* Update OC: time format
Correction for time format according to: https://opinion.jornalet.com/conselh-linguistic-de-jornalet/blog/2379/la-notacion-oraria-en-occitan
Harmonisation words in menu and confirmation windows
* Update for unlisted custum emoji + #5577
* correction subjonctiu
It's either siasque or siague
* Corrections
Any : qual que, in two words, else it means "some".
And "siasque" with S even if I don't pronounce it at all.
* Update oc.json
* Update better_errors to version 2.4.0
* Update binding_of_caller to version 0.7.3
* Update bootsnap to version 1.1.5
* Update browser to version 2.5.2
* Update capistrano to version 3.10.0
* Update capistrano-bundler to version 1.3.0
* Update capistrano-rbenv to version 2.1.2
* Update capybara to version 2.15.4
* Update cld3 to version 3.2.1
* Update fabrication to version 2.18.0
* Update fog-openstack to version 0.1.22
* Update kaminari to version 1.1.1
* Update lograge to version 0.7.1
* Update nokogiri to version 1.8.1
* Update oj to version 3.3.9
* Update ox to version 2.8.1
* Update parallel_tests to version 2.17.0
* Update pkg-config to version 1.2.8
* Update rspec-rails to version 3.7.1
* Update rubocop to version 0.51.0
* Update scss_lint to version 0.55.0
* Update sidekiq to version 5.0.5
* Update sidekiq-scheduler to version 2.1.10
* Update tzinfo-data to version 1.2017.3
* Update webpacker to version 3.0.2
* bundle update
This should eventually be accessible via the API and the web frontend,
but I find it easier to set up an editing interface using Rails
templates and the like. We can always take it out if it turns out we
don't need it.
* Swedish file added
* Swedish file added
* Swedish file updated
* Swedish languagefile added
* Add Swedish translation
* Add Swedish translation
* Started the Swedish translation
* Added Swedish lang settings
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Swedish language completed and added
* Swedish language Simple_form added
* Swedish language Divise added
* Swedish language doorkeeper added
* Swedish language - now all file complete
* Swedish - Typos and supplementation in sentence structure
* Update simple_form.sv.yml
* Update sv.yml
* Update sv.yml
Rearranged the alphabetical order.
* Swedish file added
* Swedish file added
* Swedish file updated
* Swedish languagefile added
* Add Swedish translation
* Add Swedish translation
* Started the Swedish translation
* Added Swedish lang settings
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Updating Swedish language
* Swedish language completed and added
* Swedish language Simple_form added
* Swedish language Divise added
* Swedish language doorkeeper added
* Swedish language - now all file complete
* Add option to reduce motion
* Use HOC to wrap all Motion calls
* fix case-sensitive issue
* Avoid updating too frequently
* Get rid of unnecessary change to _simple_status.html.haml