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synced 2024-01-27 11:32:04 +01:00
Nettoyage du fichier Blender venant d'Armory3D
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
A node of type LNArrayIntegerNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "TrackCamera" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNArrayIntegerNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNArrayObjectNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node whose class doesn't exist was found in node tree "Intro_cam2"
A node of type LNArrayVectorNode in tree "Intro" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNArrayObjectNode in tree "Moving" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "Moving" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNFunctionNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNFunctionNode in tree "Spawn" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNFunctionNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "General" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCallFunctionNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCallFunctionNode in tree "Spawn" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNConcatenateStringNode in tree "Spawn" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node whose class doesn't exist was found in node tree "Spawn"
A node of type LNFunctionNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCallFunctionNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "TrackCamera2" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Intro" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Spawn" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNConcatenateStringNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCallFunctionNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCompareNode in tree "Platform_mvt" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "Spawn" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "Moving" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNMathNode in tree "TrackCamera2" failed to be updated, because the node's update procedure itself failed.
A node of type LNArrayObjectNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNCompareNode in tree "Intro" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNMergeNode in tree "Sound_ambiance" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
A node of type LNArrayFloatNode in tree "Scatter" failed to be updated, because update isn't implemented (anymore?) for this version of the node
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ACTIVATE = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE
# Gestion du clavier
# Flèches pour tourner le plateau
# Flèches pour avancer, reculer et tourner
def clavier(cont):
obj = cont.owner
keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard
@ -32,19 +32,23 @@ def clavier(cont):
# Flèche haut - Up arrow
if keyboard.inputs[bge.events.UPARROWKEY].status[0] == ACTIVATE:
obj.applyRotation((-resolution,0,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
print ("Avancer")
# obj.applyRotation((-resolution,0,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# Flèche bas - Down arrow
if keyboard.inputs[bge.events.DOWNARROWKEY].status[0] == ACTIVATE:
obj.applyRotation((resolution,0,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
print ("Reculer")
# obj.applyRotation((resolution,0,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# Flèche gauche - Left arrow
if keyboard.inputs[bge.events.LEFTARROWKEY].status[0] == ACTIVATE:
obj.applyRotation((0, -resolution,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
print ("Gauche")
# obj.applyRotation((0, -resolution,-obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# Flèche droit - Right arrow
if keyboard.inputs[bge.events.RIGHTARROWKEY].status[0] == ACTIVATE:
obj.applyRotation((0, resolution, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
print ("Droite")
# obj.applyRotation((0, resolution, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# Gameplay
@ -52,115 +56,116 @@ def clavier(cont):
# Initialisation de la scène
def init(cont):
obj = cont.owner # obj est l'objet associé au contrôleur donc 'Bille'
obj = cont.owner
# Mémorisation de la position de départ de la bille
# # Mémorisation de la position de départ de la bille
# obj['init_x']=obj.worldPosition.x
# obj['init_y']=obj.worldPosition.y
# obj['init_z']=obj.worldPosition.z
# Cacher le panneau de la victoire et suspendre la physique du panneau cliquable
scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(False,True)
scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].suspendPhysics (True)
scene.objects['Bouton fermer'].color = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Noir
# # Cacher le panneau de la victoire et suspendre la physique du panneau cliquable
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(False,True)
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].suspendPhysics (True)
# scene.objects['Bouton fermer'].color = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Noir
# Cycle (boucle de contrôle de la bille)
def cycle(cont):
obj = cont.owner # obj est l'objet associé au contrôleur donc 'Bille'
obj['z']=obj.worldPosition.z # la propriété z est mis à jour avec la position globale en z de la bille
# def cycle(cont):
# obj = cont.owner # obj est l'objet associé au contrôleur donc 'Bille'
# obj['z']=obj.worldPosition.z # la propriété z est mis à jour avec la position globale en z de la bille
# Si l'altitude de bille < -10 et pas de victoire -> chute
if obj['z'] < -10 and obj['victoire'] == False:
print ("Chuuuu.....te")
depart() # Replacer la bille au départ
# # Si l'altitude de bille < -10 et pas de victoire -> chute
# if obj['z'] < -10 and obj['victoire'] == False:
# print ("Chuuuu.....te")
# depart() # Replacer la bille au départ
# Départ de la bille
def depart():
obj_bille = scene.objects['Bille']
obj_plateau = scene.objects['Plateau']
# def depart():
# obj_bille = scene.objects['Bille']
# obj_plateau = scene.objects['Plateau']
# Replacement du plateau (tous les angles à 0 en plusieurs fois)
while obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().x != 0 and obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().y !=0 and obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().z !=0 :
obj_plateau.applyRotation((-obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().x, -obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().y, -obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# # Replacement du plateau (tous les angles à 0 en plusieurs fois)
# while obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().x != 0 and obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().y !=0 and obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().z !=0 :
# obj_plateau.applyRotation((-obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().x, -obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().y, -obj_plateau.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), False)
# Mettre la bille à la position de départ avec une vitesse nulle
obj_bille = scene.objects['Bille']
obj_bille.worldLinearVelocity=(0, 0, 0)
obj_bille.worldAngularVelocity=(0, 0, 0)
obj_bille.worldPosition.x = obj_bille['init_x']
obj_bille.worldPosition.y = obj_bille['init_y']
obj_bille.worldPosition.z = obj_bille['init_z']+0.5 # On repose la bille
obj_bille['chute'] = False
# # Mettre la bille à la position de départ avec une vitesse nulle
# obj_bille = scene.objects['Bille']
# obj_bille.worldLinearVelocity=(0, 0, 0)
# obj_bille.worldAngularVelocity=(0, 0, 0)
# obj_bille.worldPosition.x = obj_bille['init_x']
# obj_bille.worldPosition.y = obj_bille['init_y']
# obj_bille.worldPosition.z = obj_bille['init_z']+0.5 # On repose la bille
# obj_bille['victoire']=False
# obj_bille['chute'] = False
# Victoire (collision de la bille avec l'arrivée)
def victoire(cont):
scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(True,True) # Afficher le panneau de la victoire
scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].restorePhysics() # Restaurer la physique du panneau cliquable
start = 1
end = 100
layer = 0
priority = 1
blendin = 1.0
mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
layerWeight = 0.0
ipoFlags = 0
speed = 1
scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].playAction('Panneau victoireAction', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
obj = cont.owner
# scene.objects['Bille']['victoire']=True
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(True,True) # Afficher le panneau de la victoire
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].restorePhysics() # Restaurer la physique du panneau cliquable
# start = 1
# end = 100
# layer = 0
# priority = 1
# blendin = 1.0
# mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
# layerWeight = 0.0
# ipoFlags = 0
# speed = 1
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].playAction('Panneau victoireAction', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
# Highlight du bouton Fermer
def victoire_fermer_hl(cont):
obj = cont.owner
# def victoire_fermer_hl(cont):
# obj = cont.owner
# Activation
if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED:
obj.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) # Blanc
# # Activation
# if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED:
# obj.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) # Blanc
# Désactivation
if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_RELEASED:
obj.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Noir
# # Désactivation
# if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_RELEASED:
# obj.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) # Noir
# Fermer le panneau de la victoire (clic)
def victoire_fermer(cont):
if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive:
scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(False,True) # Cacher le panneau de la victoire
scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].suspendPhysics (True) # Suspendre la physique du panneau cliquable
depart() # Replacer la bille au départ
# # Fermer le panneau de la victoire (clic)
# def victoire_fermer(cont):
# if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive:
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire'].setVisible(False,True) # Cacher le panneau de la victoire
# scene.objects['Panneau victoire - plan'].suspendPhysics (True) # Suspendre la physique du panneau cliquable
# depart() # Replacer la bille au départ
# Gestion du Joystick (Joystick USB)
def joystick(cont):
obj = cont.owner
joystickIndex = 0 #int from 0 to 6
joy = bge.logic.joysticks[joystickIndex]
events = joy.activeButtons
axis = joy.axisValues[0:4]
resolution = 0.01
# def joystick(cont):
# obj = cont.owner
# joystickIndex = 0 #int from 0 to 6
# joy = bge.logic.joysticks[joystickIndex]
# events = joy.activeButtons
# axis = joy.axisValues[0:4]
# resolution = 0.01
leftStick_x = axis[0]; leftStick_y = axis[1]
rightStick_x = axis[2]; rightStick_y = axis[3]
# leftStick_x = axis[0]; leftStick_y = axis[1]
# rightStick_x = axis[2]; rightStick_y = axis[3]
#if any button is pressed
# if events:
# print(events) #spit out integer index of pressed buttons
# if 0 in events:
# doSomething()
# #if any button is pressed
# # if events:
# # print(events) #spit out integer index of pressed buttons
# # if 0 in events:
# # doSomething()
# Up
if leftStick_y <-0.1 :
obj.applyRotation((-resolution,0,0), False)
# # Up
# if leftStick_y <-0.1 :
# obj.applyRotation((-resolution,0,0), False)
# Down
if leftStick_y >0.1 :
obj.applyRotation((resolution,0,0), False)
# # Down
# if leftStick_y >0.1 :
# obj.applyRotation((resolution,0,0), False)
# Left
if leftStick_x <-0.1 :
obj.applyRotation((0, -resolution,0), False)
# # Left
# if leftStick_x <-0.1 :
# obj.applyRotation((0, -resolution,0), False)
# Right
if leftStick_x >0.1 :
obj.applyRotation((0, resolution,0), False)
# # Right
# if leftStick_x >0.1 :
# obj.applyRotation((0, resolution,0), False)
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