2021-04-26 13:31:34 +02:00

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# gbscc - gbscontrol control
A python command line utility to send commands to a wifi enabled gbs-control over http.
Your gbscontrol instance has to be reachable over http at `gbscontrol.local` .
Alternatively, you can edit the `GBSCONTROL_ADDRESS` variable to reflect your network configuration.
## Usage :
`gbscc /COMMAND`
## Available commands :
Presets :
Video modes:
/720P 1280x720
/960P 1280x960
/1024P 1280x1024
/1080P 1920x1080
/SD NTSC : 720x480 / PAL : 768x576
/15K 15Khz Scale Down
/PASS Pass Through
Slots :
/1 Load Slot 1
/2 Load Slot 2
/3 Load Slot 3
/4 Load Slot 4
/5 Load Slot 5
/6 Load Slot 6
/7 Load Slot 7
/8 Load Slot 8
/9 Load Slot 9
/LOAD Load Custom preset
/SAVE Save Custom preset
System :
/RESET Reset the GBS
/SCNLN 240P Scanlines
/LINEF Line filter
/PEAK Peaking
/STEPR Step response
/SCNLS Scanline strength
/MATCH Matched presets
/FULLH Full height
/UPSCL Low Res: Use Upscaling
/60H Force 60hz
/ADCCAL ADC calibration
/FRMTL FrameTime lock
/SWLCK Switch lock method
/RGBC RGBHV/Component Toggle
/MAD Deinterlace motion adaptive
/BOB Deinterlace bob
/FREEZ Freeze capture
/MBL Move picture left (memory blank)
/MBR Move picture right (memory blank)
/HSL Horizontal Sync Left
/HSR Horizontal Sync Right
/INFO Print infos
/TIMI Get video timings
/CLKR Cycle Sdram clock speed
/RSTC Reset chip
/INVS Invert sync
/PLLD PLL divider++
/DEBG Debug view
/ADCF ADC filter
/OVRS Oversampling
/HTOTU HTotal++
/HTOTD HTotal--
/SNCHT Resynch HTotal
/RSTS Reset sync processor
/SNAP Snap to 50/60hz
/SNCW Syncwatcher
/OTA Enable OTA update
/IFAO IF auto offset
/SOGL SOG Level --
Picture Control:
Move picture:
/MVDN Down
/MVL Left
/MVR Right
/HORZU Horizontal +
/HORZD Horizontal -
/VERTU Vertical +
/VERTD Vertical -
Border masking:
/BMHU Horizontal +
/BMHD Horizontal -
/BMVU Vertical +
/BMVD Vertical -
/GAINU Gain +
/GAIND Gain -
/AUTOG Auto Gain Adjust Toggle