Fix two failing tests #6

Seb35 wants to merge 0 commits from Seb35/check_expire:pull-request-6 into master
First-time contributor

By the way, converted the timeout parameter to a float to be able to test (I cannot find an RDAP server returning a timeout when it is 1 second) and it should not be harmful.

An implementation detail: the continue is needed because response is not defined when the timeout is trigerred.

By the way, converted the timeout parameter to a float to be able to test (I cannot find an RDAP server returning a timeout when it is 1 second) and it should not be harmful. An implementation detail: the `continue` is needed because `response` is not defined when the timeout is trigerred.
Seb35 added 1 commit 2022-12-18 20:09:20 +01:00
By the way, converted the timeout parameter to a float.

Merged just now, thanks.

Merged just now, thanks.
bortzmeyer closed this pull request 2024-06-16 20:38:50 +02:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: bortzmeyer/check_expire#6
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