613 lines
24 KiB
613 lines
24 KiB
* rechercher les bornes de recharge,
* afficher des cercles colorés selon la puissance max de la station
* lister les bornes trouvées dans la page
* @type {boolean}
import config from './config.js'
import utils from './utils.js'
import colorUtils from './color-utils.js'
console.log('config', config)
let geojsondata
// serveurs de tuiles: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_servers
// https://stamen-tiles.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
// https://a.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
// https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
// 'https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
const tileServer = 'https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
const tileServer_stamen = 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
// Créer la carte centrée sur Rouen
// Liste des 20 villes les plus peuplées de France avec leurs coordonnées géographiques
// Initialisation de la carte avec la vue centrée sur la ville choisie
let map = L.map('map')
* filtres à toggle par des boutons dans la page
* à appliquer à chaque rafraîchissement des points geojson
* TODO: make buttons and filter in refresh circles
let display_type2_sockets = 'show';
let display_type2_combo_sockets = 'show';
let display_unknown_max_power_station = 'show';
let display_known_max_power_station = 'show';
let display_type2_combo_sockets_with_cable = 'show';
let display_lower_than_50kw = 'show';
let display_higer_than_50kw = 'show';
let display_lower_than_200kw = 'show';
let display_higer_than_200kw = 'show';
let display_chelou = 'show'; // les stations avec une valeur suspecte, plus de 400kW
let filterStatesAvailable = ['hide', 'show', 'showOnly']
function setRandomView() {
console.log('set random view')
// Choix au hasard d'une ville parmi la liste
let randomCity = utils.cities[Math.floor(Math.random() * utils.cities.length)]
console.log('randomCity', randomCity)
map = map.setView(randomCity.coords, config.initialZoom)
function setCoordinatesOfLeafletMapFromQueryParameters() {
// Récupère les paramètres de l'URL
// console.log('window.location', window.location.href, window)
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.href)
// console.log('urlParams', urlParams)
// Récupère les coordonnées et le zoom à partir des paramètres de l'URL
const lat = urlParams.get('lat')
const lng = urlParams.get('lng')
const zoom = urlParams.get('zoom')
// console.log('lat,lng,zoom', lat, lng, zoom) // Vérifie si les paramètres sont présents et valides
if (lat && lng && zoom) {
// Initialise la carte avec les coordonnées et le zoom récupérés
map = map.setView([lat, lng], zoom)
} else {
// Affiche une erreur si les paramètres sont absents ou invalides
console.error('Les paramètres de coordonnées et de zoom doivent être présents dans l\'URL.')
function updateURLWithMapCoordinatesAndZoom() {
// Récupère les coordonnées et le niveau de zoom de la carte
const center = map.getCenter()
const zoom = map.getZoom()
// Construit l'URL avec les paramètres de coordonnées et de zoom
const url = `#coords=1&lat=${center.lat}&lng=${center.lng}&zoom=${zoom}`
// console.log('updateURLWithMapCoordinatesAndZoom url', url)
// Met à jour l'URL de la page
history.replaceState(null, null, url)
var osm = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: config.osmMention + '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
var cycle = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.opencyclemap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: config.osmMention + '© <a href="https://www.opencyclemap.org/">OpenCycleMap</a> contributors'
var transport = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: config.osmMention
let tileGrey =
L.tileLayer(tileServer, {
attribution: config.osmMention
let stamen =
L.tileLayer(tileServer_stamen, {
attribution: config.osmMention
var baseLayers = {
'Grey': tileGrey,
'Stamen': stamen,
'OpenStreetMap': osm,
// 'OpenCycleMap': cycle,
'Transport': transport
let stations_bof = L.layerGroup().addTo(map) // layer group pour tous les marqueurs
let stations_much_speed_wow = L.layerGroup().addTo(map) // layer group des stations rapides
let overlays = {stations_bof, stations_much_speed_wow} // Si vous avez des calques superposables, ajoutez-les ici
const layerControl = L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlays, {collapsed: true}).addTo(map)
function buildOverpassApiUrl(map, overpassQuery) {
let baseUrl = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter'
let bounds = map.getBounds().getSouth() + ',' + map.getBounds().getWest() + ',' + map.getBounds().getNorth() + ',' + map.getBounds().getEast()
let resultUrl, query = ''
if (config.overrideQuery) {
query = `?data=[out:json][timeout:15];(
);out body geom;`
} else {
let nodeQuery = 'node[' + overpassQuery + '](' + bounds + ');'
let wayQuery = 'way[' + overpassQuery + '](' + bounds + ');'
let relationQuery = 'relation[' + overpassQuery + '](' + bounds + ');'
query = '?data=[out:json][timeout:15];(' + nodeQuery + wayQuery + relationQuery + ');out body geom;'
resultUrl = baseUrl + query
return resultUrl
const tags_to_display_in_popup = [
'operator', 'ref:EU:EVSE',
const margin_josm_bbox = 0.00001
function createJOSMEditLink(feature) {
var coordinates = feature.geometry.coordinates
var nodeId = feature.properties.id
var left = coordinates[0] - margin_josm_bbox
var right = coordinates[0] + margin_josm_bbox
var bottom = coordinates[1] - margin_josm_bbox
var top = coordinates[1] + margin_josm_bbox
var josmUrl = `${left}&top=${top}&right=${right}&bottom=${bottom}&select=${nodeId}`
return josmUrl
function supprimerMarqueurs() {
map.eachLayer((layer) => {
if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
let coef_reduction_bars = 0.8
function calculerPourcentage(partie, total, reduc) {
if (total === 0) {
return 'Division par zéro impossible'
let coef_reduction = 1
if (reduc) {
coef_reduction = coef_reduction_bars
return ((partie / total) * 100 * coef_reduction).toFixed(1)
function displayStatsFromGeoJson(resultAsGeojson) {
let count = resultAsGeojson.features.length
let count_station_output = 0
let count_ref_eu = 0
let output_more_than_300 = 0
let output_more_than_200 = 0
let output_more_than_100 = 0
let output_more_than_50 = 0
let count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50 = 0
let count_output_unknown = 0
let count_estimated_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2combo = 0
let count_found_type2 = 0
resultAsGeojson.features.map(feature => {
let found_type2_combo = false
// trouver si les tags présentent un type combo
let found_type2 = false
// trouver si les tags présentent un type 2
let keys_of_object = Object.keys(feature.properties.tags)
keys_of_object.map(tagKey => {
// console.log('tagKey', tagKey)
if (tagKey.indexOf('type2_combo') !== -1) {
found_type2_combo = true
// console.log('tagkey trouvé combo', tagKey)
if (tagKey.indexOf('type2') !== -1) {
found_type2 = true
let outputPower = utils.guessOutputPowerFromFeature(feature)
if (found_type2_combo) {
if (found_type2) {
if (outputPower == 0) {
if (outputPower >= 200 && !found_type2_combo) {
* si on trouve une puissance supérieure à 200kW on peut partir du principe que la station dispose d'une prise type_2_combo à minima
if (outputPower > 0 && outputPower < 50) {
if (outputPower >= 50 && outputPower < 100) {
} else if (outputPower >= 100 && outputPower < 200) {
} else if (outputPower >= 200 && outputPower < 300) {
} else if (outputPower >= 300) {
feature.properties.puissance_haute = true
if (feature.properties.tags['charging_station:output']) {
if (feature.properties.tags['ref:EU:EVSE']) {
let bar_powers = `<div class="bars-container">
<div class="bar color-unknown" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(count_output_unknown, count, true)}%">${count_output_unknown}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-50" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50, count, true)}%">${count_station_outputoutput_between_1_and_50}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-100" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_50, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_50}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-200" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_100, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_100}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-300" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_200, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_200}</div>
<div class="bar color-power-lesser-than-max" style="width: ${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_300, count, true)}%">${output_more_than_300}</div>
let stats_content = `<div class="stats">
Statistiques des <strong>${count}</strong> stations trouvées: <br/>
${count_station_output} (${calculerPourcentage(count_station_output, count)}%) ont une info de puissance max délivrée <i>charging_station:output</i>. <br/>
${count_ref_eu} (${calculerPourcentage(count_ref_eu, count)}%) ont une référence européenne <i>ref:EU:EVSE</i>. <br/>
${count_output_unknown} (${calculerPourcentage(count_output_unknown, count)}%) ont une puissance max inconnue <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_300} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_300, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 300 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_200} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_200, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 200 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_100} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_100, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 100 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${output_more_than_50} (${calculerPourcentage(output_more_than_50, count)}%) ont une puissance max supérieure à 50 kW <i>*output*</i>. <br/>
${count_found_type2combo} (${calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2combo, count)}%) ont un prise combo définie <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>
${count_estimated_type2combo} (${calculerPourcentage(count_estimated_type2combo, count)}%) ont une prise combo présumée à partir de la puissance max trouvée mais non spécifiée <i>*type2_combo*</i>. <br/>${count_found_type2} (${calculerPourcentage(count_found_type2, count)}%) ont un prise type2 définie <i>*type2*</i>. <br/>
function bindEventsOnJosmRemote() {
let josm_remote_buttons = $(`.josm`)
// console.log('josm_remote_buttons', josm_remote_buttons[0])
$(josm_remote_buttons[0]).on('click', () => {
// console.log('link', josm_remote_buttons[0])
let josm_link = $(josm_remote_buttons[0]).attr('data-href')
// console.log('lancer la télécommande josm', josm_link)
$.get(josm_link, (res) => {
console.log('res', res)
function displayPointsFromApi(points = geojsondata) {
geojsondata = osmtogeojson(points)
// console.log('resultAsGeojson', geojsondata)
let resultLayer = L.geoJson(geojsondata, {
style: function (feature) {
return {color: '#f00'}
* enlever les polygones, ne garder que les points
* @param feature
* @param layer
* @returns {boolean}
filter: function (feature, layer) {
let isPolygon = (feature.geometry) && (feature.geometry.type !== undefined) && (feature.geometry.type === 'Polygon')
if (isPolygon) {
feature.geometry.type = 'Point'
let polygonCenter = L.latLngBounds(feature.geometry.coordinates[0]).getCenter()
feature.geometry.coordinates = [polygonCenter.lat, polygonCenter.lng]
return true
onmoveend: function (event) {
// console.log('déplacement terminé')
onzoomend: function (event) {
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
let popupContent = ''
popupContent += '<div class="sockets-list" >'
let type2 = feature.properties.tags['socket:type2']
let type2_combo = feature.properties.tags['socket:type2_combo']
if (type2) {
popupContent += ' <img class="icon-img" src="img/Type2_socket.svg" alt="prise de type 2">'
if (type2 !== 'yes') {
popupContent += '<span class="socket-counter">x ' + type2 + '</span>'
if (feature.properties.tags['socket:type2_combo']) {
popupContent += ' <img class="icon-img" src="img/type2_combo.svg" alt="prise de type 2 combo CCS">'
if (type2_combo !== 'yes') {
popupContent += '<span class="socket-counter">x ' + type2_combo + '</span>'
popupContent += '</div>'
popupContent += '<div class="key-values" >'
// ne montrer que certains champs dans la popup
tags_to_display_in_popup.forEach(function (key) {
if (tags_to_display_in_popup.indexOf(key)) {
let value = feature.properties.tags[key]
if (value) {
if (value.indexOf('http') !== -1) {
value = '<a href="' + value + '">' + value + '</a>'
popupContent = popupContent + '<br/><strong class="popup-key">' + key + ' :</strong><span class="popup-value">' + value + '</span>'
popupContent += '</div>'
let outPowerGuessed = utils.guessOutputPowerFromFeature(feature)
let color = colorUtils.getColor(feature)
let displayOutPowerGuessed = '? kW'
if (outPowerGuessed) {
displayOutPowerGuessed = outPowerGuessed + ' kW max'
if (!popupContent) {
popupContent = `<span class="no-data"> Aucune information renseignée,
<a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=remote&node=${feature.properties.id}">ajoutez la dans OpenStreetMap!</a></span>`
let link_josm = createJOSMEditLink(feature)
// console.log('link_josm', link_josm)
// boutons d'itinéraire
let html = ` <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?from=&to=${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]},${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}&engine=fossgis_osrm_car#map=14/${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]}/${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}" class="navigation-link by-car" title="itinéraire en voiture vers cette station"> 🚗</a><a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?from=&to=${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]},${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}&engine=fossgis_osrm_bike#map=14/${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]}/${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}" class="navigation-link by-car" title="itinéraire en vélo vers cette station">🚴♀️</a><a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?from=&to=${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]},${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}&engine=fossgis_osrm_foot#map=14/${feature.geometry.coordinates[1]}/${feature.geometry.coordinates[0]}" class="navigation-link by-car" title="itinéraire à pied vers cette station">👠</a>
<a class="edit-button" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&node=${feature.properties.id}">✏️</a><a class="edit-button josm" data-href="${link_josm}" href="#">JOSM</a> <span class="color-indication" style="background-color: ${color};">${displayOutPowerGuessed}</span><span class="popup-content">${popupContent}</span>`
let zoom = map.getZoom()
let radius = 20
let opacity = 0.5
let ratio_circle = 10
// quand on est loin, montrer d'avantage de couleur, pas le centre
if (zoom < 13) {
ratio_circle = 5
else if (zoom < 15) {
ratio_circle = 1
opacity = 0.25
else if (zoom <= 16) {
ratio_circle = 0.5
else if (zoom <= 18) {
ratio_circle = 0.25
console.log('ratio_circle', ratio_circle)
if (outPowerGuessed >= 300) {
radius = 70 * ratio_circle
} else if (outPowerGuessed >= 200) {
radius = 60 * ratio_circle
} else if (outPowerGuessed >= 100) {
radius = 50 * ratio_circle
} else if (outPowerGuessed >= 50) {
radius = 40 * ratio_circle
} else if (outPowerGuessed >= 20) {
radius = 30 * ratio_circle
} else if (outPowerGuessed >= 7) {
radius = 20 * ratio_circle
let circle = L.circle(layer._latlng, {
color: color,
fillColor: color,
fillOpacity: opacity,
colorOpacity: opacity,
radius: radius
// montrer les détails quand on est proche
// afficher moins de couleur, montrer le centre plus précis
if (zoom > 15) {
opacity = 0.25
let circle_center = L.circle(layer._latlng, {
color: 'black',
fillColor: color,
fillOpacity: 1,
radius: 0.1
mouseover: function () {
mouseout: function () {
// setTimeout(() => this.closePopup(), 15000)
click: function () {
function makeCssClassFromTags(tags) {
let tagKeys = Object.keys(tags)
if (!tags) {
return ''
let listOfClasses = []
tagKeys.forEach((element) => {
listOfClasses.push('tag-' + element + '_' + tags[element].replace(':', '--').replace(' ', '-'))
return listOfClasses.join(' ')
function getIconFromTags(tags) {
let iconFileName = ''
// let iconFileName = 'icon_restaurant.png';
if (tags['man_made']) {
iconFileName = 'fountain.png'
return iconFileName
// $('#toggleMinPower_50').on('click', toggleMinPower(50))
// $('#toggleMinPower_100').on('click', toggleMinPower(100))
// document.getElementById('toggleMinPower_300').addEventListener('click', toggleMinPower(showHighPower))
function toggleMinPower(showHighPower) {
console.log('toggle', showHighPower)
showHighPower = !showHighPower
this.textContent = showHighPower ? 'Montrer puissance haute' : 'Montrer puissance normale'
function addFilteredMarkers(showHighPower) {
allMarkers.clearLayers() // Supprimer les marqueurs existants
console.log('addFilteredMarkers: clear des marqueurs fait')
let counter = 0
geojsondata.features.forEach(function (feature) {
if (feature.properties.puissance_haute === showHighPower) {
let marker = L.marker(feature.geometry.coordinates).bindPopup(feature.properties.puissance_haute ? 'Puissance haute' : 'Puissance normale')
console.log('addFilteredMarkers: ', counter)
let isLoading = false
function loadOverpassQuery() {
// ne pas charger si on recherche déjà
if (!isLoading) {
isLoading = true
let queryTextfieldValue = $('#query-textfield').val()
let overpassApiUrl = buildOverpassApiUrl(map, queryTextfieldValue)
$.get(overpassApiUrl, function (geoDataPointsFromApi) {
isLoading = false
}) // end of the getting from overpass API
function onMapMoveEnd() {
let center = map.getCenter()
let zoom = map.getZoom()
let infos = `Lat: ${center.lat}, Lon: ${center.lng}, Zoom : ${zoom}`
if (zoom > 10) {
} else {
infos += '(zoomez au niveau 11 ou plus pour charger les stations en vous déplaçant)'
$(document).ready(function () {
map.on('moveend', onMapMoveEnd)
// $('#messageLoading').hide()
$('#removeMarkers').on('click', function () {
$('#load').on('click', function () {
// filtres
// boutons de toggle et de cycle de visibilité
$('#filterUnkown').on('click', function () {
cycleVariableState(display_unknown_max_power_station, '#filterUnkown')
showActiveFilter(display_unknown_max_power_station, '#filterUnkown')
showActiveFilter(display_unknown_max_power_station, '#filterUnkown')
function showActiveFilter(filterVariableName, selectorId) {
$(selectorId).attr('class', 'filter-state-' + filterVariableName )
function cycleVariableState(filterVariableName, selectorId) {
if (filterVariableName) {
if (filterVariableName == filterStatesAvailable[0]) {
filterVariableName = filterStatesAvailable[1]
} else if (filterVariableName == filterStatesAvailable[1]) {
filterVariableName = filterStatesAvailable[2]
} else if (filterVariableName == filterStatesAvailable[2]) {
filterVariableName = filterStatesAvailable[0]
} else {
filterVariableName = filterStatesAvailable[0]
showActiveFilter(filterVariableName, selectorId)
return filterVariableName