mirror of
synced 2023-08-25 14:05:46 +02:00
997 lines
14 KiB
997 lines
14 KiB
# 1 "hello.k"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 31 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 32 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "hello.k"
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
jmp main
# 1 "crt/crt.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; Limits
# 31 "crt/crt.k"
; Magic numbers
; CRT librairies
# 1 "./crt/sys.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; SHUTDOWN syscall
; End virtual machine
Sys.Shutdown := 0x00
; EXIT syscall
; Return to COMMAND.COM
Sys.Exit := 0x01
; EXEC syscall
; IN
; ax0 = new RIP to load
; ax1 = frame ID to switch to
; New frame ID must be higher than current
; frame ID, and cannot be below 5
; New CR1 is set so that new RIP corresponds to 1MB
Sys.ExecuteInFrame := 0x02
; FIND syscalls
; Find file on disk
; IN
; ax0 = address of name buffer
; ax1 = size of name buffer
; rax = # of bytes written in name buffer
; rdx = size of file
Sys.FindFirst := 0x20
Sys.FindNext := 0x21
; OPEN syscall
; IN
; ax0 = name string
; rax = handle of file, or <0 if couldn't open
Sys.OpenFile := 0x30
; CREATE syscall
; IN
; ax0 = name string
; rax = 0 on success, or <0 if couldn't open
Sys.CreateFile := 0x31
; REMOVE syscall
; IN
; ax0 = name string
; rax = 0 on success, or <0 if couldn't open
Sys.RemoveFile := 0x32
; CLOSE syscall
; IN
; ax0 = file handle
Sys.CloseFile := 0x35
; READ syscall
; IN
; ax0 = file handle
; ax1 = buffer address
; ax2 = buffer size
; rax = number of bytes read, <0 on error
Sys.ReadFile := 0x38
; Halt mode
Sys.EnterHaltMode := 0x999
# 43 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/str.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; int strnlen(char *, int)
mov ecx, ax1
scasb ax0, zero
sub eax, ax1, ecx
; int strlen(char *)
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
mov edx, ecx
scasb ax0, zero
sub eax, edx, ecx
; void strcpy(char *, const char *)
mov ecx, b[ax1]
mov b[ax0], ecx
jecxz .r
inc ax0
inc ax1
jmp .l
; void strncpy(char *, const char *, int)
mov ecx, ax2
jecxz .r
mov b[ax0], b[ax1]
inc ax0
inc ax1
loop .l
; void strnzcpy(char *, const char *, int)
mov ecx, ax2
jecxz .r
mov eax, b[ax1]
mov b[ax0], eax
jeaxz .r
inc ax0
inc ax1
loop .l
nul b[ax0]
; int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
; Returns:
; 0 if the contents of both strings are equal
; >0 if the first character that does not match has a greater value in str1 than in str2
; <0 if the first character that does not match has a lower value in str1 than in str2
nul esi
movzx eax, b[ax0+esi]
movzx edx, b[ax1+esi]
bne eax, edx, .r
; both zero?
add ecx, eax, edx
jecxz .r
inc esi
jmp .l
sub eax, edx
; int strncmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, int maxn)
mov ecx, ax2
jecxz .r
movzx eax, b[ax0]
movzx edx, b[ax1]
bne eax, edx, .r
inc ax0
inc ax1
loop .l
sub eax, edx
; char *strchrnul(const char *str, int ch)
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
scasb ax0, ax1
mov eax, ax0
; char *strchr(const char *str, int ch)
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
scasb ax0, ax1
bnz b[ax0], .r
nul eax
mov eax, ax0
; void strrev(char *buf, const char *str)
; buf and src must NOT overlap
bzr b[ax1], .z
; save str's location
mov esi, ax1
; go to str's end, just before
; the null terminator
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
scasb ax1, zero
dec ax1
; copy, going backward though str
; and forward through buf
mov b[ax0], b[ax1]
beq ax1, esi, .r
inc ax0
dec ax1
jmp .l
nul b[ax0+1]
nul b[ax0]
; void strrev2(char *str)
; Inverses str
bzr b[ax0], .r
mov ax1, ax0
; go to str's end, just before
; the null terminator
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
scasb ax1, zero
dec ax1
; increase ax0 while decreasing ax1, performing exchanges
blteu ax1, ax0, .r
xchg b[ax0], b[ax1]
inc ax0
dec ax1
jmp .l
# 44 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/mem.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; void memcpy(void *, const void *, int)
mov ecx, ax2
jecxz .r
sub edx, ax2, ecx
mov b[ax0+edx], b[ax1+edx]
loop .l
; void memzero(void *, int)
mov ecx, ax1
jecxz .r
nul b[ax0]
inc ax0
loop .l
# 45 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/time.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; struct TIME
; {
; byte sec; +0 (0-59)
; byte min; +1 (0-59)
; byte hour; +2 (0-23)
; byte mday; +3 (0-31)
; byte month; +4 (0-11)
; byte; +5 (pad)
; word year; +6 (0-65536)
; word yday; +8 (0-365)
; word; +10 (pad)
; dword; +12 (pad)
; } 16 bytes
; int DaysInYear(int year)
mov eax, 365
; divisible by 4?
rem ecx, ax0, 4
jecxnz .end
; divisible by 100?
rem ecx, ax0, 100
jecxnz .leap
; divisible by 400?
rem ecx, ax0, 400
jecxnz .end
inc eax
; TIME *GetTimeUTC(void)
mov edi, .buf
; seconds
rem esi, eax, 60
mov b[edi], esi
; minutes
div esi, eax, 60
rem esi, 60
mov b[edi+1], esi
; hours
div esi, eax, 3600
rem esi, 24
mov b[edi+2], esi
; month days
div esi, eax, 3600*24
mov b[edi+3], esi
; month
mov b[edi+4], rbx
; years
mov w[edi+6], ecx
; ydays (TODO)
mov eax, .buf
.buf = [24]
# 46 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/fmt/ltostr.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; void itoa(char *buf, int num, int base)
mov ax3, 1
jmp ltostr
; void utoa(char *buf, int num, int base)
nul ax3
jmp ltostr
; void ltostr(char *buf, int num, int base, bool signed)
mov eax, ax0
nul ecx
; make sure base is in [2, 32]
bltu ax2, 2, .bad
bltu 36, ax2, .bad
; deal with zero
bzr ax1, .is_zero
; deal with base 10 signedness
bzr ax3, .conv
bne ax2, 10, .conv ; base 10
shr ecx, ax1, 63 ; extract ax1 sign
jecxz .conv
neg ax1 ; NEG if negative
; main loop
bzr ax1, .fini
rem edx, ax1, ax2 ; ax1 % base
blt 9, edx, .nondec ; edx > 9 ?
add edx, '0'
jmp .next
add edx, 55 ; 'A' - 10
mov b[ax0], edx
inc ax0
div ax1, ax2
jmp .conv
; add minus flag, null-terminate and reverse
jecxz .cxz
mov b[ax0], '-'
inc ax0
nul b[ax0]
call strrev2, eax
; exceptional cases
mov b[ax0], 0
mov b[ax0], 48 ; '0'
mov b[ax0+1], 0
# 48 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/fmt/strtol.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; int strtol(const char *str, int base)
; eax = integer extracted from str
; edx = pointer to first invalid byte
mov ax2, 1
jmp strtoq
; int strtoul(const char *str, int base)
; eax = integer extracted from str
; edx = pointer to first invalid byte
nul ax2
jmp strtoq
; int strtoq(const char *str, int base, bool signed)
; guesses base when 'base'=0
nul eax, esi
mov edx, ax0
; make sure base is in [2, 32]
beq ax1, 1, .bad
bltu 36, ax1, .bad
; empty string?
bzr b[edx], .done
bne b[edx], ' ', .no_spc
inc edx
jmp .skip_spc
; skip +
bne b[edx], '+', .no_plus
inc edx
; unsigned?
bzr ax2, .unsigned
; parse '-'
bne b[edx], '-', .unsigned
inc edx
mov esi, 1
; base 0
bzr ax1, .base_0
; base prefix?
bne b[edx], '0', .main_loop
inc edx
movzx ecx, b[edx]
; "0x"/"0b" prefix
jecxz .done ; "0"
beq ecx, 'x', .parsed_0x
beq ecx, 'b', .parsed_0b
; may be octal, but we don't care
; we accept "0110101010" (despite base=2) for instance
jmp .main_loop
; are we in base 16?
; if not, leave eax = 0 and *edx = 'x'
bne ax1, 16, .done
; else
inc edx
jmp .main_loop
; are we in base 2?
; if not, leave eax = 0 and *edx = 'b'
bne ax1, 2, .done
; else
inc edx
jmp .main_loop
; guess base
beq b[edx], '0', .b0_not10
; must be base 10
mov ax1, 10
jmp .main_loop
inc edx
bne b[edx], 'x', .b0_not16
inc edx
mov ax1, 16
jmp .main_loop
bne b[edx], 'b', .b0_not2
inc edx
mov ax1, 2
jmp .main_loop
; take octal by default
mov ax1, 8
movzx ecx, b[edx]
inc edx
; between 0 and 9?
bltu ecx, '0', .done
bltu '9', ecx, .not_digit10
; yes
sub ecx, '0'
jmp .next
bltu ecx, 'A', .done
bltu 'Z', ecx, .not_digitAZ
sub ecx, 55 ; 'A' - 10
jmp .next
bltu ecx, 'a', .done
bltu 'z', ecx, .done
sub ecx, 87 ; 'a' - 10
jmp .next
; too large for base?
blteu ax1, ecx, .done
mul eax, ax1
add eax, ecx
jmp .main_loop
; negative?
bzr esi, .r
; yes
neg eax
# 49 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/fmt/doprnt.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; typedef int (*PUTC)(int ch)
; int doprnt(PUTC putc, int n, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push nx0, nx1, nx2
push nx3, nx4, nx5
mov nx0, ax2 ; fmt
mov nx2, ax3 ; va_list
mov nx3, ax1 ; n
mov nx5, ax0 ; putc
nul nx4 ; return value
; find '%' or null-terminator
mov ecx, 0x7AFFFFFF
mov nx1, nx0
scasb nx1, '%'
; everything below nx1 is a regular character; print it
beq nx0, nx1, .check_modf
call .doput, b[nx0]
inc nx0
jmp .print_regular
; did we find a '%' ?
; if not, then we found fmt's null-terminator; we're done
bne b[nx0], '%', .epilogue
; we did find a modifier / '%'
mov eax, b[nx0+1]
add nx0, 2
beq eax, 's', .modf_s
beq eax, 'c', .modf_c
beq eax, 'p', .modf_p
beq eax, 'x', .modf_x
beq eax, 'd', .modf_d
beq eax, 'o', .modf_o
beq eax, 'b', .modf_b
beq eax, '%', .modf_percent
; unrecognized
jmp .bad_modifier
; get string address
mov nx1, q[nx2]
add nx2, 8
bzr nx1, .nullstring
movzx ax0, b[nx1]
bzr ax0, .main_loop
inc nx1
call .doput
jmp .print_string
call .doput, q[nx2]
add nx2, 8
jmp .main_loop
call .doput, '0'
call .doput, 'x'
; Fallthrough
mov ax2, 16
jmp .print_number
mov ax2, 10
jmp .print_number
mov ax2, 8
jmp .print_number
mov ax2, 2
jmp .print_number
; allocate itoa conversion buffer
sub esp, 80
mov nx1, esp
; assume modifier already set up ax2
call itoa, esp, q[nx2]
add nx2, 8
movzx ax0, b[nx1]
bzr ax0, .pib_end_loop
inc nx1
call .doput
jmp .print_itoa_buf
add esp, 80
jmp .main_loop
call .doput, '%'
jmp .main_loop
; print "%?" to clearly indicate that something is wrong
call .doput, '%'
call .doput, '?'
jmp .main_loop
; %s was passed a NULL
call .doput, '('
call .doput, 'n'
call .doput, 'u'
call .doput, 'l'
call .doput, 'l'
call .doput, ')'
jmp .main_loop
mov eax, nx4
pop nx5, nx4
pop nx3, nx2
pop nx1, nx0
; prints ax0
; update print count
inc nx4
; if n==0, don't print
; we follow the C convention that sprintf()-like functions
; should return the number of characters that would have
; been printed/written if 'n' were big enough
bzr nx3, .r
; decrement n and print
dec nx3
call nx5
; did putc fail?
jeaxz .r
; yes, so artificially set n=0
nul nx3
# 50 "crt/crt.k" 2
# 1 "./crt/fmt/printf.k" 1
; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; int putc(int ch)
prn ax0
nul eax
; int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
mov ax2, ax0
mov ax0, putc
mov ax1, 0x7AFFFFFF
add ax3, esp, 8
jmp doprnt
; int nprintf(const char *fmt, int n, ...)
mov ax2, ax0
mov ax0, putc
add ax3, esp, 8
jmp doprnt
; Print a string
; Guaranteed to only affect ecx and ax0
movzx eax, b[ax0]
jeaxz .r
prn eax
inc ax0
jmp .l
; Print exactly ax1 characters
mov ecx, ax1
jecxz .r
prn b[ax0]
inc ax0
loop .l
# 51 "crt/crt.k" 2
mov eax, Sys.Exit
trap 0
# 8 "hello.k" 2
mov esp, 0x104000
nul ebp
call print, .hellow
jmp exit
.hellow = "Hello World!\n"