Fork of to make it compliant with last Eclipse version. The official project seems to be abandoned as the code has not been migrated outside CVS repository. The transfer to git has been done by cvs2git .
Updated 2022-04-09 18:26:25 +02:00
Application pour trouver rapidement les salles libres dans l'Université de Strasbourg (version Python).
Updated 2024-03-31 21:49:30 +02:00
Avec Deltacms créer et gérer facilement un site web
Updated 2024-05-08 08:32:14 +02:00
Repositorio pro projectos de traduction ex EN a IA
Updated 2021-12-28 09:05:23 +01:00
Repository for the Monito Gnome-Shell extension. Monito is a simple monitoring extension that queries Icinga/Icinga2 monitoring servers in the spirit of Nagstamon.
Updated 2023-11-08 11:38:50 +01:00
Code source de la première version du site Hello facteur, application hybride entre agrégateur de flux/micro-blogging et newsletter.
Updated 2022-12-03 18:36:32 +01:00
Here are a few of the projects I've made throughout the years to learn basic scientific computing stuff.
Updated 2021-10-29 15:48:36 +02:00
Affichage de données pouvant provenir de différentes sources (fichier, API...) avec différents formats (CSV, JSON, HTML...) et possibilité de trier, filtrer ou encore paginer les données.
Updated 2024-05-06 17:00:21 +02:00
This repository contains some tools used to extract informations in order to import it into politikorama. /!\ Nothing is stable, use at your own risks !
Updated 2022-07-08 13:52:30 +02:00
A Nagios (and compatible) plugin to check the impending expiration of a domain name. It relies on RDAP exclusively (no whois) and works with every top-level domain with RDAP (which includes all the ICANN ones).
Updated 2022-10-09 11:36:19 +02:00
A Nagios (and compatible) plugin to check the impending expiration of a domain name. It relies on RDAP exclusively (no whois) and works with every top-level domain with RDAP (which includes all the ICANN ones).
Updated 2023-03-15 20:53:40 +01:00
Easy-to-use CSV parsing library for C language.
Updated 2021-07-21 20:45:02 +02:00
Platformer made using pygame, centered around water and trash
Updated 2021-12-19 14:33:24 +01:00
Le Site Web des Cocottes \o/
Updated 2021-10-31 12:18:24 +01:00
Re-design of the original gocryptfs code to work as a library.
Updated 2023-09-07 19:16:06 +02:00
front end version 2 de framadate, un gestionnaire de sondage
Updated 2023-04-28 15:46:24 +02:00
Updated 2022-02-27 09:33:23 +01:00
Xit is a Python program that applies XOR to files. It's not designed to be used for cryptographic stuff, unless you know what you're doing or you want to hide from your little sister.
Updated 2021-03-17 23:16:53 +01:00
Eclipse Update Site for the Mylyn/Gitea Tasks Connector
Updated 2021-04-25 18:12:38 +02:00
Le projet CaliÉc consiste à documenter et automatiser une procédure pour réaliser, en utilisant des données libres (OpenStreetMap) et avec le logiciel libre QGIS, des cartes d’orientation très détaillées, à échelle rapprochée, pour de multiples usages.
Updated 2023-03-30 10:47:18 +02:00