auto-updating is not a security nor a privacy risk, by default it should be enabled and it's on end-users if they want to disable it - does not affect windows users
- they require SWers which are already blocked by virtue of permissions being session only
- also remove "dom.push.userAgentID" as this means prefsCleaner resets it and would wipe user's subscriptions
- not adding "dom.push.userAgentID" to the cleanup script for the same reason
currently 3rd party service workers are blocked in FF95 when dFPI is enabled (which this version has should anyone update to 96-alpha)
- but I get an error even on first party -
- I get : service worker | test : enabled | failed: SecurityError
in FF96+ service workers they are covered by dFPI
- see
we've never used these
- service workers are disabled (or soon to be covered by dFPI when enabled) and sanitizing is already done (or will be done via enhanced cookie cleaning)
- storage API, storage access API: we sanitize on close, and sites are isolated by eTLD+1
- in v94 we switched to cookies lifetime as session, so users could use site exceptions to retain selected cookies (to stay logged in one assumes)
- that mean not deleting all cookies on shutdown
- but some login methods/types require more than cookies and also need the "site data" part of "cookies + site data" - that's the offlineApps part
- note: all site data (and cookies) is still cleared on close except site exceptions
There is a small privacy issue with shoulder surfers, but in reality, this just needs to happen IMO
- we already prompt where to save, but even if we didn't, we also know we clicked or initiated a download
- unless it's a drive by or user-gesture trickery - which is why we prompt
- the download icon is shown (if hidden) and the throbber/accent color go to work
- users can always click the icon to show entries (and open folder etc)
- this maintains the current behavior in FF94