uc"
command = "h"
print("Switching to SD...")
if arg == "/15K":
context = "uc"
command = "L"
print("Switching to 15Khz Scale down...")
if arg == "/PASS":
context = "uc"
command = "K"
print("Switching to Pass-through...")
## Slots
if arg == "/1":
context = "uc"
command = "b"
print("Using Slot 1 for preset.")
if arg == "/2":
context = "uc"
command = "c"
print("Using Slot 2 for preset.")
if arg == "/3":
context = "uc"
command = "d"
print("Using Slot 3 for preset.")
if arg == "/4":
context = "uc"
command = "j"
print("Using Slot 4 for preset.")
if arg == "/5":
context = "uc"
command = "k"
print("Using Slot 5 for preset.")
if arg == "/6":
context = "uc"
command = "G"
print("Using Slot 6 for preset.")
if arg == "/7":
context = "uc"
command = "H"
print("Using Slot 7 for preset.")
if arg == "/8":
context = "uc"
command = "I"
print("Using Slot 8 for preset.")
if arg == "/9":
context = "uc"
command = "J"
print("Using Slot 9 for preset.")
if arg == "/SAVE":
context = "uc"
command = "3"
print("Saving preset to selected slot.")
if arg == "/LOAD":
context = "uc"
command = "4"
print("Loading preset from selected slot.")
if arg == "/SCNLN":
context = "uc"
command = "7"
print(" 240P Scanlines")
if arg == "/LINEF":
context = "uc"
command = "m"
print("Line Filter")
if arg == "/PEAK":
context = "uc"
command = "f"
if arg == "/STEPR":
context = "uc"
command = "V"
print("Step Response")
if arg == "/SCNLS":
context = "uc"
command = "K"
print("Scanline strength")
if arg == "/MATCH":
context = "uc"
command = "Z"
print("Matched presets")
if arg == "/FULLH":
context = "uc"
command = "v"
print("Full height")
if arg == "/UPSCL":
context = "uc"
command = "x"
print("Low Res: Use Upscaling")
if arg == "/60H":
context = "uc"
command = "0"
print("Force 60hz")
if arg == "/ADCCAL":
context = "uc"
command = "w"
print("ADC calibration")
if arg == "/FRMTL":
context = "uc"
command = "5"
print("FrameTime lock")
if arg == "/SWLCK":
context = "uc"
command = "i"
print("Switch lock method")
if arg == "/RGBC":
context = "sc"
command = "L"
print("RGBHV/Component toggle")
if arg == "/MAD":
context = "sc"
command = "r"
print("Use motion adaptive deinterlacing")
if arg == "/BOB":
context = "sc"
command = "q"
print("Use Bob deinterlacing")
if arg == "/FREEZ":
context = "uc"
command = "F"
print("Freeze Capture")
if arg == "/MBL":
context = "sc"
command = "-"
print("Move picture left (memory blank)")
if arg == "/MBR":
context = "sc"
command = "+"
print("Move picture left (memory blank)")
if arg == "/HSL":
context = "sc"
command = "1"
print("Horizontal Sync Left")
if arg == "/HSR":
context = "sc"
command = "0"
print("Horizontal Sync Right")
if arg == "/INFO":
context = "sc"
command = "i"
print("Print infos")
if arg == "/VTIM":
context = "sc"
command = ","
print("Get video timings")
if arg == "/CLKR":
context = "sc"
command = "l"
print("Cycle Sdram clock speed")
if arg == "/RSTC":
context = "sc"
command = "q"
print("Reset chip")
if arg == "/INVS":
context = "sc"
command = "8"
print("Invert sync")
if arg == "/PLLD":
context = "sc"
command = "n"
print("MPLL divider ++")
if arg == "/DEBG":
context = "sc"
command = "D"
print("Debug view")
if arg == "/ADCF":
context = "sc"
command = "F"
print("ADC filter")
if arg == "/OVRS":
context = "sc"
command = "o"
if arg == "/HTOTU":
context = "sc"
command = "a"
print("HTotal ++")
if arg == "/HTOTD":
context = "sc"
command = "A"
print("HTotal --")
if arg == "/SNCHT":
context = "sc"
command = "."
print("Resynch HTotal")
if arg == "/RSTS":
context = "uc"
command = "l"
print("Reset sync processor")
if arg == "/SNAP":
context = "sc"
command = "S"
print("Snap to 50/60hz")
if arg == "/SNCW":
context = "sc"
command = "m"
if arg == "/OTA":
context = "sc"
command = "c"
print("Enable OTA update")
if arg == "/IFAO":
context = "sc"
command = "E"
print("IF auto offset")
if arg == "/SOGL":
context = "sc"
command = "z"
print("SOG Level --")
if arg == "/MVU":
context = "sc"
command = "*"
print("Move up")
if arg == "/MVD":
context = "sc"
command = "/"
print("Move down")
if arg == "/MVL":
context = "sc"
command = "7"
print("Move left")
if arg == "/MVR":
context = "sc"
command = "6"
print("Move right")
if arg == "/HORZU":
context = "sc"
command = "z"
print("Horizontal +")
if arg == "/HORZD":
context = "sc"
command = "Horizontal -"
print("Move down")
if arg == "/VERTU":
context = "sc"
command = "4"
print("Vertical +")
if arg == "/VERTD":
context = "sc"
command = "5"
print("Vertical -")
if arg == "/BMHU":
context = "sc"
command = "A"
print("Border Masking : Horizontal +")
if arg == "/BMHD":
context = "sc"
command = "B"
print("Border Masking : Horizontal -")
if arg == "/BMVU":
context = "sc"
command = "C"
print("Border Masking : Vertical +")
if arg == "/BMVD":
context = "sc"
command = "D"
print("Border Masking : Vertical -")
if arg == "/GAINU":
context = "sc"
command = "n"
print("Gain ++")
if arg == "/GAIND":
context = "sc"
command = "o"
print("Gain --")
if arg == "/AUTOG":
context = "sc"
command = "T"
print("Auto gain")
# Send the command
if context and command:
conn.request( "GET", "/" + context + "?" + command )
response = conn.getresponse()
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':