2019-04-19 01:47:51 +02:00

80 lines
1.8 KiB

package arm;
import iron.object.Object;
import iron.object.Animation;
import iron.Trait;
import iron.system.Input;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.math.Quat;
class Character extends Trait {
var currentAction:String;
var animation:Animation;
var speed = 0.0;
var loc:Vec4 = new Vec4();
var lastLoc:Vec4 = null;
var framesIdle = 0; // Number of frames character did not move
var actionIdle:String = "idle";
var actionMove:String = "run";
public function new() {
currentAction = actionIdle;
function init() {
animation = object.animation;
// Try first child if we are running from armature
if (animation == null) {
if(object.children.length > 0) {
animation = object.children[0].animation;
if (animation == null) return;
function update() {
// Get current position
var tr = object.transform;
loc.set(tr.worldx(), tr.worldy(), tr.worldz());
// Set previous position to current position if there is no previous position
if (lastLoc == null) lastLoc = new Vec4(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
// Check if character moved compared from last position
speed = Vec4.distance(loc, lastLoc);
// Update previous position to current position
// in preparation for next check
if (speed == 0) framesIdle++;
else framesIdle = 0;
// If state is idle and character is in movement, play move walk animation
if (currentAction == actionIdle && framesIdle == 0) {
currentAction = actionMove;
if (actionMove != null) animation.play(actionMove);
// Otherwise if state is walking and character is idle, play idle animation
else if (currentAction == actionMove && framesIdle > 2) {
currentAction = actionIdle;
if (actionIdle != null) animation.play(actionIdle);