
44 lines
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title: Changelog - Faits
description: Registre des progrès en numérique
published: true
date: 2022-07-20T05:12:13.593Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2022-07-15T12:29:03.299Z
| [Backlog](/fr/acts/digital/backlog) | [Changes](/fr/acts/digital/changes) | [Changelog](/fr/acts/digital/changelog) |
# Changelog
Registre des travaux finis en numérique.
## 2022-07-18
Refaire le home du wiki : [fr](/fr/acts/digital/changes/home) / [en](/fr/acts/digital/changes/home).
Not perfect, but manageable. The goal was to tell a coherent story. The wiki doesn't necessarily seem like an ideal place for that, or I haven't quite appropriated it correctly.
## Migrer www.lesgrandsvoisins.com à www.grandsvoisins.com
Duplicated it actually.
## Migrer www.lesgv.com à www.appgv.com
## Migrer admin.village.tel à admin.appgv.com
## Alias vers www.grandsvoisins.com
## Alias vers www.goodvillagers.com
## Migrer agoodvillage.com vers goodvillagers.com
Corrected redriects and implemented a www redirect on base.
## Migerer lesgv.com à appgv.com
## Migrer visio.lesgv.com à meet.appgv.com
Intoroduit meet.appgv.com et lien changé sur lesgv.com.