2022-05-06 12:59:16 +00:00

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Souscrire Dévenir copropriétaire des Grands Voisins en souscrivant un abbonnement pour les ESS, les Pouvoirs publics locaux, les Acteurs privés et les Pros de l'évèenementiel. true 2022-05-06T12:59:14.267Z markdown 2022-04-15T20:12:46.634Z

Proposed Services That Work and are Configured Now

Ideological Mission Statement for Inspiration on: agoodvillage.com

Association with Les Grands Voisins, A Good Village as visible on: web.lesgrandsvoisins.com and here: com.lesgrandsvoisins.com

A personal website in A Good Village here: baldridge.agoodvillage.com

A good email service configurable here: mail.lesgrandsvoisins.com and consultable here: mail.lesgrandsvoisins.com/SOGo documented here: Email Introduction to AGoodVIllage | wiki.LesGrandsVoisins.com

Technical support (best effort) via email to bienvenue@lesgrandsvoisins.com (or through Chris Mann, Concierge)

Inclusive Membership Advantages

Inclusive Membership bestows upon Robert Baldridge the same activities, products and services available to all Villagers as visible here: www.agoodvillage.com/en#actions

Popup Expos is one such activity, as visible here:
Popup Expos

You may use either visio links for Video Meetings: visio.chapril.org/baldridge visio.chapril.org/lesgrandsvoisins


Monthly prix libre as per Robert Baldridge's determination payable in cash or via instructions on : Donations

Proposed Services That Work in Production and/or Beta Now

All In addition to the services listed above, that are currently configured for Robert Baldrige, Les Grands Voisins, A Good Village can configure today all the services in production and in beta that are visible here:

Personal website content management by Robert Baldridge himself or by his agent is available here: Login

You may create your won accounts on these services:

We can create access for you on these services: