2021-06-01 10:18:07 +02:00

120 lines
3.1 KiB

# Made by Alexandre SIMAO
# GPLv3
# Script to install and configure a Fuckdows Server 2016 as a router
# RTR-01 Only
echo "Shamefully made by Alexandre Simao. Pardon-me M. Stallman"
### Change the poor machine name
echo "Changing Computer's name"
Rename-computer RTR-01
# End of renaming
### Rename Adapters by parsing the VM device name
echo "Renaming adapters"
$adapts = Get-NetAdapter
foreach ($adapt in $adapts) {
$HVName = (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -name $ -DisplayName "Hyper-v Network Adapter Name").DisplayValue
Rename-Netadapter -name $ -NewName $HVName
### Pausing to let things settle
echo "Sleeping 10s"
Sleep 10
### Général IP configure
echo "IP configuration"
$MaskBits = 24 # This means subnet mask =
$IPType = "IPv4"
#Arc-SRV IP conf
netsh interface ip set address name="Arc-SRV" static
#Arc-CLI conf
netsh interface ip set address name="Arc-CLI" static
### WAN conf
netsh interface ip set address name="WAN" static
### DNS Conf for all InterfaceAlias ###
echo "DNS conf"
foreach ($c in Get-NetAdapter) { write-host 'Setting DNS for' $c.interfaceName ; Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex $c.interfaceindex -ServerAddresses ('') }
# End of scriptlet
### Install Routing and necessary linked roles ###
echo "installing VPN routing role"
Install-windowsFeature -Name Routing -IncludemanagementTools
Install-remoteAccess -VpnType Routingonly
set-service RemoteAccess -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service RemoteAccess
# End of scritlet
### Activating remote-access role
echo "installing VPN routing role"
Install-windowsFeature -Name Routing -IncludemanagementTools
Install-remoteAccess -VpnType Routingonly
set-service RemoteAccess -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service RemoteAccess
### Activate NAT and DHCP Relay ###
echo "Activating NAT and DHCP Relay"
netsh routing ip relay install
netsh routing ip add interface name="Arc-SRV" state=enable
netsh routing ip add interface name="Arc-CLI" state=enable
netsh routing ip add interface name="WAN" state=enable
netsh routing ip relay add interface "WAN"
netsh rout ip rel set int ARC-SRV min=0
netsh routing ip relay add interface "Arc-CLI"
netsh rout ip rel set int ARC-SRV min=0
netsh routing ip relay add interface "Arc-SRV"
netsh rout ip rel set int WAN min=0
netsh routing ip relay add dhcpserver
### Set connection as private ###
echo "Set connection as private"
Get-NetAdapter | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
### Change ZoneAlarm rule to accept incoming ICMP ipv4 probes ###
Get-NetFirewallRule -name "*ICMP4-ERQ-In*" | Enable-NetFirewallRule
### Add routes
echo "Adding route"
route add -p
route add -p
# End of scriptlet
# Add BGINFO autostart
Copy-Item "c:\Program Files\BGINFO\bginfo.bat" "C:\Users\Administrateur\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
Read-Host "Finished???"