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4 Commits

6 changed files with 347 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -7,12 +7,42 @@ package io.gitea.model;
public enum IssueAction {
IssueAction(String label) {
this.label = label;
public final String label;
public static IssueAction getEnum(String other) {
if ((other == null)||(other.isBlank()) || (other.isEmpty()))
return LEAVE;
for (IssueAction a : IssueAction.values())
if (a.equals(other)) return a;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(other + " is not a IssueAction value");
/**Compute targeted state when apply action as transition to a state.
* [from State: OPENED] --> Action: CLOSE --> [to State:CLOSED]
* [from State: CLOSED] --> Action: REOPEN --> [to State: OPENDED]
* All other cases have no impact on State.
* @param fromState
* @return Targeted state as IssueState.
public IssueState toState(IssueState fromState) {
if ((this == CLOSE) && (fromState == IssueState.STATE_OPENED)) return IssueState.STATE_CLOSED;
if ((this == REOPEN) && (fromState == IssueState.STATE_CLOSED)) return IssueState.STATE_OPENED;
return fromState;
static public IssueState toState(IssueState from, IssueAction onAction) {
return onAction.toState(from);
public boolean equals(IssueAction arg0) {
return this.label.equals(arg0.toString());
public boolean equals(String arg0) {
return this.label.equals(arg0);

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@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ public enum IssueState {
this.value = value;
public static IssueState getEnum(String value) {
for(IssueState s: IssueState.values()) {
if (s.equals(value)) return s;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " is not a IssueState value");
public String toString() {
return this.value;

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ public enum GiteaAttribute {
COMPLETED("Completed", TaskAttribute.DATE_COMPLETION, TaskAttribute.TYPE_DATETIME, GiteaFlag.READ_ONLY),
DUE_DATE("Due Date", TaskAttribute.DATE_DUE, TaskAttribute.TYPE_DATE, GiteaFlag.ATTRIBUTE),
AUTHOR("Author", TaskAttribute.USER_REPORTER, TaskAttribute.TYPE_PERSON, GiteaFlag.READ_ONLY, GiteaFlag.ATTRIBUTE),
PROJECT("Project", TaskAttribute.PRODUCT, TaskAttribute.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT, GiteaFlag.READ_ONLY, GiteaFlag.ATTRIBUTE),

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import;
import io.gitea.model.GiteaDateTimeUtils;
import io.gitea.model.Label;
import io.gitea.model.Milestone;
import io.gitea.model.User;
@ -89,6 +90,21 @@ public class GiteaAttributeMapper extends TaskAttributeMapper {
return target;
public List<Label> findLabelsByNames(String names) {
List<Label> found = new ArrayList<Label>();
try {
List<Label> labels = getConnection().getLabels();
HashMap<String, Label> map = new HashMap<String,Label>();
for (Label l : labels) {
for (String n: names.split(",")) {
} catch (CoreException e) {
return found;
private HashMap<String, String> getAsMap(List<String> list) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("", "");

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@ -15,7 +15,13 @@ import io.gitea.api.IssueApi;
import io.gitea.api.RepositoryApi;
import io.gitea.api.UserApi;
import io.gitea.model.Comment;
import io.gitea.model.CreateIssueCommentOption;
import io.gitea.model.CreateIssueOption;
import io.gitea.model.EditIssueCommentOption;
import io.gitea.model.EditIssueOption;
import io.gitea.model.EditLabelOption;
import io.gitea.model.Issue;
import io.gitea.model.IssueLabelsOption;
import io.gitea.model.IssueState;
import io.gitea.model.Label;
import io.gitea.model.Milestone;
@ -184,4 +190,35 @@ public class GiteaConnection {
public List<Comment> issueGetComments(Issue issue) throws ApiException {
return issueGetComments(issue, null, null);
/** Add a new comment to an issue.
* @param issueId
* @param body
* @return
* @throws ApiException
public Comment issueAddComment(Long issueId, CreateIssueCommentOption body) throws ApiException {
return issueApi().issueCreateComment(owner, repo, issueId, body);
public Comment issueAddComment(Issue issue, CreateIssueCommentOption body) throws ApiException {
return issueAddComment(issue.getId(), body);
/** Create an issue.
* @param body
* @return
* @throws ApiException
public Issue createIssue(CreateIssueOption body) throws ApiException {
return issueApi().issueCreateIssue(owner, repo, body);
public Issue editIssue(Long issueId, EditIssueOption body) throws ApiException {
return issueApi().issueEditIssue(owner, repo, issueId, body);
public List<Label> issueReplaceLabels(Long issueId, IssueLabelsOption labels) throws ApiException {
return issueApi().issueReplaceLabels(owner, repo, issueId, labels);

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package io.gitea.mylyn.core;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
@ -12,10 +13,12 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.OffsetTable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.ITaskMapping;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryResponse;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryResponse.ResponseKind;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskRepository;
@ -26,11 +29,17 @@ import;
import io.gitea.ApiException;
import io.gitea.api.IssueApi;
import io.gitea.model.Comment;
import io.gitea.model.CreateIssueCommentOption;
import io.gitea.model.CreateIssueOption;
import io.gitea.model.EditIssueOption;
import io.gitea.model.GiteaDateTimeUtils;
import io.gitea.model.GiteaPriorityLevel;
import io.gitea.model.GiteaUser;
import io.gitea.model.Issue;
import io.gitea.model.IssueAction;
import io.gitea.model.IssueLabelsOption;
import io.gitea.model.IssueState;
import io.gitea.model.IssueType;
import io.gitea.model.Label;
@ -39,237 +48,289 @@ import io.gitea.model.User;
import io.gitea.mylyn.core.exceptions.GiteaException;
* Handles the issues. It maps the attributes from the Gitea API to real Mylyn
* issue attributes, downloads the issues for a specific task repository, and
* creates new issues.
* Handles the Issue<=>Task management. Downloads issues to tasks for a specific
* repository, update issue and creates new issues.
public class GiteaTaskDataHandler extends AbstractTaskDataHandler {
public GiteaTaskDataHandler() {
public GiteaTaskDataHandler() {
public TaskAttributeMapper getAttributeMapper(TaskRepository repository) {
try {
return ConnectionManager.get(repository).mapper;
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new Error(e);
public TaskAttributeMapper getAttributeMapper(TaskRepository repository) {
try {
return ConnectionManager.get(repository).mapper;
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new Error(e);
public boolean initializeTaskData(TaskRepository repository, TaskData data, ITaskMapping mapping,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
createDefaultAttributes(data, false);
* Initialize Task from local repository.
public boolean initializeTaskData(TaskRepository repository, TaskData data, ITaskMapping mapping,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
createDefaultAttributes(data, false);
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.PROJECT.getTaskKey()).setValue(connection.repository.getName());// FIXME: not
// the project
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.PROJECT.getTaskKey()).setValue(connection.repository.getName());// FIXME: not
// the
// project
return true;
return true;
public RepositoryResponse postTaskData(TaskRepository repository, TaskData data, Set<TaskAttribute> attributes,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
* Send Update to remote issues repository (create issue when required).
public RepositoryResponse postTaskData(TaskRepository repository, TaskData data, Set<TaskAttribute> attributes,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
GiteaAttributeMapper attributeMapper = (GiteaAttributeMapper) data.getAttributeMapper();
GiteaAttributeMapper attributeMapper = (GiteaAttributeMapper) data.getAttributeMapper();
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
String taskId = data.getTaskId();
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
String labels = root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.LABELS.getTaskKey()).getValue();
String title = root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.TITLE.getTaskKey()).getValue();
String body = root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.BODY.getTaskKey()).getValue();
// newLabelsList could be null or may content only one 'null' item when no label
// is defined for the task
List<Label> newLabelsList = attributeMapper
List<Long> newLabelIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
if (newLabelsList != null)
newLabelsList.forEach(label -> {
if (label != null)
Long assigneeId = 0L;
String title = root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.TITLE.getTaskKey()).getValue();
String body = root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.BODY.getTaskKey()).getValue();
// TODO : confirm gitea behaviour
// We have to check, if the assignee has changed. The gitea api leaves three
// posiblities for the assignee ID:
// 0: leave as it is
// -1: unassign
// real id: assign
// If we didnt do this, Gitea would create a comment everytime we edit the
// issue and there is still no
// assignee
for (TaskAttribute a : attributes) {
if (a.getId().equals(GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE.getTaskKey())) {
User assignee = attributeMapper
assigneeId = (assignee == null ? -1 : assignee.getId());
User assignee = null;
// Check assignee is still part of team member
for (TaskAttribute a : attributes) {
if (a.getId().equals(GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE.getTaskKey())) {
assignee = attributeMapper
Milestone milestone = attributeMapper
Long milestoneId = (milestone == null ? 0 : milestone.getId());
Milestone milestone = attributeMapper
Long milestoneId = (milestone == null ? 0 : milestone.getId());
* FIXME: Support issue creation GiteaConnection connection =
* ConnectionManager.get(repository); Gitlea API api = connection.api(); try {
* monitor.beginTask("Uploading task", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); Issue issue =
* null; if(data.isNew()) { issue =
* api.createIssue(connection.repository.getId(), assigneeId, milestoneId,
* labels, body, title); return new
* RepositoryResponse(ResponseKind.TASK_CREATED, "" + issue.getIid()); } else {
* if(root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW) != null &&
* !root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW).getValue().equals("")) {
* api.createNote(connection.repository.getId(),
* GiteaConnector.getTicketId(data.getTaskId()),
* root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW).getValue()); } String action =
* root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.OPERATION).getValue(); issue =
* api.editIssue(connection.repository.getId(),
* GiteaConnector.getTicketId(data.getTaskId()), assigneeId, milestoneId,
* labels, body, title, GiteaAction.find(action).getGiteaIssueAction()); return
* new RepositoryResponse(ResponseKind.TASK_UPDATED, "" + issue.getIid()); } }
* catch (IOException e) { throw new
* GiteaException("Unknown connection error!"); } finally { monitor.done(); }
return null;// FIXME:
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
// FIXME:TODO: support due date
// OffsetDateTime dueDate =
// OffsetDateTime.GiteaDateTimeUtils.parseDate(root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.DUE_DATE.getTaskKey()).getValue());
public TaskData downloadTaskData(TaskRepository repository, Long ticketId) throws CoreException {
try {
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
Issue issue = connection.issueGetIssue(ticketId);
List<Comment> notes = connection.issueGetComments(issue);
return createTaskDataFromGiteaIssue(issue, repository, notes);
} catch (ApiException e) {
throw new GiteaException("Unknown connection error!");
try {
//monitor.beginTask("Uploading task", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
Issue issue = null;
if (data.isNew()) {
issue = connection.createIssue(
new CreateIssueOption().title(title).body(body).assignee(GiteaUser.getName(assignee))
// FIXME Additional attributes like due date have to be set after issue creation
// Always the same caveats about TaskId:
// - represented by Issue number and not the issue Id which is internal Gitea database id.
// - Issue number is Long where TaskId is string representing an Integer
taskId = Integer.toString(issue.getNumber().intValue());
return new RepositoryResponse(ResponseKind.TASK_CREATED, taskId);
} else {
Long issueId = GiteaConnector.getTicketId(taskId);
issue = connection.issueGetIssue(issueId);
public TaskData createTaskDataFromGiteaIssue(Issue issue, TaskRepository repository, List<Comment> notes)
throws CoreException {
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
TaskData data = new TaskData(connection.mapper, GiteaPluginCore.CONNECTOR_KIND, repository.getUrl(),
// A new comment is available
if (root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW) != null
&& !root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.COMMENT_NEW).getValue().equals("")) {
// Labels
List<String> labelsNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Label> issueLabels = issue.getLabels();
issueLabels.forEach((label) -> labelsNames.add(label.getName()));
String labels = StringUtils.join(labelsNames, ", ");
connection.issueAddComment(issueId, new CreateIssueCommentOption()
// Update labels if label list has changed
List<Label>oldLabels = issue.getLabels();
if (!issue.getLabels().equals(newLabelsList)) {
connection.issueReplaceLabels(issueId, new IssueLabelsOption().labels(newLabelIds));
createDefaultAttributes(data, true);
// Kept Step by step only for debugging purpose ...
String action = root.getAttribute(TaskAttribute.OPERATION).getValue();
String state = issue.getState();
String newState = IssueAction.getEnum(action).toState(IssueState.getEnum(state)).toString();
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.BODY.getTaskKey()).setValue(issue.getBody() == null ? "" : issue.getBody());
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.PROJECT.getTaskKey()).setValue(connection.repository.getName()); // FIXME:
// OffsetDateTime dueDate = new OffsetDateTime();
// FIXME:TODO: Support DueDate
boolean unsetDueDate = true;
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.IID.getTaskKey()).setValue("" + issue.getNumber().toString());
issue = connection.editIssue(issueId,
new EditIssueOption().assignee(GiteaUser.getName(assignee)).milestone(milestoneId).body(body)
// .dueDate(dueDate)
return new RepositoryResponse(ResponseKind.TASK_UPDATED, taskId);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GiteaException("Unknown connection error!");
} finally {
if (issue.getMilestone() != null) {
* Get task data including comments from remote issue id.
* @param repository
* @param ticketId
* @return
* @throws CoreException
public TaskData downloadTaskData(TaskRepository repository, Long ticketId) throws CoreException {
try {
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
Issue issue = connection.issueGetIssue(ticketId);
List<Comment> notes = connection.issueGetComments(issue);
return createTaskDataFromGiteaIssue(issue, repository, notes);
} catch (ApiException e) {
throw new GiteaException("Unknown connection error!");
if (issue.getUpdatedAt() != null) {
public TaskData createTaskDataFromGiteaIssue(Issue issue, TaskRepository repository, List<Comment> notes)
throws CoreException {
GiteaConnection connection = ConnectionManager.get(repository);
TaskData data = new TaskData(connection.mapper, GiteaPluginCore.CONNECTOR_KIND, repository.getUrl(),
if (IssueState.isClosed(issue.getState())) {
// Labels
List<String> labelsNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Label> issueLabels = issue.getLabels();
issueLabels.forEach((label) -> labelsNames.add(label.getName()));
String labels = StringUtils.join(labelsNames, ", ");
// Assignee name is either FulleName either Login either empty
List<String> assigneesNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<User> assignees = issue.getAssignees();
if (assignees != null) {
assignees.forEach((assignee) -> assigneesNames.add(GiteaUser.getName(assignee)));
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE.getTaskKey()).setValue(StringUtils.join(assigneesNames, ", "));
Collections.sort(notes, new Comparator<Comment>() {
public int compare(Comment o1, Comment o2) {
return o1.getCreatedAt().compareTo(o2.getCreatedAt());
createDefaultAttributes(data, true);
int i = 0;
for (Comment note : notes) {
TaskCommentMapper cmapper = new TaskCommentMapper();
TaskAttribute attribute = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.PREFIX_COMMENT + (i + 1));
TaskAttribute root = data.getRoot();
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.BODY.getTaskKey()).setValue(issue.getBody() == null ? "" : issue.getBody());
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.PROJECT.getTaskKey()).setValue(connection.repository.getName()); // FIXME:
GiteaAction[] actions = GiteaAction.getActions(issue);
for (GiteaAction action : actions) {
TaskAttribute attribute = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.PREFIX_OPERATION + action.label);
TaskOperation.applyTo(attribute, action.label, action.label);
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.IID.getTaskKey()).setValue("" + issue.getNumber().toString());
return data;
if (issue.getMilestone() != null) {
private void createDefaultAttributes(TaskData data, boolean existingTask) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.BODY);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.TITLE);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.LABELS);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.STATUS);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.PROJECT);
if (issue.getUpdatedAt() != null) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.CREATED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.COMPLETED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.UPDATED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.MILESTONE);
if (IssueState.isClosed(issue.getState())) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.IID);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.PRIORITY);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.TYPE);
// Assignee name is either FulleName either Login either empty
List<String> assigneesNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<User> assignees = issue.getAssignees();
if (assignees != null) {
assignees.forEach((assignee) -> assigneesNames.add(GiteaUser.getName(assignee)));
root.getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE.getTaskKey()).setValue(StringUtils.join(assigneesNames, ", "));
Collections.sort(notes, new Comparator<Comment>() {
public int compare(Comment o1, Comment o2) {
return o1.getCreatedAt().compareTo(o2.getCreatedAt());
data.getRoot().getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.CREATED.getTaskKey()).setValue("" + (new Date().getTime()));
int i = 0;
for (Comment note : notes) {
TaskCommentMapper cmapper = new TaskCommentMapper();
cmapper.setCreationDate(GiteaDateTimeUtils.toDate(note.getCreatedAt()));// FIXME:
TaskAttribute attribute = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.PREFIX_COMMENT + (i + 1));
if (existingTask) {
GiteaAction[] actions = GiteaAction.getActions(issue);
for (GiteaAction action : actions) {
TaskAttribute attribute = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.PREFIX_OPERATION + action.label);
TaskOperation.applyTo(attribute, action.label, action.label);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.AUTHOR);
return data;
TaskAttribute operation = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.OPERATION);
private void createDefaultAttributes(TaskData data, boolean existingTask) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.BODY);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.TITLE);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.LABELS);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.STATUS);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.PROJECT);
private void createAttribute(TaskData data, GiteaAttribute attribute) {
TaskAttribute attr = data.getRoot().createAttribute(attribute.getTaskKey());
TaskAttributeMetaData metaData = attr.getMetaData();
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.CREATED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.COMPLETED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.UPDATED);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.ASSIGNEE);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.MILESTONE);
* Returns the type string for Mylyn. Uses a regular expression to check for
* types in the given label.
* @param labels
* @return
private String getType(String labels) {
Matcher m = IssueType.PATTERN.matcher(labels);
if (m.find()) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.IID);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.PRIORITY);
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.TYPE);
return "";
data.getRoot().getAttribute(GiteaAttribute.CREATED.getTaskKey()).setValue("" + (new Date().getTime()));
if (existingTask) {
createAttribute(data, GiteaAttribute.AUTHOR);
TaskAttribute operation = data.getRoot().createAttribute(TaskAttribute.OPERATION);
private void createAttribute(TaskData data, GiteaAttribute attribute) {
TaskAttribute attr = data.getRoot().createAttribute(attribute.getTaskKey());
TaskAttributeMetaData metaData = attr.getMetaData();
* Returns the type string for Mylyn. Uses a regular expression to check for
* types in the given label.
* @param labels
* @return
private String getType(String labels) {
Matcher m = IssueType.PATTERN.matcher(labels);
if (m.find()) {
return "";