dd stat bar power out

This commit is contained in:
Tykayn 2024-12-11 23:13:15 +01:00 committed by tykayn
parent 8289b47f89
commit a08141ab65
3 changed files with 191 additions and 131 deletions

View File

@ -71,16 +71,16 @@
cable: attaché, à fournir<br>
<button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_50">
<button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_100">
<button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_100">
<!-- <button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_50">-->
<!-- keep cool, montre les stations entre 3 et 50kW max-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!-- ,-->
<!-- <button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_100">-->
<!-- 100kW-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!-- ,-->
<button class="button" id="toggleMinPower_300">
fais voir les plus de 300kW, j'ai pas le time!
<span class="marker-demo">
@ -106,8 +106,18 @@
Bornes trouvées dans les recherches:
Puissances des stations:
<div id="bars_power">
<!-- <div class="bars-proportion">-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-unknown" style="width: 50%">10</div>-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-50" style="width: 10%">3</div>-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-100" style="width: 30%"></div>-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-200" style="width: 40%"></div>-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-300" style="width: 20%"></div>-->
<!-- <div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-max" style="width: 10%"></div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div id="found_charging_stations">

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
* lister les bornes trouvées dans la page
* @type {boolean}
let showHighPower = true
const overrideQuery = true
const initialZoom = 12
const osmMention = '&copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ L.tileLayer(tileServer, {
attribution: osmMention,
let filteredMarkers = L.layerGroup().addTo(map)
function buildOverpassApiUrl (map, overpassQuery) {
var baseUrl = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter'
@ -141,6 +145,7 @@ function guessOutputPowerFromFeature (feature) {
feature.properties.outputPower = outputPower
return outputPower
@ -159,100 +164,131 @@ function getColor (feature) {
return unknown_color
function displayPointsFromApi (points) {
let coef_reduction_bars = 0.8
var resultAsGeojson = osmtogeojson(points)
console.log('resultAsGeojson', resultAsGeojson)
function calculerPourcentage (partie, total, reduc) {
if (total === 0) {
return 'Division par zéro impossible'
let coef_reduction = 1
if (reduc) {
coef_reduction = coef_reduction_bars
return ((partie / total) * 100 * coef_reduction).toFixed(1)
function displayStatsFromGeoJson (resultAsGeojson) {
function displayStatsFromGeoJson (resultAsGeojson) {
let count = resultAsGeojson.features.length
let count_station_output = 0
let count_ref_eu = 0
let output_more_than_300 = 0
let output_more_than_100 = 0
let output_more_than_50 = 0
let count_output_unknown = 0
let count_estimated_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2 = 0
let count = resultAsGeojson.features.length
let count_station_output = 0
let count_ref_eu = 0
let output_more_than_300 = 0
let output_more_than_200 = 0
let output_more_than_100 = 0
let output_more_than_50 = 0
let count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50 = 0
let count_output_unknown = 0
let count_estimated_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2 = 0
resultAsGeojson.features.map(feature => {
let found_type2_combo = false;
// trouver si les tags présentent un type combo
let found_type2 = false;
// trouver si les tags présentent un type 2
let keys_of_object = Object.keys(feature.properties.tags)
// console.log('tagKey', tagKey)
found_type2_combo = true
console.log('tagkey trouvé combo',tagKey )
found_type2 = true
let outputPower = guessOutputPowerFromFeature(feature)
resultAsGeojson.features.map(feature => {
let found_type2_combo = false
// trouver si les tags présentent un type combo
let found_type2 = false
// trouver si les tags présentent un type 2
let keys_of_object = Object.keys(feature.properties.tags)
keys_of_object.map(tagKey => {
// console.log('tagKey', tagKey)
if (tagKey.indexOf('type2_combo') !== -1) {
found_type2_combo = true
console.log('tagkey trouvé combo', tagKey)
if(outputPower == 0){
if(outputPower>200 && ! found_type2_combo){
* si on trouve une puissance supérieure à 200kW on peut partir du principe que la station dispose d'une prise type_2_combo à minima
else if(outputPower>100){
else if(outputPower>300){
if (feature.properties.tags['charging_station:output']) {
if (feature.properties.tags['ref:EU:EVSE']) {
if (tagKey.indexOf('type2') !== -1) {
found_type2 = true
let stats_content = 'Statistiques des <strong>' + count + '</strong> stations trouvées: <br/>' +
count_station_output + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_station_output, count) + '%)' + ' ont une info de puissance max délivrée <i>charging_station:output</i>. <br/>' +
count_ref_eu + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_ref_eu, count) + '%)' + ' ont une référence européenne <i>ref:EU:EVSE</i>. <br/>' +
count_output_unknown + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_output_unknown, count) + '%)' + ' ont une puissance max inconnue <i>*output*</i>. <br/>' +
output_more_than_300 + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_300, count) + '%)' + ' ont une puissance max supérieure à 300 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>' +
output_more_than_100 + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_100, count) + '%)' + ' ont une puissance max supérieure à 100 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>' +
output_more_than_50 + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_50, count) + '%)' + ' ont une puissance max supérieure à 50 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>' +
count_found_type2combo + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2combo, count) + '%)' + ' ont un prise combo définie <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>' +
count_estimated_type2combo + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_estimated_type2combo, count) + '%)' + ' ont une prise combo présumée à partir de la puissance max trouvée mais non spécifiée <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>' +
count_found_type2 + ' (' + calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2, count) + '%)' + ' ont un prise type2 définie <i>*type2*</i>. <br/>' +
function calculerPourcentage (partie, total) {
if (total === 0) {
return 'Division par zéro impossible'
let outputPower = guessOutputPowerFromFeature(feature)
if (found_type2_combo) {
return ((partie / total) * 100).toFixed(1)
if (found_type2) {
if (outputPower == 0) {
if (outputPower >= 200 && !found_type2_combo) {
* si on trouve une puissance supérieure à 200kW on peut partir du principe que la station dispose d'une prise type_2_combo à minima
if (outputPower > 0 && outputPower < 50) {
if (outputPower >= 50 && outputPower < 100) {
} else if (outputPower >= 100 && outputPower < 200) {
} else if (outputPower >= 200 && outputPower < 300) {
} else if (outputPower >= 300) {
feature.properties.puissance_haute = true
if (feature.properties.tags['charging_station:output']) {
if (feature.properties.tags['ref:EU:EVSE']) {
let bar_powers = `<div class="bars-container">
<div class="bar color-unknown" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(count_output_unknown, count, true)}%">${count_output_unknown}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-50" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50, count, true)}%">${count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-100" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_50, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_50}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-200" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_100, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_100}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-300" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_200, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_200}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-max" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_300, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_300}</div>
var resultLayer = L.geoJson(resultAsGeojson, {
let stats_content = `<div class="stats">
Statistiques des <strong>${count}</strong> stations trouvées: <br/>
${count_station_output} (${calculerPourcentage(count_station_output, count)}%) ont une info de puissance max délivrée <i>charging_station:output</i>. <br/>
${count_ref_eu} (${calculerPourcentage(count_ref_eu, count)}%) ont une référence européenne <i>ref:EU:EVSE</i>. <br/>
${count_output_unknown} (${calculerPourcentage(count_output_unknown, count)}%) ont une puissance max inconnue <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_300} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_300, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 300 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_200} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_200, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 200 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_100} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_100, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 100 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_50} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_50, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 50 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${count_found_type2combo} (${calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2combo, count)}%) ont un prise combo définie <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>
${count_estimated_type2combo} (${calculerPourcentage(count_estimated_type2combo, count)}%) ont une prise combo présumée à partir de la puissance max trouvée mais non spécifiée <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>${count_found_type2} (${calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2, count)}%) ont un prise type2 définie <i>*type2*</i>. <br/>
let geojsondata;
function displayPointsFromApi (points) {
geojsondata = osmtogeojson(points)
console.log('resultAsGeojson', geojsondata)
var resultLayer = L.geoJson(geojsondata, {
style: function (feature) {
return { color: '#f00' }
* enlever les polygones, ne garder que les points
* @param feature
* @param layer
* @returns {boolean}
filter: function (feature, layer) {
var isPolygon = (feature.geometry) && (feature.geometry.type !== undefined) && (feature.geometry.type === 'Polygon')
if (isPolygon) {
@ -266,10 +302,7 @@ function displayPointsFromApi (points) {
console.log('event', event)
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
var popupContent = ''
// console.log('feature.properties', feature.properties)
// popupContent = popupContent + '<dt>@id</dt><dd> capacité: ' + feature.properties.tags['capacity'] + '</dd>'
var keys = Object.keys(feature.properties.tags)
let popupContent = ''
// ne montrer que certains champs dans la popup
tags_to_display_in_popup.forEach(function (key) {
if (tags_to_display_in_popup.indexOf(key)) {
@ -292,33 +325,9 @@ function displayPointsFromApi (points) {
displayOutPowerGuessed = outPowerGuessed + ' kW max'
if (!popupContent) {
popupContent = '<span class="no-data"> Aucune information renseignée, <a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=remote&node=' + feature.properties.id + '">ajoutez la dans OpenStreetMap!</a></span>'
popupContent = `<span class="no-data"> Aucune information renseignée, <a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=remote&node=${feature.properties.id}">ajoutez la dans OpenStreetMap!</a></span>`
let html = '<a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&node=' + feature.properties.id + '">' +
'✏️</a> <span class="color-indication" style="background-color: ' + color + ';">' + displayOutPowerGuessed + '</span><span class="popup-content">' + popupContent + '</span>'
// console.log('layer', layer)
let marker = L.marker(layer._latlng, {
icon: L.divIcon({
iconUrl: '/img/beer.jpg',
//+ getIconFromTags(feature.properties.tags),
// className: 'label ' + makeCssClassFromTags(feature.properties.tags),
iconSize: ['auto', 'auto'],
if (outPowerGuessed) {
marker.bindTooltip(outPowerGuessed + ' kW max',
permanent: false,
direction: 'right'
let html = `<a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&node=${feature.properties.id}">✏️</a><a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=remote&node=${feature.properties.id}">JOSM</a> <span class="color-indication" style="background-color: ${color};">${displayOutPowerGuessed}</span><span class="popup-content">${popupContent}</span>`
let radius = 20
if (outPowerGuessed > 300) {
@ -383,16 +392,34 @@ function getIconFromTags (tags) {
return iconFileName
$('#query-button').click(function () {
// $('#toggleMinPower_50').on('click', toggleMinPower(50))
// $('#toggleMinPower_100').on('click', toggleMinPower(100))
// document.getElementById('toggleMinPower_300').addEventListener('click', toggleMinPower(showHighPower))
$('#query-button').on('click', function () {
function toggleMinPower (minPower) {
console.log('toggle', minPower)
function toggleMinPower (showHighPower) {
console.log('toggle', showHighPower)
showHighPower = !showHighPower;
this.textContent = showHighPower ? "Montrer puissance haute" : "Montrer puissance normale";
function addFilteredMarkers (showHighPower) {
filteredMarkers.clearLayers() // Supprimer les marqueurs existants
console.log('addFilteredMarkers: clear des marqueurs fait')
let counter = 0
geojsondata.features.forEach(function (feature) {
if (feature.properties.puissance_haute === showHighPower) {
var marker = L.marker(feature.geometry.coordinates).bindPopup(feature.properties.puissance_haute ? 'Puissance haute' : 'Puissance normale')
console.log('addFilteredMarkers: ', counter)
let isLoading = false
@ -407,7 +434,6 @@ function loadOverpassQuery () {
var overpassApiUrl = buildOverpassApiUrl(map, queryTextfieldValue)
$.get(overpassApiUrl, function (geoDataPointsFromApi) {

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ img.leaflet-marker-icon.tag-socket\:type2_yes {
background: #497cd3;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
border-radius: 2em;
color: white;
color: white !important;
border: solid 1px #497cd3ff;
float: right;
@ -235,27 +235,51 @@ marqueurs
background: #c0b1b1;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-1 {
background: #36423d;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-2 {
background: #4e8a8d;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-3 {
background: #2999b3;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-4 {
background: #1782dd;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-5 {
background: #2900ff;
.map-marker-circle-demo.color-6 {
background: #8000ff;
margin-top: 2rem;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 0.5rem;
margin: 1rem 0;
height: 3rem;
display: inline-block;
height: 1em;
/*background: grey;*/
/*border-right: 1px solid white;*/