Monito multi-monitoring checker
Monito is a simple tool to query monitoring servers and display results in the Gnome-Shell panel.
Manual Installation
If you install from sources/scratch, put the sources into the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ directory. Then build the schema using either make schema or glib-compile-schemas --strict schemas/.
Once this is done, reload gnome-shell (Alt-F2) and execute gnome-tweaks to enable the extension or alternatively the following command gnome-extensions enable
And voilà!
This extension has been developed for my own needs. I will maintain it and add features but it may be very crude, compared to the excellent nagstamon package, which only missed the ability to be put inside of the gnome-shell panel (this could not be developed).
Things I plan to add at some point or another:
- Buttons to operate on services à la nagstamon (recheck, connect via SSH, etc.)
- Regexes to modify the output of services (to prune unecessary stuff)
- Filters to hide services (acked ones, or depending on regexes)
- Support for other (free as in free speech) monitoring servers
- Better tabular output of the services result (sorting, pagination)
- Choose which columns are shown in services result
- Better icinga2 support (use API because things are missing in the json output ?)
Things I will be unlikely to add unless a patch is provided:
- Support for broken HTTPS certs
- Notification for new alerts