2023-01-07 11:29:44 +01:00

958 B


A starter template for LazyVim


🚀 Getting Started

This repo contains an example setup for LazyVim

You can just clone this repo, or import LazyVim in your existing config as you can see here config.lazy

Refer to the comments in the files on how to customize LazyVim.

File Structure

├── lua
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── autocmds.lua
│   │   ├── keymaps.lua
│   │   ├── lazy.lua
│   │   └── options.lua
│   └── plugins
│       ├── example.lua
│       ├── lsp.lua
│       └── treesitter.lua
├── init.lua
└── stylua.toml