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Raw Blame History

title description published date tags editor dateCreated
Alpha.LesGV.com Alpha is the developmment server true 2022-07-07T14:11:11.764Z markdown 2022-07-07T14:11:11.764Z


To connect

ssh aaa@ipv4.ikoulaf.lesgv.com -p 2222 

Server: ipv4.ikoulaf.lesgv.com
port: 2222
user: aaa

Installation and Deployment Info

To Deploy


Interesting stuff

[aaa@alphalesgvcom ~]$ cd aaa
[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ cat deploy
cat: deploy: No such file or directory
[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ cat deploy.sh
export NODE_ENV=development
pm2 stop app.js
pm2 start app.js

All is daemonized by PM2

[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ pm2 list
│ id  │ name   │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0  │ app    │ default     │ 1.0.0   │ fork    │ 12675    │ 3h     │ 404  │ online    │ 0%       │ 156.3mb  │ aaa      │ disabled │
[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ pm2 stop aaa

To run by hand

[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ node app.js
(node:13460) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
🧑💻Building the Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass...
👍 Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass is complete!
🧑💻Building the CSS et JS bruts...
👍 CSS et JS bruts is complete!
Watching for UI changes...
Listening at http://localhost:3000

To run by pm2 and then look at the logs

[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ pm2 start app.js
[PM2] Applying action restartProcessId on app [app](ids: [ 0 ])
[PM2] [app](0)[PM2] Process successfully started
│ id  │ name   │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0   │ app    │ default     │ 1.0.0   │ fork    │ 13483    │ 0s     │ 404  │ online    │ 0%       │ 11.3mb   │ aaa      │ disabled │
[aaa@alphalesgvcom aaa]$ pm2 logs app
[TAILING] Tailing last 15 lines for [app] process (change the value with --lines option)
/home/aaa/.pm2/logs/app-error.log last 15 lines:
0|app      | Nonexistent widget type name launcher/app in area field.
0|app      | (node:12237) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:12284) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:12326) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:12467) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:12501) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:12675) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
0|app      | (node:13483) DeprecationWarning: isConnected is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
0|app      | (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)

/home/aaa/.pm2/logs/app-out.log last 15 lines:
0|app      | Listening at http://localhost:3000
0|app      | 🧑💻Building the Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass...
0|app      | 👍 Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass is complete!
0|app      | 🧑💻Building the Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass...
0|app      | 👍 Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass is complete!
0|app      | 🧑💻Building the CSS et JS bruts...
0|app      | 👍 CSS et JS bruts is complete!
0|app      | Watching for UI changes...
0|app      | Listening at http://localhost:3000
0|app      | 🧑💻Building the Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass...
0|app      | 👍 Public-facing modern JavaScript and Sass is complete!
0|app      | 🧑💻Building the CSS et JS bruts...
0|app      | 👍 CSS et JS bruts is complete!
0|app      | Watching for UI changes...
0|app      | Listening at http://localhost:3000

Notice that the log file is here: /home/aaa/.pm2/logs/app-out.log

Interesting Files


deploy.sh - how deployed
app.js - configuration of the app (notice 'nestedModuleSubdirs: true,' )
modules/ - specific modules
modules/launcher/ - module for doing the dashboard (the dashboard itself)
modules/launcher/app-widget/ - sub-module or embedded module for each card representing an app

In both modules/launcher/ and modules/launcher/app-widget/

ui/ - user interface (scss and js only)
views/ - templates of pages
./index.js - data model (page or widget)
./modules.js - autoincluded (via nestedModuleSubdirs: true, in app.js)
ui/src/index.scss - css
ui/src/index.js - js
views/page.html - the layout of the page (for launcher)
views/widget.html - the layout of the page (for app-widget)