A save file extractor for The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance.
Ported from wofsauge/IsaacSavegameReader, in order to be more easily ran on Linux.
It generates files that can be used in External Item Descriptions, and Dead God Helper. Theses files contain information about which items were already picked up.
python ./ path/to/savefile.dat saveid
It will generate the following files in the current directory:
to be put in EID's mod folder, inside thescripts
to be put in DeadGod Helper's data folder
Since I'm on Linux (and using the Steam version of TBOI), folders are a little bit different than on Windows, more info for save files location here
Extracting information from save file 2
The number 196602716
corresponds to my Steam Account ID, it will be different on your side.
python ./ ~/.steam/steam/userdata/196602716/250900/remote/rep_persistentgamedata2.dat 2
Moving generated files to the corresponding location
mv save2.dat ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/The\ Binding\ of\ Isaac\ Rebirth/data/deadgod\ helper/
mv eid_savegames.lua ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/The\ Binding\ of\ Isaac\ Rebirth/mods/external\ item\ descriptions_836319872/scripts/