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LibreGood.org LibreGood.org is an answer to Big Tech (G.A.F.A.M.) and can replace parts of G.A.F.A.M. one user at a time in an auto-deterministic manner. true 2022-05-14T12:47:22.745Z markdown 2022-05-07T21:23:00.303Z

LibreGood.org, initiated and set up by mann.pro, is under the supervision of LesGrandsVoisins.com is AGoodVillage.com. We adhere to the Contract for the Web. The way we do it is already what we do.

LibreGood.org provides account managed in a communal infrastructure usable for our services :

Service Description
admin. libregood .org Settings (coming soon)
app.libregood.org Applications dashboard
forms. libregood .org Forms (coming soon)
cal.libregood.org Calendars and Address-Books Server
com.lesgrandsvoisins.com Forum (to migrate to forum. libregood .org)
file.libregood.org Cloud Drive and Office Documents
fossil.libregood.org Fossil Source-Code and Project Management
gafam. libregood .com Replace Big Tech (coming soon)
id.lesgv.org Single Sign-On (to migrate to id. libregood .org)
list.libregood.org E-Mailing
mail.lesgv.org Email (to migrate to mail. libregood .org)
news.libregood.org Blog
pass.libregood.org Password Management
forge.libregood.org Project and Source-Code Management
visio.libregood.org Video Conferencing
web.libregood.org Web Authoring
wiki.libregood.org Wiki Documentation