2021-05-17 11:11:30 +02:00

77 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

v0.5.0 (2021-05-04)

  • remove generated documentation from compodoc View
  • 📖 merge documentation from the wiki in the folder doc View
  • 📖 update contribute View
  • ability to customize app title and app logo in header from environment vars. fixes #87 #88 #89. View
  • 📖 move documentation to doc folder View
  • 📖 DOC : desired feature added in doc View
  • 👽 i18n header menu, :gears: splits routes, :fix: RED theme fix in switch View
  • hop View
  • remove some broken automation View
  • only send list of polls by email to user View
  • move dev menu slider and show it only in dev mode env View
  • start form View
  • add form array for choices View
  • 🔨 test the build with gitlab CI View
  • add variables from env in footer View
  • start combine choices array View
  • dynamically add choices View
  • add all config controls View
  • multiple choices for creation View
  • 👽 i18n import po files from previous framadate version View
  • 👽 i18n add extraction lib View
  • 🐛 select lang wigthout lifecycle bug View
  • reorder questions View
  • translate homepage View
  • togglable advanced options View
  • add keybaord shortcuts on array for choices View
  • more settings for admin form with time and answers groups View
  • add time to date func View
  • 👽 convert sentences from framadate1 to json files View
  • add sentences in fr and en from framadate 1 View
  • 🎨 add pictures from undraw, translate sentences on homepage View
  • reuse automatic slug from poll config in form View
  • adding reodering of choices beginning View
  • add api version config in env View
  • add fields to config of poll View
  • try to get the list of polls View
  • create success page and route View
  • spacing buttons View
  • split of creation components View
  • homepage texts View
  • home page reorder and statistics, todo component View
  • link to static pages View
  • include advanced choices and toggle visibility of sub component View
  • ordering base fields View
  • link to base config View
  • add choices for the future View
  • harmonizing poll default properties with payload and advanced config View
  • testing ciphering page View
  • fill poll config default View
  • patch kind of poll with patchvalue View
  • advanced button change color when active View
  • translate calendar contents, space options for days View
  • visual sections for date selection View
  • drag and drop time interval View
  • display hour ranges View
  • use crypto lib View
  • add lib crypto View
  • copy button View
  • easy ciphering working with and without salt View
  • mixed salt for ciphering View
  • spacing dev menu button View
  • add md5 lib to ciphering page View
  • listing char codes View
  • compute entropy View
  • resize table for entropy View
  • compare entropy with generated pass View
  • chiffrement matrice ok View
  • hop View
  • fix types View
  • update env for prod View
  • fix some production build warnings View
  • add stats View
  • using hash routes View
  • hide some components View
  • choice template questions View
  • date selector as question answers View
  • add theming in vars with blue variation View
  • default colors View
  • setup theme comments View
  • add fetching a poll with a pass hash View
  • manage consultation path View
  • display de sondage de démo View
  • montrer consultation et préciser si aucun vote View
  • display title on poll page View
  • style on selected items in consultation page View
  • scroll to top on route change View
  • send form in dev mode, fill title demo View
  • add comment on display View
  • export results added, models updates View
  • transmettre l'information d'expiration du sondage au front View
  • fix models for backend update View
  • key created_at for comment, format date View
  • show counters on answers and favourite answer View
  • display details too View
  • info in modal View
  • fixes for building in prod View
  • stack of vote relié au formulaire de commentaire View
  • set choices and toggle votes in votestack View
  • display stack answer and toggle fluently between answers to votes View
  • default value of vote added View
  • choice button refacto View
  • send stack of votes button linked to api View
  • trying to send vot stack but getting CORS issue View
  • use httpclient View
  • default backend to framadate demo api View
  • add good hash in route View
  • move old stuff View
  • rename utils services View
  • auto send vote in dev mode View
  • manage mobile menu, and add poll title to page title View
  • nav disable default show View
  • nav items for demos in mobile menu View
  • change icons for answer View
  • toast message on error send vote stack View
  • creation poll style, fill DTO for creation View
  • auto save on dev env View
  • flatten form fields View
  • advanced fields flattened View
  • splitting date choices with a separator View
  • group display of days View
  • ability to toggle answers on grouped choices View
  • update url to copy after creation View
  • link function View
  • hop View
  • fix url public View
  • fix test kind View
  • hash routes re enabled View
  • fix get participation url View
  • better mix on creation of poll View
  • no auto send form View
  • fix deps to config prop View
  • env message demo dans le header View
  • home display stored polls View
  • more responsive menu header View
  • enable loading state in api creation, success page update View
  • add to local polls after creation, update poll View
  • fix icon View
  • display of success links View
  • update custom_url with title View
  • smaller uniq id in custom_url View
  • erasable button on first field View
  • same time span for every day by default, clean config View
  • display time slices View
  • empty and reset time slices View
  • display all on creation View
  • display fields errors View
  • less logs for validation View
  • separate choice from form View

v0.4.0 (2020-06-26)

  • Ajout du lien vers le rendu View
  • Pose les textes de la première page de la maquette View
  • Changement de la structure HTML de base, inspiré de View
  • Habillage minimum de l'accueil View
  • Ajoute les pages statiques de la navigation View
  • Ajoute un script docker pour lancer un serveur localement pour développer sur la maquette View
  • Documente le processus pour lancer le projet localement View
  • Ajout du parcour vers le sondage classique View
  • ajout des champs de formulaire dans la page notifications View
  • Création du fichier js View
  • Ajoute le lien vers les natural language form View
  • Bifurcation sur le sondate en fonction du choix View
  • Usage du localStorage View
  • Ajoute la ponctuation View
  • Affiche un texte par défaut, et propose une popup pour saisi View
  • Changement du nom, sans javascript, ou avec View
  • Généralise l'usage du champs text View
  • Embelli les deux champs texte de la fin de sondage View
  • Embelli le champ texte de l'index View
  • Base de reflexion pour l'ajout d'option View
  • Deploy on funky View
  • Update .gitlab-ci.yml View
  • Update .gitlab-ci.yml View
  • Update .gitlab-ci.yml View
  • give up on bash & alpine View
  • Recherche de sondate en deux temps View
  • Déplace la date plus haut dans la page des notif. View
  • Selectionne les options d'un sondage dates View
  • Ajoute des informations sur la page de validation View
  • Ajoute une option image + lien View
  • Ajout d'un champ texte en cas de sondage classique View
  • changement de l'URL de demo View
  • fix(#16): amélioration de l'affichage de la page dates View
  • fix(#3): amélioration du design des boutons View
  • fix(#4): proposition d'amélioration d'affichage des champs textes View
  • fix(#5): amélioration de l'apparence du textarea View
  • fix(#15): amélioration du design de la page validation View
  • changement de la taille de typo View
  • amélioration de l'affichage de l'email View
  • ajout du style de bouton primary View
  • amélioration de récapitulatif View
  • ajout d'une classe bold View
  • amélioration affichage champs email View
  • proposition affichage des dates View
  • amélioration de l'affichage des icones View
  • amélioration de l'affichage des icones View
  • Ajoute des dates, et les enregistres dans le localStorage View
  • Affiche le titre du sondage dans la page de validation View
  • Récupère l'ancien framadate View
  • propose un champe vide par défaut View
  • Met à jour le readme View
  • Utilise un sondage spécial date par défaut View
  • revois la page suivante par defaut View
  • affiche uniquement les options nécessaire pour les date View
  • reformule le texte de la page des dates View
  • affiche les horaires dans un sondage spécial dates View
  • ajoute un bouton pour ajouter des horaires View
  • affiche le récapitulatif en fonction des dates qui ont été saisies View
  • passage à du plus joli View
  • Dossier screenshots pour voir l'avancement ! View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • ajoute un lien vers l'exmple de natural language form View
  • Restart from scratch View
  • removed useless files View
  • 🎉 initialize Angular version of Framdate funky front end View
  • hop View
  • make routing, link data with poll config. 🎨 style sheets View
  • real example of config View
  • example of navigation View
  • example of navigation View
  • rename components View
  • make pages components, split config of poll from service View
  • make pages components and nav View
  • sync answers View
  • ability to add a new answer and focus View
  • all steps and demo page View
  • focus via injected document View
  • Correcting routing at the end of the form View
  • add fonts folder View
  • fix(styles files): improve styles folders View
  • Ajouter un nouveau dossier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Ajouter un nouveau dossier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • Téléverser un nouveau fichier View
  • change privacy of properties View
  • page creation or retrieve start [#28] View
  • styling in mobile column View
  • lien entre multiple dates et config View
  • 🎨 style of cursor hovering buttons View
  • add my name input in first form View
  • Remove my editor config files View
  • Add calendar component View
  • added web fonts View
  • Modification de la page de création View
  • added bootstrap reboot as a CSS reset View
  • improved heading code View
  • Modification des liens View
  • ordered links file + added sass View
  • improve markup, hide useless decortion for a and h1 in header View
  • improve global display View
  • Adding basic date filling View
  • 🎨 organize fonts in folders View
  • 🎨 remove blue in links of the bootstrap lib, add strike line on create button View
  • 🎨 striked button and icon style View
  • 🐛 remove page folder, refacto in pages folder for creation page View
  • fix(headings): moved h1 with border to component View
  • style(default): added font color View
  • worked on links View
  • style(hover): added hover color View
  • Modify input's style View
  • Fix password css object View
  • modifications sur les liens & les buttons View
  • Personalize p html balise View
  • added list of elements View
  • worked a bit on display View
  • worked on home View
  • added delete buttons View
  • added useful classes and comments View
  • corrected links background View
  • Add img View
  • select modify View
  • minimal commit View
  • Add dropdown arrow View
  • format html, 👽 up translate file View
  • add pages View
  • Change colors View
  • Add input borders View
  • delete left border on textarea View
  • Change png to svg select image View
  • change select padding View
  • change select padding View
  • remove placeholder View
  • change home order text View
  • added flex-line View
  • added wrap to flex-line View
  • changed content width View
  • Change button style on home View
  • style answers page View
  • add button View
  • Testing View
  • 🚑 change form-container to home component View
  • all page components do extend basecomponent and its common config service View
  • change link View
  • merge with ng-init View
  • Remove placeholder View
  • 👽 demo for i18n View
  • modify create or retrive page View
  • stylise button View
  • 👽 add ngx translate config View
  • 👽 json strings to translate things in en/fr View
  • 👽 add missing translation support View
  • 👽 translate 2 first pages View
  • Add html code for voting View
  • Add css on vote component : No works View
  • Minimal commit View
  • choice component JS logic and type constraints. demo for dev environment View
  • 🐛 fix undefined choice View
  • date en français dans le choix de vote View
  • Add round to buttons on vote-choice View
  • Corrige center alignement View
  • stylize the date View
  • Add npm i command to View
  • Modify vote component View
  • Translation fr->en View
  • Correction of a typing mistake View
  • Put the words in a more natural order View
  • Add i18n in navigation View
  • Stick "Frama" and "date" together View
  • Minimal commit View
  • Replaced text by i18n json keys and add i18n attribute View
  • Align elements View
  • [front] global : update button styles View
  • [front] global : increase main wrap size View
  • [front] component : vote choice View
  • ajout composant graphique sondage View
  • #36 : ajout librairie chartjs View
  • issue 36 : select daltonien View
  • Issue-30: Markdown support View
  • [front] component : vote choice View
  • Issue-30 : markdown - bouton retour View
  • Format html templates with tabs View
  • [fix] vote choice : minor css fixes View
  • [front] vote choice : add image and text cases View
  • suppression du code mort View
  • Resolution du conflit View
  • Conflit resolved View
  • Traduction placeholder View
  • Err correction special dates View
  • issue-36 : restitution des votes d'un sondage sous forme de graphiques. début View
  • choices to add,clear and delete View
  • Issue-36 : Graph sondage View
  • Fix bug View
  • fix bug View
  • Une partie de html View
  • 🐛 fix focus on date, extend the empty all button to timespans View
  • Ajout formatage données View
  • 🐛 fix deletions in date buttons , input of type date View
  • start call backend service to retrieve my polls by email View
  • 👽 translate button to add View
  • 👽 translate button to add in template View
  • add unique interval days View
  • 👽 translate buttons View
  • fix function call in template View
  • link graphic in nav View
  • Page crée et bien complétée (plus qu'a faire les alignements) View
  • Presque fini View
  • Dernier commit avant merge View
  • Resolve a part of merge conflicts View
  • svg in assets View
  • 👽 translation keys for visibility page View
  • start visibility View
  • selector custom component for ui, half the visibility page View
  • end visibilty fields link with poll config View
  • link default values View
  • linked things View
  • 🎨 style remove strange section sizes, h1 size greater View
  • add default content to poll config View
  • enhance keyboard navigation with answers View
  • 👽 add english key to translate View
  • changer la langue entre fr et en quand on clique sur l'icone de traduction View
  • Translation work View
  • HTML Part View
  • Complete HTML View
  • CSS Part View
  • Other css part View
  • start backend calls View
  • organise calls, add headers View
  • push View
  • Spelling corrections View
  • 🎉🎉 Page terminée 🎉🎉 View
  • Plus qu'a aligner les labels aux inputs View
  • Terminé View
  • Add route and HTML View
  • Add css View
  • 🎨 style on current page from the route data, and texts in the confirm page, step end View
  • link to public View
  • remove debug step in nav View
  • fix some deps View
  • update dependencies with yarn, add primefaces to make toasts View
  • 🎨 add font awesome View
  • get poll data in vote choices View
  • reorganize poll display page View
  • merge with dev View
  • enhance display poll page View
  • reorganize poll display page and urls in config View
  • change translation button way to be in sync with the model View
  • 🎨 visual help on clickable elements View
  • check for uniqueness of the slug, slug the title by default View
  • add email to creation View
  • copy to clipboard ok View
  • toast messages when copied to clipboard and network errors View
  • 📖 clean console logs View
  • 🐛 fix show and hide of password input View
  • calls in administration page to delete things View
  • 🐛 remove duplicate text in end of admin page View
  • toast todo things View
  • computations for the result graph View
  • toggle simple answer View
  • 🐛 fix build View
  • add update demo script, remove duplicate toast, try hash route View
  • modal to display url View
  • list mypolls on first page View
  • buttons to nav View
  • erasable inputs on first config screen ok View
  • launch creation from resume page View
  • lang input placement View
  • really fetch a poll by id View
  • update vote list after vote creation View
  • hop View
  • 📖 add mocks from updated backend View
  • 🐛 fix recursion in input erase button View
  • menu to nav on poll display - #64 View
  • build for production, 🐛 fix publicy of vars in templates View
  • build for demo updated View
  • use hash for internal routing in the frontend View
  • poll routing hints in the app, demo precision in header View
  • other url to create a poll View
  • sync fetch stuff View
  • mock for poll 1, fix new comment View
  • stuff View
  • 🐛 fix fetch of old params View
  • add administration key after creation View
  • choices lighter and work View
  • step to date form View
  • fix buttons colours and manage a bit more the date form View
  • button to act on time View
  • change preview for dates type View
  • date accessor View
  • 🐛 handle no current poll View
  • 🐛 fix some config keys View
  • manage interval of date with date objects View
  • disabled button when nothing is selected, detect counts View
  • display a table of answers View
  • 🐛 fix visibility of config in summary View
  • update current answers with a previous vote View
  • sort table of answers View
  • show preferred texts in summary, icons for votes View
  • add bulma framework, style table View
  • fix select visibility View
  • component to copy text to clipboard View
  • unify update config after fetching a poll config View
  • :fix: load vote of someone else ok View
  • reset all answers before loading a stack View
  • export data in csv with rows and comments View
  • split poll display components View
  • :gears: refacto date and poll utilities functions in a separate class View
  • 📖 update refacto utilities as services View
  • 🔨 test voting choice, add ci pipeline config View
  • update package lock for CI View
  • 🐛 run test in single run mode on CI View
  • run build for prod on CI View
  • :gears: update ng cli 8 View
  • 🔨 update to angular v 9 View
  • custom date value accessor with renderer 2 View
  • 🔨 test with FirefoxHeadless for gitlab CI View
  • manage dates poll type display, fix typo in add button date View
  • dates and recap side to side View
  • ad storybook View
  • add some types interfaces in the config View
  • 📖 add compodoc View
  • 🐛 fix synced time slices View
  • :fix: remove puckage lock in profit of yarn View
  • 🐛 add package only for CI View
  • component to select theme View
  • 🎨 better disposal for theme selector View
  • 🔨 fix for CI, bad option in npm run test View
  • add confirmation modal for admin user, issue #59 View
  • 🐛 fix update after vote #65 View
  • can or can not modify votes issue #49 View
  • fix issue of selecting can or can not modify answers View
  • 🎨 arrange create or retrieve page in two columns View
  • split many components, presentation with left nav View
  • 🔨 fix linting, add env default View
  • theme persisted in the localstorage, reload config on page reload - issue #75 View
  • 👽 Conserver le choix de langue au rechargement de la page - issue #54 View
  • export format json public View
  • add eslint View
    • upgrade all packages - intall & configure linters (eslint, prettier, etc.) View
  • reformat all files + move routes.ts to AppRoutingModule View
  • Jest tests View
  • routing for admin ith token parameter, add comments View
  • admin route calling the backend View
  • refacto : create entities, enums, services View
  • :gears: move components to better semantic folders View
  • change theme enum to correspond with themes classnames View
  • add component having a couple of configurable links, to navigate between pages View
  • Feature/simplify scss View
  • gitignore add eslintcache file View
  • update env api endpoints View
  • rebase branch 'feature/refacto_1' of into feature/refacto_1 View
  • 🐛 remove admin component request View
  • 🐛 fix window variable in html View
  • split config service & dispatch View
  • upgrade archi with modules View
    • replace date-fns by momentJS - install ng2-chart along with chart.js View
  • 👷 — Build and deploy on Gitlab pages View
  • 👷 — Try to deploy build on Gitlab page even if test fails View
  • 👷 — Deploy build on Gitlab page before tests View
  • 👷 — Modify tag in builds index.html View
  • 👷 — Cleaner script for Gitlab page build View
  • [feat] add a floating button to give feedback View
  • :style: style for feedback options, fixed floating button View
  • default to hide menu View
  • refacto feedback, 🎨 style for popup links, place icons before text View
  • styling themes View
  • 📖 add footer links, 🎨 set default theme to light, fix some details with black theme. View
  • 🎨 primary button, section to find back my polls on home View
  • add feedback button, load administration module from app module View
  • change branch name in update demo script View
  • demo build script back to life View
  • add user settings button & modal View
  • add json-server + refacto View
  • clean refacto View
  • replace primeng by material && improvments View
  • add route resolver for lazy-loading View
  • refacto routing View