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Work in Progress true 2022-07-15T11:50:03.273Z wip, tec, notes, teamwork, team, resource, gazette markdown 2022-06-28T11:31:02.209Z

Work in Progress

Source: https://wiki.lesgv.com/e/fr/activites/wip

Agenda 2022-07-09

Agenda items:

  1. Status update
  2. A Good Village London
  3. Conseil des Voisins
  4. Communication in General (web-based)
  5. User Experience
  6. Popup Expos
  7. Choose next date and feedback

1. Status Update

Chris' Update

New dashboards:

Comments from Lin on new dashboard lesgv.com :

Comments from Lin on new dashboard appgv.com : 

  • Good, Better, More readable.
  • Why is it black?
  • Like on the phone, don't like on the laptop. 
  • Dark theme doesn't work. 
  • Default to Light and List.
  • Icon widths variable are disturbing.

Drawing is a UX way of making things.

blog.lesgrandsvoisins.com certificate expired.

Certificate autorenewal was broken. 

  • www.
  • com.
  • blog.
  • cal.
  • fossil.
  • blog./ghost
  • list.

Other Projects

Other projects:

Lin's update.

Lin has limited resources  and time.

The activities initially projected for integration into A Good Vilalge may no longer.

Lin knows that Lin doesn't know yet, needs income, and is working on different projects. Buffer between projects. 

Lin's calendar is full and needs buffer time. 

Movie projection on hold.

2. A Good Village London


for approval at next Conseil des Voisins

3. Conseil des Voisins

Invitation to send. 

  • Create a doodle.  - Create a doodle-like thing in com.lesgrandsvoisins.com - id.lesgv.com connected to com.lesgrandsvoisins.com - Draft invite
  • Send draft of invite to Lin at least 1 working day ahead

4. Communication in General (web-based)

Domain name orientation

Previous decision:

  • lesgrandsvoisins.com
  • agoodvillage.com

Proposition for the next Conseil:

  • grandsvoisins.com
  • goodvillagers.com

This infrastructure is 

  • appgv.com (technical application interface/platform)

General communication: Structuring the website so we promote activities, voisins (hosted websites), services, goods

5. User Experience

Promote engagement with activities, villagers, services, goods.

Think about calls to action

  • Mailing List Inscription
  • Become a Good Villager (pros)
  • Go to a GV's Event
  • Use Services Provided by GoodVillagers.com
  • Create a web account (self registration) --> SSO account and appgv.com account

Double point of entry : www.grandsvoisins.com or www.goodvillagers.com

Login link top right

When logged-in, get access to all configured services per user

Userjourney map. Perhaps something Lin could do. Canvas

6. Popup Expos

Villagers can be Artists and/or Establishments.

Popup Expos are Events qith Start End. Linked to one or many artists and one or many establishments.

Villagers have centralized info on id.appgv.com that is also used in the Expos.

Affaire à suivre.

Example of one parcours utilisateur.

Educate on how to do that. Perhaps a session. Think about welcome sessions to do it together with them.

7. Choose next date and feedback


9:30-11:30 BST

Next Meeting Sat. 23 July at 9;30 AM BST on meet.appgv.com.


  • Feeback: this pad.chapril.org is slooooooow
  • Feedback: We made good progress
  • Feedback: Lin was disconnectect from pad.chapril.org
  • Feedback GOOD SESSION. Lin saved the digital of lesgradnsvoisisn.com by helping detect the falling of the websites.
  • Feedback: Meeting two hours is intense
  • Feedback: 10-minute pause useful
  • Feedback: External camera didn't work with Brave and Visio.chapril.org


  • Map user journey from entry point(s) to CTAs
  • reuse Canva from old CF course
  • Fin juillet ou debut aout (28 or 4)

Previous Next Steps (2022-06-24)

Next steps for Chris

Next steps for Lin

  • Refléchir A Good Village London

  • Projection Les Grands Voisins, la cité rêvée dans une salle à Londres. Potentiellemt Everyman

  • Potential to be hosted at Clarendon Recovery College, Camden & Islington RC, Free Space Kentish Town

  • Réfléchir sur la technologie des réunions en présence et à distance 

  • Faire des rencontres sur place ?

  • Recevoir du courrier pour A Good Village London ?

  • local project, get funding from Bridge Renewal Trust, Lottery Fund, CCG Haringey (with Clarendon, C&I and T4H as villagers?)

  • Demander une adhésion ?

  • Lister les projets à Merger

  • Mindful movement project (Breathing, dance, music), Bi-weekly cooking (healthy batch cooking, based on Second Nature and HelloFresh)

  • :)

Architecture Des Grands Voisins


  • Activités et biens en commun
    • Digital Existant
      • id.communitiness.com - Papiers d'identité
      • web... - Editer des sites webs
      • com ... (forum.) - Commmunication comme slack
      • wiki....
      • pass....
      • drive....
      • cal.....
      • mail......
      • emailing....
      • visio...
      • forge...
  • Digital A Venir - Aizuwa.com - Commerce électronique partagée
  • Programmation
    • Film
    • Guinguette
    • Les Apéros le dimanche
    • .... (une programmation)
  • Les Expos Popup
  • Le Budget Participatif à Paris
  • Voisins
    • A venir ...
    • Les Artistes des Expos Popup
    • Les Etablissements des Expos Popup
  • Gouvernances / « Ensemble » - Conseils

Nouveau participants

Quénédie Mondze - Graphiste


Bruno Klien - Creative Director. Concurrent à Aurore. 


Next Steps

Nouvelle date avocat (septembre)

Joindre documents a la page


Expertise Chris reunions physiques et virtuelles

Ask if I can have a space to meet people about DGV

Adapter pitch a ma presentation desgv

What would a good CTA look like for DGV homepage?


  • Voir avec Quénédie pour storyboard

  • Voir avec Bruno pour Storytelling

  • Voir avec Sveta for Popup Expos

  • Voir avec Lin A Good Village London

  • Voir avec Mael pour ?

  • Préparer la création de l'associatin Des Grands Voisins

  • Préparer un tableau de bord Des Grands Voisins

  • Voir pour un Blog efficace avec les dernieres nouvelles

  • Voir avec Bruno pour l'utilisation de forum.desgrandsvoisins.com

Voici les travaux en cours: 

Nouveau participants

Quénédie Mondze - Graphiste

Bruno Klien - Creative Director. Concurrent à Aurore. 

Next Steps

Nouvelle date avocat (septembre)

Joindre documents a la page

Expertise Chris reunions physiques et virtuelles

Ask if I can have a space to meet people about DGV