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Of course, KeepassDX does support the ContentProvider API as it's 100% native Android code, unlike DroidFS.
Anemo uses its own private storage. Other apps can't access them by direct file access. They must use the ContentProvider API, which is not supported by DroidFS. See [#6](https://github.com/hardcor…
If the button text stays to "Create volume" then it probably means you've selected the wrong path.
Sure, but this is out of scope for DroidFS, as well as for gocryptfs or CryFS.
There is no template system in DroidFS, neither in gocryptfs or CryFS. You have to create the folders you like manually after vault creation. However, you can create this templates with empty…
If you make a copy, the original vault stays intact. If you want to open the copy with DroidFS you need to add it with the new location.
Nothing prevents you from creating these folders inside your encrypted vault. What more DroidFS should do?
Yes. If you move the vault, DroidFS will show the older path as inaccessible. Just remove it from DroidFS and re-add the vault with the right location (the new one).
I don't understand what you ask. Can you please elaborate?