1467 lines
44 KiB
1467 lines
44 KiB
// 3dcam
// With huge help from :
// @NicolasNoble : https://discord.com/channels/642647820683444236/646765703143227394/796876392670429204
// @Lameguy64
// @Impiaa
// @paul
/* PSX screen coordinate system
* Z+
* /
* /
* +------X+
* /|
* / |
* / Y+
* eye */
// Blender debug mode
// bpy. app. debug = True
#define _WCHAR_T
#include "psx.h"
#include "pad.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "physics.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "space.h"
#define USECD
extern u_long load_all_overlays_here;
extern u_long __lvl0_end;
extern u_long __lvl1_end;
u_long overlaySize = 0;
#include "levels/level0.h"
#include "levels/level1.h"
volatile u_char level = 0;
// level 1 : 8003F05C -2147225508
// level 0 : 800AF744 -2146764988
// 80010000 -2147418112 -> -2147483648
// ovl : 800b80d4 -2146729772
u_short levelWas = 0;
u_short levelHasChanged = 0;
static char* overlayFile;
// Display and draw environments, double buffered
DISPENV disp[2];
DRAWENV draw[2];
//~ // OT for BG/FG discrimination
u_long otdisc[2][OT2LEN] = {0};
// Main OT
u_long ot[2][OTLEN] = {0}; // Ordering table (contains addresses to primitives)
char primbuff[2][PRIMBUFFLEN] = {0}; // Primitive list // That's our prim buffer
int primcnt=0; // Primitive counter
char * nextpri = primbuff[0]; // Primitive counter
char db = 0; // Current buffer counter
CVECTOR BGc = {50, 50, 75, 0}; // Far color
VECTOR BKc = {128, 128, 128, 0}; // Back color
MATRIX rotlgt;
SVECTOR lgtang = {0, 0, 0};
MATRIX light;
short vs;
CAMERA camera = {0};
// physics
u_long time = 0;
u_long timeS = 0;
Controller_Buffer controllers[2]; // Buffers for reading controllers
Controller_Data theControllers[8]; // Processed controller data
int pressed = 0;
u_short timer = 0;
// Cam stuff
int camMode = FIXED;
VECTOR angle = {250,0,0,0};
VECTOR angleCam = {0,0,0,0};
int dist = 150;
int lerping = 0;
short curCamAngle = 0;
// Inverted Cam coordinates for Forward Vector calc
VECTOR InvCamPos = {0,0,0,0};
VECTOR fVecActor = {0,0,0,0};
u_long triCount = 0;
// Default level : Initialize everything to 0
MATRIX cmat = {0}, lgtmat = {0};
MESH actorPtr = {0}, levelPtr = {0} , propPtr = {0}, meshes[] = {0};
int meshes_length = 0;
NODE curNode = {0};
CAMPATH camPath = {0};
CAMANGLE camPtr = {0}, camAngles[] = {0};
MESH meshPlan = {0};
VECTOR modelPlan_pos = {0};
LEVEL curLvl = {
(MESH **)&meshes,
(CAMANGLE **)&camAngles,
LEVEL * loadLvl;
// Pad
void callback();
int main() {
if ( level == 0 ){
overlayFile = "\\level0.bin;1";
overlaySize = __lvl0_end;
loadLvl = &level0;
} else if ( level == 1) {
overlayFile = "\\level1.bin;1";
overlaySize = __lvl1_end;
loadLvl = &level1;
// Load overlay
#ifdef USECD
LoadLevelCD(overlayFile, &load_all_overlays_here);
// TODO : Add switch case to get the correct pointers
// Get needed pointers from level file
if ( level == 0 ) {
LvlPtrSet( &curLvl, &level0);
} else if ( level == 1) {
LvlPtrSet( &curLvl, &level1);
levelWas = level;
// Overlay
VECTOR wp = {0,0,0};
// FIXME : Poly subdiv
//~ DIVPOLYGON4 div4 = { 0 };
//~ div4.pih = SCREENXRES;
//~ div4.piv = SCREENYRES;
//~ div4.ndiv = 2;
//~ long OTc = 0;
//~ DIVPOLYGON3 div3 = { 0 };
//~ div3.pih = SCREENXRES;
//~ div3.piv = SCREENYRES;
//~ div3.ndiv = 1;
init(disp, draw, db, curLvl.cmat, curLvl.BGc, &BKc);
InitPAD(controllers[0].pad, 34, controllers[1].pad, 34);
// Load textures
for (int k = 0; k < *curLvl.meshes_length ; k++){
LoadTexture(curLvl.meshes[k]->tim_data, curLvl.meshes[k]->tim);
// Load current BG
if (curLvl.camPtr->tim_data){
LoadTexture(curLvl.camPtr->tim_data, curLvl.camPtr->BGtim);
// Physics
short physics = 1;
long dt;
VECTOR col_lvl, col_sphere, col_sphere_act = {0};
// Cam stuff
VECTOR posToActor = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // position of camera relative to actor
VECTOR camAngleToAct = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // rotation angles for the camera to point at actor
// Sprite system
VECTOR posToCam = {0, 0, 0, 0};
VECTOR objAngleToCam = {0, 0, 0, 0};
//~ int angle = 0; //PSX units = 4096 == 360° = 2Pi
//PSX units
short timediv = 1;
int atime = 0;
// Polycount
for (int k = 0; k < *curLvl.meshes_length; k++){
triCount += curLvl.meshes[k]->tmesh->len;
// Set camera starting pos
setCameraPos(&camera, curLvl.camPtr->campos->pos, curLvl.camPtr->campos->rot);
// Find curCamAngle if using pre-calculated BGs
if (camMode == 2) {
if (curLvl.camPtr->tim_data){
curCamAngle = 1;
// Main loop
//~ while (1) {
while ( VSync(1) ) {
timeS = VSync(-1) / 60;
if ( levelWas != level ){
switch ( level ){
case 0:
overlayFile = "\\level0.bin;1";
overlaySize = __lvl0_end;
loadLvl = &level0;
case 1:
overlayFile = "\\level1.bin;1";
overlaySize = __lvl1_end;
loadLvl = &level1;
overlayFile = "\\level0.bin;1";
loadLvl = &level0;
#ifdef USECD
LoadLevelCD( overlayFile, &load_all_overlays_here );
SwitchLevel( &curLvl, loadLvl);
//~ levelHasChanged = 0;
levelWas = level;
FntPrint("Ovl:%s\nLvl : %x\nLvl: %d %d \n%x", overlayFile, &level, level, levelWas, loadLvl);
//~ FntPrint("%x\n", curLvl.actorPtr->tim);
// Clear the main OT
ClearOTagR(otdisc[db], OT2LEN);
// Clear Secondary OT
ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN);
// timeB = time;
time ++;
// atime is used for animations timing
timediv = 1;
if (time % timediv == 0){
atime ++;
// Angle between camera and actor
// using atantable (faster)
camAngleToAct.vy = (patan(-posToActor.vx, -posToActor.vz) / 16) - 3076 ;
camAngleToAct.vx = patan(dist, posToActor.vy) >> 4;
// Sprite system WIP
objAngleToCam.vy = patan( posToCam.vx,posToCam.vz );
objAngleToCam.vx = patan( posToCam.vx,posToCam.vy );
//~ objAngleToCam.vz = patan( posToCam.vz,posToCam.vy );
//~ objAngleToCam.vx = patan( psqrt(posToCam.vx * posToCam.vx + posToCam.vy * posToCam.vy), posToCam.vy );
//~ curLvl.meshPlan.rot->vx = -( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) ;
//~ curLvl.meshPlan.rot->vx = (( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) * ( (objAngleToCam.vz >> 4) - 3076 ) >> 12) * (nsin(posToCam.vz) >> 10 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
//~ curLvl.meshPlan.rot->vx = ( (objAngleToCam.vx >> 4) - 3076 ) * ( (objAngleToCam.vz >> 4) - 3076 ) >> 12 ;
curLvl.meshPlan->rot.vy = -( (objAngleToCam.vy >> 4) + 1024 ) ;
//~ posToCam = getVectorTo(*curLvl.meshPlan.pos, camera.pos);
//~ posToCam = getVectorTo(camera.pos, *curLvl.meshPlan.pos);
posToCam.vx = -camera.pos.vx - curLvl.meshPlan->pos.vx ;
posToCam.vz = -camera.pos.vz - curLvl.meshPlan->pos.vz ;
posToCam.vy = -camera.pos.vy - curLvl.meshPlan->pos.vy ;
//~ psqrt(posToCam.vx * posToCam.vx + posToCam.vy * posToCam.vy);
// Actor Forward vector for 3d relative orientation
fVecActor = curLvl.actorPtr->pos;
fVecActor.vx = curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx + (nsin(curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy/2));
fVecActor.vz = curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz - (ncos(curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy/2));
// Camera modes
if(camMode != 2) {
camera.rot.vy = camAngleToAct.vy;
// using csin/ccos, no need for theta
//~ camera.rot.vy = angle;
camera.rot.vx = camAngleToAct.vx;
if(camMode < 4 ) {
lerping = 0;
// Camera follows actor with lerp for rotations
if(camMode == 0) {
dist = 200;
camera.pos.vx = -(camera.x/ONE);
camera.pos.vy = -(camera.y/ONE);
camera.pos.vz = -(camera.z/ONE);
//~ InvCamPos.vx = camera.x/ONE;
//~ InvCamPos.vz = camera.z/ONE;
//~ applyVector(&InvCamPos, -1,-1,-1, *=);
angle.vy = -(curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy / 2) + angleCam.vy;
//~ angle.vx += 10;
//~ FntPrint("cos %d", (ncos(angle.vy) * ncos(angle.vx)) >> 12);
//~ angle = curLvl.actorPtr->rot->vy;
// Camera horizontal position
getCameraZY(&camera.z, &camera.y, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vy, angle.vx, dist);
getCameraXZ(&camera.x, &camera.z, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz, angle.vy, dist);
//~ getCameraXZY(&camera.x, &camera.z, &camera.y, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vy, angle.vy, angle.vx, dist);
//~ void getCameraXZY(int * x, int * z, int * y, int actorX, int actorZ, int actorY, int angle, int angleX, int distance) {
// Camera vertical position
//~ getCameraXZ(&camera.x, &camera.y, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vy, angle, dist);
// FIXME! camera lerping to pos
//~ angle += lerp(camera.rot.vy, -curLvl.actorPtr->rot->vy, 128);
//~ angle = lerpD(camera.rot.vy << 12, curLvl.actorPtr->rot->vy << 12, 1024 << 12) >> 12;
// Camera rotates continuously around actor
if (camMode == 1) {
dist = 150;
camera.pos.vx = -(camera.x/ONE);
//~ camera.pos.vy = -(camera.y/ONE);
camera.pos.vy = 100;
camera.pos.vz = -(camera.z/ONE);
//~ fVecActor = *curLvl.actorPtr->pos;
//~ fVecActor.vx = curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vx + (nsin(curLvl.actorPtr->rot->vy));
//~ fVecActor.vz = curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vz - (ncos(curLvl.actorPtr->rot->vy));
getCameraXZ(&camera.x, &camera.z, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz, angle.vy, dist);
angle.vy += 10;
// Fixed Camera with actor tracking
if (camMode == 3) {
// Using precalc sqrt
dist = psqrt( (posToActor.vx * posToActor.vx ) + (posToActor.vz * posToActor.vz) );
camera.pos.vx = 190;
camera.pos.vz = 100;
camera.pos.vy = 180;
// Fixed Camera angle
if (camMode == 2) {
// If BG images exist
if (curLvl.camPtr->tim_data){
checkLineW( &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3, &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2, curLvl.actorPtr);
if ( curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v0.vx ) {
//~ FntPrint("BL x : %d, y : %d\n", camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3.vx, camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3.vy);
//~ FntPrint("BR x : %d, y : %d\n", camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2.vx, camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2.vy);
//~ FntPrint("Pos : %d\n", checkLineW( &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3, &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2, curLvl.actorPtr) );
//~ FntPrint("Pos : %d\n", checkLineW( &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2, &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3, curLvl.actorPtr) );
// If actor in camAngle->fw area of screen
if ( checkLineW( &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3, &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2, curLvl.actorPtr) == -1 &&
( checkLineW( &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2, &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3, curLvl.actorPtr) >= 0
) {
if (curCamAngle < 5) {
curLvl.camPtr = curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ];
LoadTexture(curLvl.camPtr->tim_data, curLvl.camPtr->BGtim);
if ( curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v0.vx ) {
//~ FntPrint("BL x : %d, y : %d\n", camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3.vx, camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3.vy);
//~ FntPrint("BR x : %d, y : %d\n", camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2.vx, camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2.vy);
//~ // FntPrint("Pos : %d\n", checkLineW( &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2, &camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3, curLvl.actorPtr) );
// If actor in camAngle->bw area of screen
if ( checkLineW( &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v3, &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->fw.v2, curLvl.actorPtr) >= 0 &&
checkLineW( &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v2, &curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->bw.v3, curLvl.actorPtr) == -1
) {
if (curCamAngle > 0) {
curLvl.camPtr = curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ];
LoadTexture(curLvl.camPtr->tim_data, curLvl.camPtr->BGtim);
setCameraPos(&camera, curLvl.camPtr->campos->pos, curLvl.camPtr->campos->rot);
// Flyby mode with LERP from camStart to camEnd
if (camMode == 4) {
// If key pos exist for camera
if (curLvl.camPath->len) {
// Lerping sequence has not begun
if (!lerping){
// Set cam start position ( first key pos )
camera.pos.vx = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx;
camera.pos.vy = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vy;
camera.pos.vz = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vz;
// Lerping sequence is starting
lerping = 1;
// Set cam pos index to 0
curLvl.camPath->pos = 0;
// Pre calculated sqrt ( see psqrt() )
dist = psqrt( (posToActor.vx * posToActor.vx ) + (posToActor.vz * posToActor.vz));
// Fixed point precision 2^12 == 4096
int precision = 12;
camera.pos.vx = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor+1].vx << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
camera.pos.vy = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vy << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor+1].vy << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
camera.pos.vz = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vz << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor+1].vz << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
//~ FntPrint("Cam %d, %d\n", (int32_t)curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor+1].vx);
//~ FntPrint("Cam %d, %d, %d\n", camera.pos.vx, camera.pos.vy, camera.pos.vz);
//~ FntPrint("Theta y: %d x: %d\n", theta.vy, theta.vx);
//~ FntPrint("Pos: %d Cur: %d\nTheta y: %d x: %d\n", curLvl.camPath->pos, curLvl.camPath->cursor, theta.vy, theta.vx);
// Linearly increment the lerp factor
curLvl.camPath->pos += 20;
// If camera has reached next key pos, reset pos index, move cursor to next key pos
if (curLvl.camPath->pos > (1 << precision) ){
curLvl.camPath->pos = 0;
curLvl.camPath->cursor ++;
// Last key pos is reached, reset cursor to first key pos, lerping sequence is over
if ( curLvl.camPath->cursor == curLvl.camPath->len - 1 ){
lerping = 0;
curLvl.camPath->cursor = 0;
} else {
// if no key pos exists, switch to next camMode
camMode ++; }
// Camera "on a rail" - cam is tracking actor, and moving with constraints on all axis
if (camMode == 5) {
// track actor. If theta (actor/cam rotation angle) is above or below an arbitrary angle,
// move cam so that the angle doesn't increase/decrease anymore.
short cameraSpeed = 40;
if (curLvl.camPath->len) {
// Lerping sequence has not begun
if (!lerping){
// Set cam start position ( first key pos )
camera.pos.vx = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx;
camera.pos.vy = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vy;
camera.pos.vz = curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vz;
// Lerping sequence is starting
lerping = 1;
// Set cam pos index to 0
curLvl.camPath->pos = 0;
// Pre calculated sqrt ( see psqrt() )
dist = psqrt( (posToActor.vx * posToActor.vx ) + (posToActor.vz * posToActor.vz));
// Fixed point precision 2^12 == 4096
short precision = 12;
camera.pos.vx = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor + 1].vx << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
camera.pos.vy = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vy << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor + 1].vy << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
camera.pos.vz = lerpD(curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vz << precision, curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor + 1].vz << precision, curLvl.camPath->pos << precision) >> precision;
//~ FntPrint("%d %d %d %d\n", camAngleToAct.vy, camera.pos.vx, camera.rot.vy, dist);
// Ony move cam if position is between first curLvl.camPath->vx and last curLvl.camPath->vx
if ( camAngleToAct.vy < -50 && camera.pos.vx > curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->len - 1].vx ) {
// Clamp curLvl.camPath position to cameraSpeed
curLvl.camPath->pos += dist < cameraSpeed ? 0 : cameraSpeed ;
if ( camAngleToAct.vy > 50 && camera.pos.vx > curLvl.camPath->points[curLvl.camPath->cursor].vx ) {
curLvl.camPath->pos -= dist < cameraSpeed ? 0 : cameraSpeed;
// If camera has reached next key pos, reset pos index, move cursor to next key pos
if (curLvl.camPath->pos > (1 << precision) ){
curLvl.camPath->pos = 0;
curLvl.camPath->cursor ++;
if (curLvl.camPath->pos < -100 ){
curLvl.camPath->pos = 1 << precision;
curLvl.camPath->cursor --;
// Last key pos is reached, reset cursor to first key pos, lerping sequence is over
if ( curLvl.camPath->cursor == curLvl.camPath->len - 1 || curLvl.camPath->cursor < 0 ){
lerping = 0;
curLvl.camPath->cursor = 0;
} else {
// if no key pos exists, switch to next camMode
camMode ++;
// Spatial partitioning
if (curLvl.curNode){
for ( int msh = 0; msh < curLvl.curNode->siblings->index; msh ++ ) {
// Actor
if ( !getIntCollision( *curLvl.actorPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vx &&
!getIntCollision( *curLvl.actorPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vz )
if ( curLvl.curNode != curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh] ) {
curLvl.curNode = curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh];
curLvl.levelPtr = curLvl.curNode->plane;
// Moveable prop
//~ if ( !getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vx &&
//~ !getIntCollision( *propPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[msh]->plane->body).vz ) {
//~ if ( propPtr->node != curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ msh ]){
//~ propPtr->node = curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ msh ];
//~ }
//~ }
if ( !getIntCollision( *curLvl.propPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->plane->body).vx &&
!getIntCollision( *curLvl.propPtr->body , *curLvl.curNode->plane->body).vz ) {
curLvl.propPtr->node = curLvl.curNode;
// Physics
if ( physics ) {
// if(time%1 == 0){
for ( int k = 0; k < *curLvl.meshes_length; k ++ ) {
//~ for ( int k = 0; k < curLvl.curNode->objects->index ; k ++){
if ( ( curLvl.meshes[k]->isRigidBody == 1 ) ) {
//~ if ( ( *curLvl.curNode->rigidbodies->list[k]->isRigidBody == 1 ) ) {
//~ applyAcceleration(curLvl.curNode->rigidbodies->list[k]->body);
applyAcceleration( curLvl.meshes[k]->body );
// Get col with level ( modelgnd_body )
col_lvl = getIntCollision( *curLvl.meshes[k]->body , *curLvl.levelPtr->body );
col_sphere = getIntCollision( *curLvl.propPtr->body, *curLvl.propPtr->node->plane->body );
// col_sphere = getIntCollision( *propPtr->body, *levelPtr->body );
col_sphere_act = getExtCollision( *curLvl.actorPtr->body, *curLvl.propPtr->body );
// If no col with ground, fall off
if ( col_lvl.vy ) {
if ( !col_lvl.vx && !col_lvl.vz ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->position.vy = curLvl.actorPtr->body->min.vy;
if (col_sphere.vy){
if ( !col_sphere.vx && !col_sphere.vz ) {
curLvl.propPtr->body->position.vy = curLvl.propPtr->body->min.vy;
if (col_sphere_act.vx && col_sphere_act.vz ) {
curLvl.propPtr->body->velocity.vx += curLvl.actorPtr->body->velocity.vx;
curLvl.propPtr->body->velocity.vz += curLvl.actorPtr->body->velocity.vz;
if ( curLvl.propPtr->body->velocity.vx ) {
VECTOR L = angularMom( *curLvl.propPtr->body );
curLvl.propPtr->rot.vz -= L.vx;
if ( curLvl.propPtr->body->velocity.vz ) {
VECTOR L = angularMom( *curLvl.propPtr->body );
curLvl.propPtr->rot.vx -= L.vz;
curLvl.meshes[k]->pos.vx = curLvl.meshes[k]->body->position.vx;
curLvl.meshes[k]->pos.vy = curLvl.meshes[k]->body->position.vy ;
curLvl.meshes[k]->pos.vz = curLvl.meshes[k]->body->position.vz;
curLvl.meshes[k]->body->velocity.vy = 0;
curLvl.meshes[k]->body->velocity.vx = 0;
curLvl.meshes[k]->body->velocity.vz = 0;
// }
if ( (camMode == 2) && (curLvl.camPtr->tim_data ) ) {
worldToScreen( &curLvl.actorPtr->pos, &curLvl.actorPtr->pos2D );
// Camera setup
// position of cam relative to actor
posToActor.vx = curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vx + camera.pos.vx;
posToActor.vz = curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vz + camera.pos.vz;
posToActor.vy = curLvl.actorPtr->pos.vy + camera.pos.vy;
// Polygon drawing
if (curLvl.curNode){
static long Flag;
if ( (camMode == 2) && (curLvl.camPtr->tim_data ) ) {
drawBG(curLvl.camPtr, &nextpri, otdisc[db], &db);
// Loop on camAngles
for ( int mesh = 0 ; mesh < curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ]->index; mesh ++ ) {
transformMesh(&camera, curLvl.camAngles[curCamAngle]->objects[mesh]);
drawPoly(curLvl.camAngles[curCamAngle]->objects[mesh], &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// int * camMode, char ** nextpri, u_long * ot, char * db, DRAWENV * draw)
else {
// Draw current node's plane
drawPoly( curLvl.curNode->plane, &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// Draw surrounding planes
for ( int sibling = 0; sibling < curLvl.curNode->siblings->index; sibling++ ) {
drawPoly(curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ sibling ]->plane, &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// Draw adjacent planes's children
for ( int sibling = 0; sibling < curLvl.curNode->siblings->index; sibling++ ) {
for ( int object = 0; object < curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ sibling ]->objects->index; object++ ) {
long t = 0;
transformMesh(&camera, curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ sibling ]->objects->list[ object ]);
drawPoly( curLvl.curNode->siblings->list[ sibling ]->objects->list[ object ], &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// Draw current plane children
for ( int object = 0; object < curLvl.curNode->objects->index; object++ ) {
transformMesh(&camera, curLvl.curNode->objects->list[ object ]);
drawPoly( curLvl.curNode->objects->list[ object ], &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// Draw rigidbodies
for ( int object = 0; object < curLvl.curNode->rigidbodies->index; object++ ) {
transformMesh(&camera, curLvl.curNode->rigidbodies->list[ object ]);
drawPoly( curLvl.curNode->rigidbodies->list[ object ], &Flag, atime, &camMode, &nextpri, ot[db], &db, &draw[db]);
// Find and apply light rotation matrix
RotMatrix(&lgtang, &rotlgt);
MulMatrix0(curLvl.lgtmat, &rotlgt, &light);
// Set camera
// Add secondary OT to main OT
AddPrims(otdisc[db], ot[db] + OTLEN - 1, ot[db]);
//~ FntPrint("curLvl.curNode : %x\nIndex: %d", curLvl.curNode, curLvl.curNode->siblings->index);
FntPrint("Time : %d dt :%d", timeS, dt);
//~ FntPrint("%d\n", curCamAngle );
//~ FntPrint("%x\n", primbuff[db]);
//~ FntPrint("Actor : %d %d\n", curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vy);
//~ FntPrint("%d %d\n", curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vx, curLvl.actorPtr->pos->vz);
//~ FntPrint("%d %d\n", curLvl.actorPtr->pos2D.vx + CENTERX, curLvl.actorPtr->pos2D.vy + CENTERY);
//~ FntPrint(" %d %d %d\n", wp.vx, wp.vy, wp.vz);
display( &disp[db], &draw[db], otdisc[db], primbuff[db], &nextpri, &db);
//~ display(disp, draw, otdisc[db], primbuff[db], nextpri, db);
//~ frame = VSync(-1);
return 0;
void callback() {
// Pad 1
read_controller( &theControllers[0], &controllers[0].pad[0], 0 ); // Read controllers
// Pad 2
read_controller( &theControllers[1], &controllers[1].pad[0], 1 );
//~ u_short pad = PadRead(0);
//~ u_short pad = 0;
u_char PADL = ~theControllers[0].button1;
u_char PADR = ~theControllers[0].button2;
static u_short lastPad;
static short forceApplied = 0;
int div = 32;
static int lerpValues[4096 >> 7];
static short cursor = 0;
static short angleCamTimer = 0;
//~ static short curCamAngle = 0;
if( !lerpValues[0] ) {
for ( long long i = 0; i < div ; i++ ){
lerpValues[(div-1)-i] = lerp(-24, -264, easeIn(i));
if( timer ) {
if( cursor ) {
if (angleCam.vy > 2048 || angleCam.vy < -2048) {
angleCam.vy = 0;
if ( PADR & PadShldR1 && !timer ) {
if (!curLvl.camPtr->tim_data){
if(camMode < 6){
camMode ++;
lerping = 0;
} else {
setCameraPos(&camera, curLvl.camPtr->campos->pos, curLvl.camPtr->campos->rot);
curLvl.camPath->cursor = 0;
camMode = 0;
lerping = 0;
} else {
if (curCamAngle > 4) {
curCamAngle = 0;
if (curCamAngle < 5) {
curLvl.camPtr = curLvl.camAngles[ curCamAngle ];
LoadTexture(curLvl.camPtr->tim_data, curLvl.camPtr->BGtim);
lastPad = PADR;
timer = 10;
//~ if ( !(PADR & PadShldR1) && lastPad & PadShldR1 ) {
//pressed = 0;
//~ }
if ( PADR & PadShldL2 ) {
lgtang.vy += 32;
if ( PADR & PadShldL1 ) {
lgtang.vz += 32;
if ( PADR & PadUp && !timer ){
if (curLvl.actorPtr->isPrism){
curLvl.actorPtr->isPrism = 0;
} else {
curLvl.actorPtr->isPrism = 1;
timer = 10;
lastPad = PADR;
if ( PADR & PadDown && !timer ){
if (curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vy >= 0 && curLvl.actorPtr->body->position.vy >= curLvl.actorPtr->body->min.vy ){
forceApplied -= 150;
cursor = div - 15;
timer = 30;
lastPad = PADR;
if ( !(PADR & PadDown) && lastPad & PadDown ) {
//~ lastPad = pad;
if ( PADR & PadLeft && !timer ) {
if (curLvl.actorPtr->anim->interpolate){
curLvl.actorPtr->anim->interpolate = 0;
} else {
curLvl.actorPtr->anim->interpolate = 1;
timer = 10;
lastPad = PADR;
if (theControllers[0].type == 0x73){
// Analog stick L up
if ( theControllers[0].analog3 >= 0 && theControllers[0].analog3 < 108 ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vz * (128 - theControllers[0].analog3 ) >> 15 ;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = -getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vx * (128 - theControllers[0].analog3 ) >> 15 ;
lastPad = PADL;
// Analog stick L down
if ( theControllers[0].analog3 > 168 && theControllers[0].analog3 <= 255 ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = -getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vz * ( theControllers[0].analog3 - 128 ) >> 15 ;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vx * ( theControllers[0].analog3 - 128 ) >> 15 ;
lastPad = PADL;
// Analog stick L dead zone
if ( theControllers[0].analog3 > 108 && theControllers[0].analog3 < 148 ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = 0;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = 0;
// Analog stick L left
if ( theControllers[0].analog2 >= 0 && theControllers[0].analog2 < 108 ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy -= ( 40 * ( 128 - theControllers[0].analog2 ) ) >> 7 ;
// Analog stick L right
if ( theControllers[0].analog2 > 148 && theControllers[0].analog2 <= 255 ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy += ( 40 * ( theControllers[0].analog2 - 128 ) ) >> 7 ;
if ( PADL & PadUp ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vz >> 8 ;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = -getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vx >> 8 ;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( !(PADL & PadUp) && lastPad & PadUp) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = 0;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = 0;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( PADL & PadDown ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = -getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vz >> 8 ;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = getVectorTo(fVecActor, curLvl.actorPtr->pos).vx >> 8 ;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( !( PADL & PadDown ) && lastPad & PadDown) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vz = 0;
curLvl.actorPtr->body->gForce.vx = 0;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( PADL & PadLeft ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy -= 32;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( PADL & PadRight ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->rot.vy += 32;
lastPad = PADL;
if ( PADL & PadSelect && !timer ) {
//~ if (!levelHasChanged){
//~ #ifndef USECD
printf("load:%p:%08x:%s", &load_all_overlays_here, &level, overlayFile);
//~ PCload( &load_all_overlays_here, &levelHasChanged, overlayFile );
//~ #endif
#ifdef USECD
level = !level;
//~ levelHasChanged = 1;
//~ }
timer = 30;
lastPad = PADL;
if( theControllers[0].type == 0x73 && camMode == 0){
// Cam control - horizontal
if ( theControllers[0].analog0 >= 0 && theControllers[0].analog0 < 108) {
angleCam.vy -= ( 16 * ( 128 - theControllers[0].analog0 ) ) >> 7 ;
angleCamTimer = 120;
if ( theControllers[0].analog0 > 148 && theControllers[0].analog0 <= 255) {
angleCam.vy += ( 16 * ( theControllers[0].analog0 - 128 ) ) >> 7 ;
angleCamTimer = 120;
if ( theControllers[0].analog0 >= 0 && theControllers[0].analog0 < 108) {
angleCam.vy -= ( 16 * ( 128 - theControllers[0].analog0 ) ) >> 7 ;
angleCamTimer = 120;
if ( theControllers[0].analog0 > 148 && theControllers[0].analog0 <= 255) {
angleCam.vy += ( 16 * ( theControllers[0].analog0 - 128 ) ) >> 7 ;
angleCamTimer = 120;
// Timer to lerp cam back behind actor
if ( angleCamTimer ){
angleCamTimer --;
if (!angleCamTimer && angleCam.vy){
angleCam.vy += lerp( angleCam.vy, 0, 64 ) == 0 ? 1 : lerp( angleCam.vy, 0, 64 );
//~ FntPrint("level :%d", level);
//~ FntPrint("angleCam :%d %d\n", angleCam.vy, lerp( angleCam.vy, 0, 64) );
//~ FntPrint( "Pad 1 : %02x\nButtons:%02x %02x, Stick:%02d %02d %02d %02d\n",
//~ theControllers[0].type, // Controller type : 0x00 == none, 0x41 == standard, 0x73 == analog/dualshock, 0x12 == mouse, 0x23 == steering wheel, 0x63 == gun, 0x53 == analog joystick
//~ theControllers[0].button1, //
//~ theControllers[0].button2,
//~ theControllers[0].analog0, // R3 hor : left: 0 7F right: 7F FF dz 78 83
//~ theControllers[0].analog1, // R3 vert : up : 0 7F down : 7F FF : dz 83 86
//~ theControllers[0].analog2, // L3 hor : left : 0 7F right: 7F FF : dz 69 81 68 - 8E
//~ theControllers[0].analog3 ); // L3 vert : up : 0 7F down : 7F FF : dz 74 8D
if ( cursor ) {
curLvl.actorPtr->body->position.vy = lerpValues[cursor];}